Because local lady politicos have solved all of the other problems confronting women in Missouri, they now have taken aim at the comment section of our not-so-humble-but-still-AWESOME TKC blog community.

Following our BREAKING AND EXCLUSIVE NEWS of a Missouri politico and JaxCo contract winner making sexually charged tweets . . .We noticed this shout out from the consultant vixen who has reportedly worked to de-brief power players on both sides of the aisle as a denizen of Jeff City.

Here's the word . . .

Ouch. That's kinda harsh . . . I don't remember taking her on a date. In fact, the point of the post was simply to ask if JaxCo was getting their money's worth for a very pricey healthcare contract given that most of this lady's skill is displayed via raunchy tweets but these consultants get testy when they're under pressure.

Yeah, she tweets about an upcoming sex tape and I'm the bad guy for wondering how she's fulfilling the obligations of her JaxCo contract . . .

Now there's a failed writer who posted a totally misleading screed about this blog but she didn't bother to link . . . The rule around these parts is "link me and I'll link you back" . . . Courage and courtesy are not gender or genitalia specific . . . It's sad to see bloggers who don't know their manners. So go find it yourself but her claim is that despite winning a big courthouse contract not so long ago . .. Brittany Burke is now a private citizen and immune from any reporting or criticism. . . That's not how it works but again, this is a failed blogger trying to get attention and she obviously doesn't know much about her "profession" . . . Screw it  . . . It's Friday and I don't give a fudge . . . Here's the link where she tags TKC as Mr. Kansas City . . . Another compliment from a hack who doesn't know this town . . . That's Walt Bodine's old moniker. Consider this link charity toward a white lady who can't find an audience and mistakenly thinks blogger beef with TKC is how it's done . . . Which is sadder than the saddest clown.

But I digress . . .

And here's where things get interesting . . .


Take a peek . . . I was trying to be cute and was joking that TKC isn't known for being encouraging or optimistic.

This is only funny because battling this blog community via back-channels is what lost Ms. Williams the Missouri State Senate race. Never mind that her constant union insults are what'll get her thrown out of office in the not too distant future when she can't sell her "girl power" line to people who actually have money for campaigns.

Even better . . . Trend KC douche Zak Burns called me a scumbag which is a shame but will make it easier in about 8 months when they cancel his failing show.

Now here's something also worth mentioning, none other than KMBZ's Dana Wright is the only person to show some Internets savvy in this free speech debate. She noted: "For the record- I like @TonysKansasCity - I don't know how you stop trolls outside of making them link and sign in."

She has a point . . . It should be noted that even Facebook is having a tough time cracking down on so-called "hate speech" and Mark Zuckerberg is making big promises overseas on the topic.

And all of this is to say . . .


That's right, anonymous speech is right up there with our secret ballot voting rights . . . Or at least that's what I remember from this one pre-law hottie who dumped me and did a lot better with a rich Asian guy. 

But let's not get confused . . . These aren't helpless women advocating against injustice . . . These are politically astute ladies playing a victim card whilst collecting bank and looking to garner more power.

As Frida Kahlo once said when she wasn't plucking her eyebrow . . . Never trust a limping dog or the tears of a woman.

Fact is, we talk to a lot of women in our relentless pursuit of the scoop (between naps) and most of them think these kinda crybaby antics are only mildly entertaining at best.

Worse still . . . Crystal and her coven of half a dozen consultants in training think this kinda social media victim-card-playing actually means something in much the same way that they mistakenly believe their tweets will power their slate of lady losers into office and turn Ms. Williams into a power player. Because, as my adoration of Candice Swanepoel reveals, I actually love women and admire their rise to power in KC . . . I really hope they aren't holding their breath for a Twitter Missouri victory party . . . You'd think they'd pick a social media platform that wasn't dying.

Sadly these ladies on the fringe of political life are wasting their time. TKC no longer cares about lame local TV shows, dying terrestrial radio or even the fact that I stopped getting invites to the Greater Women's Political Caucus a couple of years ago . . . These harpies are so out of the loop that they don't know that about half of the women among their own ranks count this blog community as a vital resource for keeping the conversation going and don't even mind my penchant for lingerie models.

Last word from TKC . . .

Crying rape over blog comments is a shameless political tactic that demeans the struggles of women who have actually been assaulted in the real world.

Moreover, trading in free speech to advance the failed careers of local lady politicos, hack post-feminist bloggers and consultant hotties doesn't seem like a fair trade.

