Kansas Tax Return Trouble Connected To KCMO E-Tax Legal Hot Mess?!?!

Whilst the Kansas City E-Tax was recently renewed by an impressive low-voter turnout margin . . . There remains some ongoing legal questions surrounding the levy that will certainly be contested at a later date . . . But for now, in Kansas some suspect the E-tax plays a role in problems with late returns . . . Here's a public info question sent our way . . .

KS Tax Refunds

So I know Kansas is having a few problems keeping the money flowing but it is June 18th and I haven't received my income tax refund yet which was submitted in early April or the refund of the KCMO tax that was thrown out by the courts. +60 days???? Really? Anybody else? We get this message on their website...

And that's it . . . 

From OP, KS

You decide . . .  
