A look at a recent exam from a University of Missouri - Kansas City computer science course offers a glimpse of tech students learning about white privilege.

To wit . . .


Here's the word from one of the most knowledgeable people in this town . . .

Why are Apple boxes white? Gee, it must be white privilege according to UMKC. It seems the insanity that is rampant at Mizzou is home at UMKC as well. And they wonder why we have a generation of entitled snowflakes with no marketable skills and piles of debt.

The attached quiz is from a Computer Science course, one of a series of “Anchor” courses that are required.

A controversial question:

From this Kangaroo class . . .

CSEE 304 Anchor III: Ethical Issues in Computing & Engineering Credits: 3
Societal and ethical obligations of computer science, IT, and electrical/computer engineering practice. Topics include ethical obligations of professional practice, electronic privacy, intellectual property, software and system security and reliability, and whistle-blowing. This course teaches the principles of ethical analysis and how technology, law, and ethics interact in society, to help the graduate confront and deal with the ethical challenges that arise in professional practice.
Prerequisites: Anchor II, DISC 200.
Co-requisites: DISC 300.

What is an Anchor class?

And so . . . Is this a valuable quiz to educate future Kansas City tech power players OR a pointless bit of politically correct examination?

You decide . . . 


  1. Better question for computer science grads: How long until your employer replaces you with a younger, cheaper and more knowledgeable H1B worker?

  2. WHITE POWER!!!!

  3. They need a class on how to build automated ordering kiosks to replace the $15/hr fast food workers

  4. It would have been an appropriate question for a social sciences class, but a computer science class?

    I wonder which answer to the first question is considered the correct answer.

    One of the benefits of being mostly 'white' is that I can pretend that white privilege doesn't exist, which is in itself one of the benefit of white privilege.

    As you can see (8:26) the people who deny white privilege exists are the very people who complain that there isn't enough.

  5. "nigs a-nigging," as we say

  6. Byron, I would disagree that it would even be appropriate for a social science class.

    While I was in college during the 90s we were required to read from multiple sources, analyze, form an opinion and defend that opinion. This looks like nothing more than simple regurgitation of political talking points. No critical thinking or problem-solving skills required.

    Now that I'm in a position that hires people, tell me why I would want to hire a current college graduate if this is what they are learning? Short answer, they add no value to the company if they can't think critically or solve problems -- which is essential in modern organizations, especially professional positions.

  7. Byron, this is not appropriate in any form. There is no such thing as "white privilege". Only in the minds of racist does "white privilege" exist or any other privilege for that matter.


    UMKC fulfilling the liberal academia "type"cast.

  9. We earned our privilege by building civilization.

    Niggers earnes their subhuman animals by being niggers - killing, gibsmedat, laziness, inferior mental capacity.

    Go prove you're human, niggers, and maybe we'll reconsider your entry into the human race.

    (not bloody likely)

  10. ^^^ that kind of hate makes it obvious that UMKC computer science students should learn about white privilege.

  11. Ever listen to 20-somethings talking? It's biologically impossible that their mental capacity is much different from that of previous generations. But they all sound like a bunch of fucking airheads. Most of them don't know shit about much of anything unless it's part of a reality show. I know professors who swear they routinely run into college students ... even graduate students ... who aren't real clear about which came first, World War I or the Civil War. (They usually know which world war came first, cuz .. you know ... I and II. And let's be fair ... almost all of them know when the War of 1812 happened ... that was the one where we executed Santa Ana, the emperor of Mexico, right? Wait a minute ... you mean Mexico had an EMPEROR? what's up with that???) A lot of things are turning America into a failing country. But the disaster that is our education system has to be at the top of the list.

    1. It's the natural consequence of our narcissistic, everybody's a special snowflake, low expectations culture.

  12. Pssh. White privilege is mostly a rhetorical construct designed to explain away low achievement by those deemed not to have it. It's based on a childishly oversimplified view of history and is more an obligatory political genuflection than anything having to do with the real world. White males, particularly modern white blue-collar males, are deemed to be the great villains of history. The real societal issues around inequality would require academic rigor and honesty to examine, not simple-minded feelgood slogans and infantilized historical perspective.

  13. yaaaaawn oh so tired of hearing about niggers and all of their demands

    they and the spineless honkys that ruun shit,got that poor young professorat ku fired,just for trying to "keep it real" there is no more room for negotiating (sucking their dicks) , you disgusting bunch of white mother fuckers

    i hate you. i hate you all.a real change is coming and none of you are invited.

  14. 10:05: You must read Dan Lyons' "Disrupted."

  15. 1005. Maximilian was the emporer of Mexico. And was executed by Mexican revolutionaries. Can't blame that one on us

    White priveledge? I just worked 64 hours in the last five days. Explain the priveledge

  16. it'll be a miracle if our country survives the generation being educated right now.

  17. They shouldn't be teaching white guilt bullshit in university, what can u do w a computer degree. I thought those were solid, wat a rip,

  18. This is the type of "learning" that has been going on in political science classes for years. But political science majors have never much contributed to society so who cares. But to waste time on those who will be productive to society is scary.