You decide . . .


  1. My wasted life2/26/16, 11:03 AM

    Take a breath.

    And thank you for 2 chuckles on my smoke break.

  2. Little does Ms Burke realize but she just opened the door to an online gangbang.

  3. Blah, blah, blah......
    If a comment on a stupid blog feels like you have been raped, then you haven't been raped.
    May I make a suggestion? Stop "tweeting" your every inane thought and uncontrolled impulse.

  4. And in the "No it's not just Republicans" front, I have some serious problems with Hillary Clinton - including her saying she was "landing under sniper fire" in Bosnia. That she was tired is no excuse; how can a person not distinguish between being fired on by snipers, and being greeted by US troops and given a poem by an 8 year old girl?

    I'm also disturbed by the amount of people I know who think they should vote for her because she's female - though I find it interesting that she's referred to by much of the press as "Hillary" when they never refer to "Donald" or "Ted" or "Marco". Initially, I figured it was because Hillary is a less common name, but it does seem odder and odder.
    Just my two cents.

  5. You do run a pretty shitty website. And here you are bragging about it.

    Good for you.

    Take pride in your shittiness. It's all you've got.

  6. I don't understand how Brittany Burke can VOLUNTARILY go on Twitter which is PUBLIC and can make off the wall comments and not expect people to comment. When she sent out a public tweet, she is open game to criticism. This line about her being a private person and off limits is BS. Be quiet and don't tweet if you don't want scrutiny of your past behavior, Ms. Burke.

  7. Goodbye Crystal, you are done.

  8. I was a married man and Brittany Burke decided to have an affair with me while I was Speaker of the House. It was her decision and voluntary. The problem is when she got drunk and called the police and the affair got out. But I am still befuddled. When did a woman choosing to have an affair with a married man make her a victim? How is a woman who was clearly an avid drinker and social butterfly now the voice of advocacy and champion for women? Some accountability please. Her actions are part of the problem whether you want to believe it or not.

  9. When was the last time anyone who matter criticized the St*r, the Biz Journal, the Pitch, or all the other Braindead broadcast media in this one horse town?

    Like it or not, Tony is the most relevant and important news source in town. Where do you think Yael Hawkaloogie and Steve Vockrodt come for their big story ideas???

    It's all Tony. The guy who posts the overweight underware models and let's anonymous posters say whatever they want.

    Keep crying BB. You're only improving Tony's credibility.

  10. Hey I think you deleted my post Mister Free Speech. What I said was women are weak. Many seem intelligent in the office or in the work force. But all of those women are capable of being race traitor whores. I know many cases of women in university with high education ending up fucking African students. And you can see many professional women in high power positions with non white husbands. Everywhere you look you can find COUNTLESS examples of beautiful white women with niggers and other subhuman scum.

    What makes a normal woman become a race traitor whore???

    It is not just MTV. It is in the nature of women to be sluts and whores.

    After Berlin fell, many German women had sex with black soldiers and had babies with them. All during the cold war before MTV you could find german women hanging around US military bases in Germany trying to fuck niggers. If you look at both WW I and WWII you will find many French women fucking with nigger soldiers. The US Gi's couldn't believe it. In the USA during both wars this was illegal. But when the niggers came to Europe they got to fuck all the best white women. Some were prostitutes and some were "curious" white girls that never saw a black dick.

    Yes there are a few honorable white women. But 99.9% are whores that can't be trusted and can;'t be stopped from becoming race traitors. Even in Nazi germany women still were sneaking around fucking muds.

    it seems that women must be controled because without supervision they will fuck anything and produce disgusting hideous offspring. And they are proud of this shit.

    I think the only solution is to go back to the times of old. If women can't be trusted to keep honor then they must be controled. Respect and Honor of the family and of the race is most important. What we have now, the situation we are in, is because of liberalism. Women are free to do what they want and they obviously can't handle freedom. Now they have become slutty little whores that will fuck anything that turns them on. and usually it seems the more perverse it is the highr degree of satisfaction they get.

    I really don't care if they were just fucking with white men. But they are not. More and more are becoming mudsharks.

  11. Tony's a little confused about free speech. If it doesn't fit his deficient agenda, it gets deleted.

    So it's a lie.

  12. Tony set up the site for guys. The eye candy is designed for their entertainment. On very rare occasions we get to see Kris, I'm too sexy for Yael, Kobach and I thank you for it.

    I'm tired of the identity martyrdom. I'm tired of people wallowing in being tread upon. It is the fashion statement of the day and I for one, will be happy when it passes.

