The recent Kansas City new single-terminal airport FAIL confirmed TKC FIRST reporting on some behind the scenes polling numbers that scuttled the project. Right now, our blog community shares even more surprising deets from this data set that gave Mayor Sly James a moment of pause.

To wit . . .


Our blog community has long contended this fact and it was clear that if local corporate lawyers didn't rig the last election there might have been a serious challenge to the status quo beyond some homeless dude.

What's surprising from this look at recent data is that not even the Mayor's paid army of consultants clacking away at social media at all hours of the day and night are able to turn the tide. And so, it's possible that Mayor Sly James could soon enter into the lame duck part of his tenure early with 6th District Councilman Scott Taylor already forming his Mayoral campaign committee and a few others lurking behind the scenes and waiting to make their power moves.

But for now, check these KICK-ASS TKC TIPSTER SHARING EXCLUSIVE DATA with our blog community that gives insight into a fading local politico who peaked with this weekend's slow and busted toy train streetcar festivities.


"Another bit of the backstory around the mayor's KCI renovation fiasco, which the STAR is willfully ignoring as they have this data, is how much James' popularity has slipped in the polls in just the last 4 months (over 12 points). Based upon polling data compiled around both the E-Tax campaign and the airport deal, his "favorable" rating now hovers just barely over 50%, while his "unfavorables" continue to climb into the low 30's. These numbers are historically VERY low for a sitting mayor in Kansas City, where people generally always support their mayors (Barnes, Cleaver, and Berkley were always consistently in the low 70's to high 60's, only Funkhouser slipped below 50%).

"More interestingly, however, is that even among those that have a "favorable" opinion of James, a consistent theme within the poll is that the public writ large does not trust him to lead complex and/or expensive projects. He is viewed as a generally affable figure who lacks any real business or management depth and cannot be trusted to lead large capital projects. In the focus group portion of both polls, interestingly, the words "ineffective" and "wasteful" were most often used across all demographics when describing his leadership style with those with an unfavorable opinion. What this means, at least until the next mayor is elected in a little over two years, is that if any major projects are going to move forward in Kansas City, they are going to need to come from someone other than the mayor and his office if public opinion is important or public approval is necessary."

You decide . . .


  1. TKC, what this means is the public is tired of all these big ticket projects and new taxes. Reality is finally setting in for Mayor James. He cannot borrow his way to prospertiy.

  2. Look closely at this statement, obviously this person has the numbers but what's more clear is that KC likes the Mayor as a salesman of our city but not as an administrator. I hope that we choose more wisely the next time around and pick a Mayor who provides something a little more substantial than just happy talk.

  3. KC MO Reality Check5/8/16, 7:25 AM

    Still better than the funk

  4. Sly was never popular among the voters at large, he came out of nowhere to fill a void for the lawyers, developers and the consultants. The north land has never trusted this guy and now KC sees that he's really jus a mayor for downtown and the crossroads.

  5. Scott Taylor? Really?

  6. There's still two years to go.

  7. Keep in mind that Scott Taylor has been in lockstep with the Mayor. Of voters no longer favor the Mayor, they really wont like Scott Taylor who is also a untrustworthy lawyer which doesn't know shit from shine-ola.

  8. Polls also said Trump had no chance to win the GOP nomination. At the end of the day the average person can't prove the accuracy of poll. The fact that the streetcar happened, the convention center hotel is happening, & other projects such the so called smart city initiative is happening show that this guy Sly has been pushing forth his agenda & the agenda of the powers that be regardless of what the polls and local pundits and kickass insiders say. To wit, polls don't mean jack shit.

  9. Lived here twelve years and still have yet to meet anyone who has been asked to participate in these surveys. Perhaps they only poll the council members.

  10. Start taking a hard and serious look at all the assessment and property value fraud occurring in downtown (TDD-Streetcar District)and the shit could really hit the fan.

  11. All incumbents with perhaps one or two exceptions need to be thrown out. The lot of them have no respect for the will of the struggling citizenry of this city---and are beholden to developers and power brokers who live outside of Kansas City. Through the buns and crooks out so that City Hall can be cleaned up.

  12. 8:51 that's very dangerous territory few dare to tread in. At least for now.

