The topic of Kansas City crime has earned increasing mainstream news coverage as the homicide numbers continue to surge but most of the conversation focuses on the words of politically connected community volunteers, elected officials or consultants.

This clip offers a street level view of Kansas City street life and the "killa city" tag.

Description: "A short video on the streets of Kansas City aka Killa City, that talks about how the streets came about, a little Kansas City black history, and live interviews from the streets of KC MO."

Take a look:

Like it or not, there's a wealth of information in this clip that offers a raw depiction of urban life, references local gang sets, provides background on gangland connection to California and reports community sentiment on the street level that isn't depicted in recent public tv documentaries.

You decide . . .


  1. I agree that there is a lot of information in this video.

    But it's not like they're going to show this one right before a re-run of Downton Abbey.

  2. They could use a toy train over there.

  3. The East Side Story would be a better title.

  4. I can understand why the KC Chamber of Commerce doesn't use this in their promotional materials.

  5. it should have subtitles in English.

  6. Midnight basketball?

  7. Give em internet access. Then they can blog for -$540 an hour.

  8. My favorite Gang was at Harper's Ferry. You have known about "urban" gangs for over 30 years and you haven't done a damn thing so why try to scare folks now if you don't have a solution and really could care less. Misguided hypocrites. Show me the money!

  9. Speaking of Killa City, where is the originator of that adjective? I speak of the profound carnivor of the north. The Polar Bear.

    Some other Bearisms: Grifters, boons, hoodrats, mudsharks, sheboons, porch monkeys, tree apes, high fliers, nig nogs. That bear has a litany of descriptive adjectives. It's a shame he doesn't come around more.

  10. Where is Nixon and Kissinger when you need them?

    Can anyone say Rolling Thunder?

    Still, lingo aside there were two Entrepreneurs there with stores, stores they were willing to fight for and some guys out on the street observing "traffic" and talking shit. Do I bring devastation to the whole town or do I save it if there be one pure soul?

    Getting fucking tired of having to lose good, honest, decent people for a whole section of society that won't, no, REFUSE to act like human fucking beings.

  11. I'm afraid it was Lost In Translation.

    Just heard a lot of "nigger this and nigger that."

  12. Yep I'm racist because I don't want to live around that or send my kids to school with them.

  13. History of these streets: Once upon a time, white people built a city. They built nice boulevards, streets, and buildings. Then people moved in whose ancestors had never enjoyed living conditions nicer than mud huts and shitting in their own water supply. This is the result.

  14. Yeah. Subtitles. Please.

  15. If I had one-onehundredth of my current brain power, I could consider the fine young scholars within of average intelligence. Anybody wondering why so many occupations are nearly devoid of minorites? Which one of these intellectuals would you want working as electricians on YOUR breaker box?

    Uh, huh. I thought so.

  16. The NIGGERS of Kansas City, are among the dumbest, smelliest, most nasty creatures on this planet. What good, yes, what good are these things? They don't work, contribute, build, anything... Bring back lynchings!

  17. "Thou has in thy skull no more brain than I have in mine elbows. Thou quelling hell-hated miscreant! Thou art the son and heir of a mongrel bitch. Thou frothy pox-marked gudgeon! Thou roguish dismal lumpish elf skinned boar pig!"

  18. 9:34 speaks the truth.

  19. Cleopatra
    Never lived in a mud hut.

  20. White people, this land belonged to the Indians, you all stole it. Took the lower half from Mexico. Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to live free. Send these homeless tempest lost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door... Who built the railroads besides the. Asians ? That melting pot.

    Oh, African Americans built the White House. You all named the WHITE House. God is real and put a African American Man in it as President.....Thou tond -spotted cod piece!
    Thy words are blunt and so art thou!

  21. Cleopatra was Macedonian Greek.
    king tut has been determined, via skull classification, to be north african caucasoid and his closest relatives, via DNA testing, are western europeans.
    Hannibal was Carthaginian, again northern Africa. The carthaginians were descendants of Phoenician people. The Phoenicians were a Semetic people from along the coast of Lebanon/Syria so most likely looked arab for lack of a better word. he's definitely african in the sense he was from that continent but that name when it was coined only referred to the norther part of africa not the continent itself.
    jesus, again probably looked like a middle eastern jewish person. not black. not african.

    black slaves, free blacks and whites built the white house.

    Obama is half white/half black. duh

  22. Jeezus, rednecks quoting made-up Shakespeare to each other. This blog has gone totally to hell.

    Incidentally, I know for a fact that ghetto youths in KC speak Middle English, same as Geoffrey Chaucer an dem.

  23. Never the twain shall meet. Fin.

  24. Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin? Know whut I'm sayin?
    Know whut I'm sayin?

  25. Mumbo jumbo, marble sized brains.


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