    I am not a 1%er. I qualify in three "protected" groups and I am here to say STFU and get a life. Quit whining and improve your life because no one is going to hand you everything you want because you make them feel guilty. That act won't last.

    Lunch break is over. I have to work. Poor me. Not!

  13. When the bitch Burke sex tape comes out, please post it here.
    I'm pretty sure my charlie will be in it but want to know for sure.
    By the time she got to me she was well worn.
    Just an open hole asking for more.

  14. Point kind of made here.

    Sure can dish it out Tony.

    But can't it back.


  15. Phil L. (Lobbyist)2/26/16, 12:47 PM

    I thought women loved havin dirty fingers plunged in and out of their twats, so thats what I did when we started having consensual sex. I made her bleed. Damn, it was not rape. It was horridly bad sexual technique that's all. That's what morons who wear crew cuts after the age of 22 think is good sex technique. I plead guilty to being stupid and unlearned. BUT I AM NOT A RAPIST. She is a slut. She sleeps with any guy with an Amex. I am not even sure if I was the first guy she had been with that night.

  16. Honest to God, you don't know shit about the 1st Amendment Tony.

    But it's a blog and you got internet.

    How many hours do you spend on a computer doing this shit.

    Pathetic trending towards meaningless.

  17. Crystal's very odd son2/26/16, 12:54 PM

    My Mommy hugs on me in a really unerving way. Daddy looks worried. Strangers stare.

    Is it strange that she still gives me a bath and I am in high school?

  18. The rape is a cover story. Absolute bullshit. And Cathy Jolly sang to the FBI about Ms. Burke's corrupt payoff using JaxCo tax revenue.

  19. Cathy absolutely hated BB. I have no doubt Cathy did everything she could to send Burke to jail. If that happens, Crystal will probably have to go with her. Crystal was BB's political sponsor.

  20. NO.. its not a fair trade.go away bitches,you bother me.

  21. Crystal and Brittany... Sound like KCK porn stand-ins. Couple of jerks who crap on women. Total women haters living off other women. Hope they get hit by the toy train during one of their drunken staggers downtown.
    Women really involved in politics keep clear of these twats.

  22. 12:27: Meds. Quick.

    Many "raps" are actually buyers' remorse.

  23. ^^^^^That would be many rapes. Damn spell check.

  24. It is pretty well known in Jeff City now that Mrs. Nixon told the governor to get "the little slut" off his staff and out of town.

  25. Immature guys sure do love that finger fucking stuff.

  26. Brittany, you bitch! LEAVE TONY ALONE!!!!

  27. I'd still fuck BB in her ass. Then cum all over her face and tits. But I better get some rust trombone action afterwords. Fucking cunt.

  28. Don from Parkville2/26/16, 1:52 PM

    Ashley Jost knows all about how much you love women. It is when you are challenged that you get mad.

  29. Ashley Jost has not had a date that did not include batteries in years.

  30. Any bimbo under 35 should require a license to engage in public speech. If that was my daughter I'd kick her chubby little ass until she became lucid. Silly little spoiled cunt has nothing substantive to say. The fact that Jackson County would ever give this little broad a contract just demonstrates how fucked up the libtard local government is. Jesus someone stick a cream pie in her face and lets move on.

  31. I think someone should FOIA Jackson County to secure all the activity reports or other basic management communications from and to Ms.BB. Certainly she reported on all the work she did for the People of Jackson County for a 75K fee.

  32. no shit! GET THE HOOK!!

  33. im a 25 year old single woman.ive had my fair share of sex,all white guys..i have wondered for a long time what it would be like to sleep with a black guy..any girls out there that can tell me,is it good ,are there cocks bigger,thicker?? i am very curious

  34. you certainly don't talk like a woman?

  35. Can you imagine Frank White explaining the memos at a press conference. Of course, the idiots would start the press conference with ten minutes of highlight reals from White's baseball days.

  36. Law and Order2/26/16, 2:22 PM

    I gotta say this: Tony has defended and protected Lisa Carter and I believe it is because SHE ACTUALLY WAS SEXUALLY MENACED when she was working at Jackson County. Tony protects real victims. There is no evidence that Miss I LIKE IT ROUGH Burke was a victim of anything other than a drunken consensual liaison with a drink buying former frat boy.

  37. BB has PTSD

  38. Sex with Phil LeVota will do that.

  39. This is what happens when women are allowed to do anything God didn't make them for. Now shut the fuck up and get on your back biotch.