  19. It's simple and it boils down to fourteen words.

    "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

  20. how long will it be before the blacks boycout vance bros for not making white asfalt for the streets. idots

  21. 10:14

    Dead on the money.

    "White Privilege", "Micro-Aggressions", Race Hoaxes and the litany of nomenclature used by Fascist/Progressive thugs are bricks in a wall built long before Donald Trump's ascendance. That wall, high, mighty and impervious to all but those intrepid souls who care nothing for their lives, careers and honor and will risk it all by telling the truth, separates us from common sense and enables those same Fascists to keep us on our knees with a specious and pernicious narrative, which insists that America is still enthralled with and living in the Ante-Bellum South.

    Literally thousands of Affirmative Action type programs, quota, legislation etc. etc. ad nauseam are on the books, bleeding hard working Americans to death in a futile effort to "Even the playing field (NOW "EQUAL" THE PLAYING FIELD.) at a cost of over 19 Trillion Dollars to this point from 1964. Ya wanna talk about "Reparations"? Shut the fuck up. Perma victims, firmly ensconced on our Federal, State and Local payrolls, who "Vote for a living" have co opted power by way of lies, deceit and legerdemain. What remains, is, Detroit.

    These abused, necrotic and insufferably inefficient Government programs work on a par with Obama Care and the TSA. We get fucked and the people responsible get more money and more power by way of that false and pernicious "Narrative" that is killing us.

    These programs have no sunset and know no senescence. They are with us forever, SO, the justification for such abuse to taxpayers, is the creation of new terms, insults and adjectives to silence those who would question such blatant fucking bullshit.

    Hence---"White Privilege".

    Shove it up your fucking ass.

  22. This is the classic libtard scenario. Put ten libtards in a room blowing and going with their pipe dream crapola and eventually they will start to believe their own bullshit.

    A few libtard coons started teaching White Privilege and pretty soon the libtards decided it wasn’t a theory, but a fact. Now we have tax payers funding the teaching of this cooked up horse shit from coast to coast as if it were fact. What is worse if a student calls them out on it he is punished.

    As long as peckerwoods allow this shit to slip through the crack unchallenged they will continue to pay 40 percent of their income to promote their own destruction in our, so called, educational institutions. ....and these morons think Trump is fucked???

  23. I'm sick of niggers destroying what we've built.

    We should destroy them, and while they're doing a pretty good job of it, it's not fast enough.

  24. The founders of this nation, both before and after the pilgrams, new that if they came here, worked their assess off and had just a bit of luck, they would eventually attain wealth and influence that they could not achieve in their previous countries. Most of these people were European but they did come from all over the world including Africa. This idea, commonly called the Protestant Work Ethic due the vast majority of it's members being Protestant proliferated until shortly after WWII but has slowly been educated out of American Society. It has been replaced by social warriors, minority rights activists and your ever loving National Education Association with a ritualistic hate of anything remotely white, regardless of the color of anyone that followed this ethic. What this does is essentially make slaves out of everyone including the ones formerly known as slaves as it removes from them the desire to do any extra effort and instead fills them with the knowledge that they are societies belongings. Good little Commies in other words.

    In short, if you were raised with the idea that you didn't have a chance, there was no use working cause the government man was going to get you a check a month and if you did work it was to rally for more "Fair" incarceration laws to help free your brothers and sisters who were unfairly imprisoned due to their nighttime activities of prostitution, violence, drug distribution and just general niggardliness.

    What really, REALLY bothers me is I thought I made that last word up out of spite and Windows corrected the spelling for me. That means I wasn't the first to use or recognized that as a word.

    I don't know at what point you would expect society to stand back, take the hard line and actually say "we have enough examples of successful black people that like every other race have plowed through adversity and enriched themselves. From now you will be demanded to follow their example or make up a legal path of your own, the rest will be awarded with jail time and NO GOVERNMENT SUBSIDY. It is not our lack of trying it is yours. But, as any good Democrat will tell you, 80% of the total black population have nothing more then a child's mentality and it's up to them to keep employed to help provide for these children. They are farmers sowing the seeds of their children's future crop of slaves.

    There is no white privilege, their is only the continued shell game which will continue till it finally up-ends society and we have to kill every last one of you motherfuckers. It's a shame but that's really what the likes of Byron want. Control into the kaos then run and hide till it's all over and try to get it started again. Only thing worse then a no account nigger is a politician. Well, you used to be able to own the niggers. Politicians are still bought and payed for daily.

    1. The word exists, and is of long standing use. Niggardly refers to miserliness and has nothing to do with race.

  25. At the end of the day, the only real privilege in this world is wealth. Those with great wealth can live anywhere they want, majority/minority status is rendered meaningless, and justice is available for purchase.

  26. I remember a few years back when some white DC staffer got fired for using the word niggardly correctly and appropriately.

    We celebrate idiocy in this country.

  27. used to be called white mans burden


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