Kansas City Newsies Chuckle Over Sunflower State Economic FAIL Consequences

The wold seems against Kansas Gov. Brownback and tax reform . . . These local newsies sort out the political impact of floyover country economic woes . . . Hint: Kansas still isn't gonna vote for Hillary . . . Reporters Review The Kansas Legislative Session


  1. Perhaps the local libtard newsies should comment on something they know like the failings of the local media and their unique ability to barely qualify as news outlets. I've seen more thoughtful analysis by many on this blog.

  2. Millions of non-whites can't wait to vote for The Dump?

    Yeah, right.

    Don't worry: the Latinos will save us from The Dump, by showing him, & the rest of you rednecks, who the Real Americans are.

    Viva La Rasa!

  3. If the real Americans ever get off the reservations you'll think those white slave masters were the Red Cross.


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