  13. What's with the convention hotel??? Awfully quiet on that front. Trouble getting investors for that "doomed to fail project???

  14. "People who finds things to be miserable about are never disappointed, but rarely are happy".

    Good luck with that Tony.

  15. 9:19 likes to walk around like a moronic cheerleader as his taxes are pissed away.

    He likes to be seen as a cool, mellow, go-wtih-the-flow kind of cocksucker.

  16. Real command of language ^^^^^^^^.

    This is a good place for you though.

  17. Here you are asshole^^^^^^

  18. The Real Truth5/8/16, 9:46 AM


    You idiots should have never voted him back into office. You stupid fools should have tried to get Chuck or Super Dave to run for Mayor and this stupid shit would have come to an end.

  19. Carnack the magnificient5/8/16, 9:47 AM

    S'Lie will go down as a mayor with a lower popularity than Mark Funkhowser. He tries to be a magician pulling big projects out of his hat but when the dust settles the taxpayers of Kansas City Mo will realize that he just saddled them with debt that on a local scale is like the National debt Obama has settled all of us with. I feel sory for my kids and grandkids and great-grandkids and even grest-great-grandkids. And beyond!

  20. Wonder what the poll numbers are for approval of this blog?

  21. ^^^^^^You seem to like it. You're here every hour on the hour.

  22. The problem remains that there is an incredible imbalance when it come to the demographics of the "voting" public in KC. Until the peckerwoods inconvenience themselves for the 30 minutes it takes to go vote the names might change, but the results wont.

  23. All these Mayors and New Urbanist clowns are brainwashed by Jane Jacobs and Richard Florida and his creative class bullshit. And of course Streetcar snake oil salesman Charlie Hales from Portland.

    They've since used these ideas to devastate at least as many cities and neighborhoods as the planners of the 1950s that Jacobs was criticizing.

    KCMO is a perfect example of this since 2011 when Sly started play Pep Rally Leader and Hype Master in Chief.

  24. Niggers fuck up EVERYTHING!

  25. I LOVE sucking niggers off...I wish they could get me pregnant up my ass!!!

  26. Any time"leadership" is based on hype, PR, wild claims, dubious statistics, hot air, and lots of debt, a massive deflation is sure to take place.
    The notion that Sly is a good "salesman" for KC is exactly the problem.
    He's actually the MAYOR, whose responsibilities and job is to provide oversight and policy direction to a municipal government.
    Residents, businesses, and visitors all depend on a city government to at least try to provide an environment that's attractive and supportive by providing such basic aspects of quality of life as safe neighborhoods, decent streets and sidewalks, reasonable utility bills, and all the other commonly-provided services that are parts of a modern 2016 society.
    The Chamber of Commerce has the responsibility of being the city's cheerleader.
    The Visitor's Bureau is well-paid to be the city's cheerleader.
    The State Commerce Department is tasked with being the city's cheerleader.
    Sly's in the wrong business.

  27. Sly James rode in on the Obama coattails of "Hope & Change". Ever since then, he's left a bad taste in voter's mouths. He's left a whole segment of people feeling more hopeless and has changed entire tracts of land from once useful areas to cow pastures. If you didnt know better, you'd think some parts of kansas city were rural rather than urban. He's brought little in the way of vision, hope and progressive change to Kansas City. His only qualification was that he be black, and we really need a birth certificate to prove that. He's done little for Black people and once he was elected said he didn't want to be the Black Mayor." That's all he's been. A black face that caters to Whites. He's a real minstrel show.

  28. Guy is a nigger loving faggot just like 90 percent of kc

  29. How on earth did KC elect Teresa Loar? Would have even preferred Bryan Stalder over her.

  30. Slys full of excuses just like his nigger president its bushes fault Hillary the cunt clintont will blame bush too and all you dumb fuck libs will agree with her cause your stupid

  31. Kay Barnes was just a cheerleader. People liked her. She had lots of sycophants on staff. She did let others run the business side of the office. Not so Mayor James. He still tries to fulfill the duties of the office without understanding basic municipal government. Understanding national and global economic trends are far beyond his limited reach. He has a diet high in snake oil. We are the ones that bear the brunt of Mayor James' massive mistakes.

