The Kansas City Ruckus Overnight

An important Kansas City discussion that should inform our blog community insomniacs, shift workers and early birds.

The Gold Standard of Kansas City discourse offers their latest episode.

Here's the description . . .

"Mike Shanin interviews Alvin Brooks about his role in the civil rights movement in Kansas City and to get his perspective on lingering problems facing Kansas City today. Then Crosby Kemper III, Lisa Johnston, Gwen Grant and Steve Rose discuss the collapse of the BNIM deal and its implications for TIF in KC, Brownback's perspective on the Kansas economy and the results of the New Hampshire primary."


Hopefully more for the morning update . . . STAY TUNED!!!


  1. Abandoning KCMO all together would be the smartest thing any firm can do. It's a piss poor place to raise children unless, of course, you want them to attend schools that can't even turn out graduates, let alone students capable of reading and writing. The only thing math is good for is figuring out how much to charge for a dime bag. However, big time firms may pay well enough that children can attend private schools. Yup, educated people avoid uneducated places unless they are on vacation and need low wage servants to make their stay pleasurable. Until KCMO upgrades infrastructure and schools it will continue to spiral into the shitter. KCMO continues to drain services and education of $$ for some unknown reason. Probably because the people in charge attended KCMO public schools and are stupidly loyal to their alma mater?????? Nah....

  2. You have been warned2/11/16, 11:35 PM

    It amazes me that people think Downtown and the Crossroads are so well developed, strong areas. There is a ton of blight and empty space in both areas, they aren't jewels, they are in the middle of a turn around. KCMO's obsession with spreading development is dumb. 63rd and Prospect? Are you serious? What a horrible location for a business.

    I can't think of a better anchor employer for an area than an architecture firm. It would be a dream employer for any civic leader who wants a. a cool building and b. a great, high profile cool employer. Just dumb to make this a fight.

    BNIM will move to Leawood and their employees will love the location and lower taxes, KCPS will get zero, JoCo will maintain its reputation as the best location for business in the metro.

  3. 11:35 you are right that BNIM moving to the crossroads would have been good. What is not good is TIF financing in areas that do not need it to give tax breaks to marital heirs of 1%ers and corporations.

    Don't underestimate the cache of having a prime location in the crossroads for an architecture firm. Accountants or lawyers or business to business stuff can move to a bland building in Corporate Woods without any backlash at all.

  4. I would guess 90% + of BNIM employees already live in Leawood, NOR etc.

  5. Anytime I see a nigger on TV I change the channel.

    If I want to watch apes that's what Animal Planet is for.

  6. This is the Rust Belt so of course there's blight. Do you really expect things to turn around. Man up to the reality of the economic situation and stop relying on booze and prostitution like it's 1870.

  7. 11:35: 63rd & Prospect would be a good area to locate a business. Research hospital is there as is a CVS/Pharmacy. There's a lot of vacant land that could be had cheap or maybe free from the city.

  8. Maybe some under the table deals will occur and BNIM might stay in the Crossroads or downtown KCMO. Maybe Port KC will find a way to keep BNIM in the city. Either way, see you guys at the convention hotel groundbreaking.

  9. Gold Standard


    Tony keeps kissing kCPT's ass despite the fact it's unlikely he'll ever be invited to appear again.

  10. 1:26am you obviously don't watch alot of television these days. Nothing but niggers on every channel.

    As for Crossroads and downtown. Both are shit pits worthy of a typhoon to clean the area. Just dump the scum in the Mighty Mo during a spring flood and let it drift down to the Big Easy.

  11. Is Crosby Kemper III heavily medicated or does he just not get enough sleep?

  12. As close as Tony will get to being on RUCKUS is when he rummages thru their trash looking for "TKC Breaking News".

  13. When even the local dog pound doesn't want to be associated with you, you know you've hit bottom.

  14. 11:35 comment said: "I can't think of a better anchor employer for an area than an architecture firm. It would be a dream employer for any civic leader who wants a. a cool building and b. a great, high profile cool employer. Just dumb to make this a fight."

    You must be a BNIM employee or one of Sly's cheerleaders. Prior to the recent controversy, few residents were familiar with BNIM, and most still don't know a thing about them.

    Where you really missed the point...and you totally missed the debate over tax subsidies. BNIM and Shirley Helzberg were asking for corporate welfare! BNIM wanted a "steak and lobster" building but only wanted to pay "hamburger" rent, and thought there was nothing wrong in asking taxpayers to foot their indulgences.

    Residents are sick and tired of well-to-do businesses and individuals getting a free ride on their backs.

  15. KCMO must do everything to keep these businesses in the City. The problems east of Troost cannot be blamed BNIM or a lack of development incentives. These problems are far greater and have to do with crime and schools. Look at the 18th and Vine District. $100 million has been spent there and now the City is talking about spending another $20 million. Has this investment let to development?

  16. 7:04 & 8:22: Please let us know when your next appearance on Ruckus will be.

  17. Yeah, a $100 million with the City of Kansas City as the developer. Exactly what I would expect from City staff and a Council trying to play real estate developers.


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