  40. 2/26/16, 2:43 PM

    I guess that is why Georgia Sanders seems a little spacey?

  41. You decide . . .
    I've decided.........and Tony'sKansasCity remains AWESOMELY WINNING while intellectually destroying the fallacy of Crystal's Girl Power along with a voyueristic vanquishing of the vamp antics of Brittany Burke's Vagina Monologues. This TKC post is being nominated for the Claude Monet Outstanding Prize In Online Impressionistic Works.

    Brittany Burke, the former radio disc jockey's college party girl, who plied her feminine charms into the world of politics, rising up the ranks by getting a rise out of male politico's members. Former House Speaker John Diehl (a married man with children) praised her oral arguments while on the receiving end of a tongue-lashing..or two...or three. Hey folks, why don't we award a state consulting contract to Ms. Burke, for the establishment of an ethics course for all Jefferson City Capitol interns? These young people need instruction on how to advance their careers with the appropriate techniques of heavy drinking, carousing with legislators, trading sex for political favors, and a bevy of other truisms. This all needs to be written down and saved for posterity, lest our future generations be damned to lives of respect and protocol.

    Perhaps Brittany Burke can inform residents of Jackson County Missouri exactly what the hell she did in exchange for that grossly rigged contract for $75,000. And can we get it in writing, despite Brittany's penchant for oral reports? Thanks!

    Consolation for TKC: that pre-law hottie who dumped you for a rich Asian guy, reportedly sued him for fraud, claiming she was "shortchanged" in the relationship by dis-inflationary measures.

  42. I hope these women notice that it isn't just women who are raped in these comment sections. Blacks, LGBT's, pretty much anyone who isn't a heterosexual, middle class, white, Christian man receives the same treatment. You know, the Traditional Americans, as Chuck calls them.

    Hate Speech defended as Free Speech is not what the Founding Slave Owners had in mind.

    They were concerned with the right to dissent, to be the 'loyal opposition'.

    Hate Speech is assault with willful intent to do harm, an act of terrorism.

  43. If You Can't Stand Public Opionion Then Go Home And Stay There2/26/16, 3:14 PM

    Crystal you ignorant slut. Either grow a pair or get out of the public's face. Myself I don't like you either. In fact I don't know of any man who does. Well maybe Byron does but I think he really has a pussy and only comes here to cause trouble because it makes him all wet and juicy for the strap on he likes to be diddled in.

  44. Byron, in this case you really do not know what you are talking about. BB is a Capitol Slut who has been passed around alot when she is drunk, and she had no qualifications to get that public contract other than a willingness to fuck around with older married guys.

  45. "Capitol Slut" sums it up.

  46. How is it that BB gets her no work contract, Sanders gets his no work contract,Lisa Carter and Cathy Jolly get paid to go away and no one has gone to jail?

  47. Bilerun Funkenstein, the pigmys answer to Will Rogers

  48. Jeezus, what a nasty bunch of hoochies.


  49. Tony,

    You have to end the daily porn you post on your blog. This is an abomination to God and to most people. Repent, confess to God, then no more.

    This is your soul. We all are accounting, follow God. He will help you, just start a prayer life.


  50. ^^^^^^And 5:52's read and enjoyed every single post. Even Byron's.

  51. God invented porn when he realized women needed to shut the fuck up and learn how to shag. I think it is safe to say it ain't going anywhere.

  52. TKC is the best place to find out what is happening in KC metro area. He just gets better all the time. There is a point in hearing what people REALLY think. Mainline media has been so used to it's monopoly and it's crushing filtering of it's "news" that TKC brings them to shame and they know it. Keep it up Tony.

  53. Good story Tony and great way to handle it.

  54. I would fuck Brittany Burke in the ass, then pull out and cum on her face as I donkey punched her in the back of the head.

    After I shot that load I would yell YEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAW and then go to Sonic for a cheese coney and tots as fucking Brittany would be physically draining.

  55. I'd eat a river or her shit just to get to where it came from.

  56. of course you would

  57. She's a 31 year old gold digging slut. I like sluts. I'm old enough to know a gold digging liar when I see them. She is a young Hillary. Nothing matters. Her parents must be "proud"

  58. The final comment might be: BB, you are nothing more than a used up, aging, whore, with a very dim future ahead of you. Perhaps you can find a potential husband that doesn't know how worthless and nasty you really are. Good luck with that.


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