Kansas City Blogging Hillary & Bernie Love

Tribute to the Presidential Nominees and their fight for the soul of Democratic Party. Take a look at these upbeat arguments from one of our favorite local bloggers. Checkit: Uncommon Courage


  1. What you are witnessing is the hijacking of the Democratic Party

  2. That debate was horrible. In 2016 seeing to senile, old white people trying to convince the American people who is the bigger communist is. REPEAT...the whole debate was two senile, old, white people trying to convince the American people who the bigger COMMIE is...

    Eight years of an Affirmative Action President now now two old commies running for president. The Democratic Party is doomed.

  3. The first opportunity I had to vote was also 1972. Since the choice was between Nixon and McGovern I skipped voting and went out drinking. Never regretted it, the lesser of two evils is still evil. Its ironic that Hillary reminds me very much of Nixon and Sanders reminds me of McGovern. Sadder still the Republican candidates are nothing to get excited about. Maybe I will just drink on election day.

  4. Bratcher might be surprised to see who wants to "Break Up The Big Banks". George Will.


    "Bernie Sanders has a great idea. I support a political revolution. Wall Street is too powerful. The recession was a series of crimes committed by investment banks. And, yes, I believe it could happen again. The banking crisis politically is akin to the Vietnam War. And, for the same reasons George McGovern lost in 1972, Bernie Sanders will lose if he is the Democratic nominee in 2016."

    I think she is right (With the exception of comparing financial malfeasance to the War in Vietnam.). Lloyd Blankfein from Goldman Sachs (Currently famous for being mentioned in the last Democrat Debate for giving Hillary Clinton $650,000.00 for a speech-which, by the way, she will NEVER release the transcripts for.) should be lined up against the wall and shot. He categorically KNEW that those Mortgaged Backed Securities were gong into default, as did most of the players (NONE IN JAIL.) behind the scenes by 2006.

    Lynn likes Hillary because she thinks she looks like her and is "victimized' in the same way. Gimme a break. She is a political huckster who is as great a liar as Obama and that is going some.

    Did she, or did she not lie about Benghazi?

    Did she or did she not, lie, in person and by proxy, to the American People about Benghazi?

    Did she or did she not lie to the families of the victims about Benghazi?

    Did she or did she not lie about why she erased thousands of emails?

    Did she or did she not lie about where and why 550 Million Dollars came into the Clinton Foundation and only 75 Million Dollars actually went to real, actual Charities?

    She is getting indicted Lynn. Maybe she will need a good lawyer.

  5. Fuck Bernie & fuck Hillary

  6. It was an interesting article.

    Hillary will win easily.

    Being a communist, I can tell you that they are not communists.

  7. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1321075/posts http://www.npr.
    Socialism is the road to communism
    What's interesting the Sanders supporters do not believe in the 1st amendment.

  8. The American Revolution was in response to extractive colonizing by English Companies (read corporations) chartered by the King (read government). If political structures no longer act to benefit the people who live under them then they MUST be changed. That is the essence of the Declaration of Independence. If that is called "socialism" I can live with it! Calling people or things "names" is a poor attempt at political discussion.

  9. There is an another alternative to the crony capitalism espoused by Hillary and most of the Republicans. Its called the free market and as opposed to socialism it leads to ever greater prosperity for all.

    Bill and Hillary have never produced anything in their lives but they have become hugely rich because they are able to dole out favors to businesses.

  10. If Lynn or Hillary would say eating turd sandwiches was good for you that asshole Byron would be drinking E-Lax by the gallons.

  11. Clintonism is not a choice.
    End the dynasty.


  12. We have a lot of "socialist" programs in the US. Social Security for starters.

    Lets see any candidate grab that third rail.

    You deep thinkers might want to educate yourselves enough to understand that note of these terms are absolute. First year political science stuff.

    Trump went on endlessly about the strong economies of South Korea, Japan, and Germany yesterday. Want to apply a label to those?

    Our economic reality is becoming more like Mexico where very few people control all the bucks. All the while, the wealth in this country is very effective are convincing the middle class economic stagnation is caused by those at the bottom, rather than those at the top.

    Sure thing, the Mexican that is roofing your house for $8 a hour or mowing your lawn is taking jobs away from poorly educated white people.

    Jefferson's assertion that an enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic is never more true. Shit, most of Trumps rhetoric could not even past a constitutional test.

    Yea, that constitution that includes the 2 amendment. Bet you did not know much outside of guns rights?

    The supremacists that Tony draws to this site are going to sink Trump. And the guy does not take losing well. But cite Glazier as the source if you want.



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