Fear La Migra Flyover Country Crackdown

Depending on what brand of culture war politics readers subscribe to . . . This is either an immigration raid tearing apart families for Father's Day OR Defending American borders and citizens as the 4th of July approaches. You decide: Immigration operation nets dozens of arrests in Kansas, Missouri


  1. Won't make nary a dent in total number.

  2. Indigenous people slaughtered each other, raped and killed and enslaved merrily before whites showed up. Freshman sociology probably left that out.

  3. Have you ever studied European History, asshole?

    The Hundred Years War, The Thirty Years War, World Wars I & II?

    Europeans (white people) have more blood on their hands than anyone else.

    1. Extensively. Very likely more than you. I also know that history is a bucket of blood and no one is clean. Your racist assessment leaves out the centuries of brutality perpetrated by non whites, usually against their own race--just as your three examples are basically white on white crime. You're addicted to a comic book version of history with the bad old white colonizers as the only villain. You believe in the racist condescension of the Noble Savage and you're too stupid to realize it. :)

  4. Such a joke. If they were serious they could get them by the hundreds at the feedlots of western Kansas or Tyson plants in SW Missouri. But the giant corporations want them. BTW, Taco Towers at the corner of K7 & 56 highway in Olathe have been completely emptied out. I don't know where all those Mexicans went.

  5. Fuck you 4:31, I'll leave when you do asshole.

  6. ICE picks up 65 illegals in KS and MO? WTF? Did they kill somebody?

    Remember the Obama Administration has been following an aggressive OPEN BORDERS policy for years now!

    Remember, recent Orlando shooter Omar Mateen worked as a security guard/driver to relocate illegal aliens inside the United States, under a federal contract with the G4S security firm.

    ICE's rounding up 65 illegals is no doubt just some phony PR for consumption by those who still have no clue to what's happening in this country.

  7. I see the gay libtards are here to push Tony's agenda.

  8. Indians were killing one another long before any white men came along.
    All mankind has been fighting one another since more than two of them wanted to stand in the same place at the same time.
    The so called white man is not the only race with a long history of fighting and killing, they were just smarter and better at it.

  9. 6;34, they were not better at killing people than many Asian peoples. I'd put Genghis Khan and his sons and grandsons up against any European group in terms of being a killing machine. Timur The Lame left mountains of skulls behind him. The Chinese routinely slaughtered opponents and luckless peasants in the millions (look up the Tai-Ping Rebellion of the 19th Century). It seems obvious that the poster who thinks Europeans have a monopoly on butchery has limited knowledge of the rest of the world.

  10. Your minimizing is pathological. Our ancestors, & ourselves, were not as nice as we need to believe. The violence visited on the indigenous peoples was unconscionable, as was slavery & this present day manifestation of xenophobia we pathetically call the immigration problem.

    America can never be a great country as long as Americans refuse to reconcile these past atrocities. Other countries have done it, & are the better for it.

    1. Nah. You address all dissent with pathology. It's a transparent technique to force a false consensus.

      Of course some of our ancestors used the moral and political machinery of their time to impose their will in the most brutal fashion. Your error is twofold; assuming all moral capital exists on one side of the issue and assuming a masochistic elective guilt on behalf of all white people. It's quite strange.

      Of course there's an immigration problem. It's a policy and logistical nightmare. Wrapping the issue in a soft blanket doesn't accomplish anything.

      America is a great country whether your personal cultural guilt process allows for it or not. It is great in spite of bloodshed, crime, bad decisions, racism, and economic exploitation of the many by the few.

      Everyone has atrocity on their resume. We can't fix those things at this distance. What we might attempt to do is to solve the real problems left in their wake in a way that is as fair as possible.

      But in order to do that we must climb down off the narcissistic crosses we build for ourselves and engage with things as they are.

  11. On the topics of war and peace...all the days left in this year would be taken up in dialogues just to cover half of recorded history from all continents. Greek, Roman, Arab, Asian, Occidental and other very large to lesser empires were built by bloodbaths and bondage, as much as by bonding and brokering alliances. In our times, across the globe, we are at comparatively less conflict for the global population count. But, the ten most violent countries of the world are at per capita deaths and refugee numbers designated at extreme crisis for harsh economic instability and depopulation.

  12. GOOD and you cal also bet your asses that those companies employing those illegals, here illegally were taking advantage of them to the max, typical of Lib'Tard companies who Advocate for all this illegal BS, so they can take advantage of them,, that's the main reason too, like that roofing company raided last week !!!!!!!!

  13. Black and brown people, what will you do when the white people are gone? Who will invent new technology and fix the broken technology? I have a quick answer: the Asians will. The Asians will be your new masters and there are many more Asians then white Europeans. You have showed a need throughout history that you need masters and that was a role White Europeans filled for hundreds of years but the Asians have been at the empire and ruling business a few thousand years longer than the Europeans. Here is a slogan: ASIANS: THE OTHER WHITE PEOPLE. Here is another one: HINDUS: THE NEW JEWS.


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