  32. Hey idiot 11:55 you are showing your limited education that correlates with your failure to understand 5th grade social studies. Good job!

  33. The Mayor has absolute disregard for the voters, property owners ,business owners and the Taxpayer.
    Though he's not alone. This is probably one of the most corrupt city councils since Chuck Weber.
    The next big push will be to gouge homeowners for the subsidized streetcar. A 1/2 mile Trolley District heading eastto 435 and South to Waldo
    .I hope that people will not buy into the streetcar hype.
    This tax increase will be the largest in KCMO's history.
    Many neighborhoods like Hyde Park are soon to be hit with a 300% sewer/run off wster bill increase.
    Hyde Park is going to try to push an additional progressive property tax increase.
    Slydog, Justus and a few more cronies are using HOAs to try to sell this massive increase. Vote , if you don't, then don't complain.

  34. Hey Tony, my post rubbed you the wrong way? I see you deleted it.

  35. Kansas City got the Mayor, Police Chief, School Superintendent, and City Counsel it deserves. Glad I left 5 years ago.

  36. What is with all the commentary? You Kansas Shitians will just sit on your asses next election and watch the protester and grifter types elect other jackyl to boss you around and waste your money. Unless you are willing to lift a finger to resist you are going to get what you get.

  37. wow. a poll, huh? conducted by whom? when? what was the sample? how many? what were the questions?

    more importantly why would a sitting mayor conduct a popularity poll? I mean, who cares?

    which is why most of us concluded this is just more beaner bullshit from the wannabe nigger himself.

    1. And you never ask the same of mainstream media. Its not like you can verify their poll information either. That does phase you in the least.

  38. I'd like to know more about property assessment fraud going on in the TDD downtown. What gives with that? Are property values being fraudulently inflated? or is there fraud in people trying to get their values lowered to keep the taxes down now that the streetcar is in. More info please @8:51

  39. who would WANT TO be a nigger? they're the most disgusting creatures around.

  40. THIS ^^^^^^

    has turned your once was significant blog into a turd stew for trolls and haters.

    But stay the course. It worked for K-Mart.

  41. Trump/General 20165/8/16, 3:40 PM

    Don't blame me, I voted for the General

  42. Sly is a flim-flam man. But Taylor is no better.

    What I look forward to with Taylor is the east side ripping him a new one. It'll be nice to see both his wife and him torn into shreds.

  43. how the fudge this he get into office anyway, guy has to record of involvement, he was never on council. What a joke he makes Kansas City into. Shame on us all.

  44. ^^^If shaming worked, there'd be no such thing as a Caitlin Jenner.


    TKC Public Approval Ratings:

    "Never Heard of It" - 95%
    "OMG, those 'people' are so sad" - 5%
    "I get all mah deetz/kick-ass insider tips there. I spend all day reading it ever since I got kicked off 4chan for being to big of a douche" - 8*

    *denotes actual number of respondents, not a percentage. Several of these 8 respondents answers because their mom/boss walked into their room.

  46. The polling is referenced by Sly in his post.

    Click the links you dumb shits.

    Sounds like a lot of the Mayor's consultant friends and TKC stalkers in this thread. Keep coming back. I'm sure your business is appreciated!

  47. Mayor James has been a joke since day one. The only thing worse is all the douches who hate this blog but spend all day reading it.

    Fart sniffing is such a popular sport in Kansas City.

  48. @410, funny.

    Like it used to be here.

    Now, sad clown.

  49. I can tell these numbers are correct because the Mayor's people are flipping out about it. Been calling around all day trying to figure out who leaked it. the Mayor is still a political newbie and doesn't realize that the people he calls friends are the ones stabbing him in the back.

  50. 4:10 is from the Mayors office or KCC. Crybabies that hate the truth.

  51. The survey was run by a firm in New York and took almost fifteen minutes to answer all of the questions. I think the structure of this survey showed that another survey had already shown that James was sliding.

  52. Someone tell me how the sewer rates are scheduled when to take effect and by how much please?

    Thanks appreciated in advance.

  53. And still plummeting...

  54. Everyone who doesn't agree with the Tiny's Kiddie Corps sniveling is employed by the mayor.


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