It's Time For Kansas City Budget Backtalk Amid Earnings Tax Renewal Debate!!!

This week Kansas City's budget will be revealed to the last senior citizens and the last remaining voters in town.

Even better, here's a schedule of budget meetings on Saturday morning for local political addicts and people with insomnia or without functional alcholism that keeps the rest of us dragging on weekends and Mondays.


Kansas City Budget Hearings 2016 in plain text:

Saturday, Feb. 20th
10 AM To Noon
Regional Police Academy
6885 NE Pleasant Valley Rd.
(1-435 and N. Shoal Creek Parkway)

Saturday, February 27th
10AM To Noon
East Patrol Police Station
(On The Leon Jordan Campus)
27th & Prospect

Saturday, March 5th
10AM To Noon
Hillcrest Community Center
10401 Hillcrest Rd. 

Notice that all of these meetings are on the outskirts of town and far away from the 4th District where voters have effectively pushed back against Mayor Sly and his toy train streetcar administration.

You decide . . .


  1. Whats the unskilled thirty-two-year-old waiter crashing at his parent’s place and trying to pay down an $80,000 international relations degree think about it?

  2. Citizens should know by now....public budget hearings have no meaning when it comes to Troy and Sly putting the City budget together to accommodate those friends and power players that feed off of Kansas City funds. It is only just for show----so that they can say they had public hearings.

  3. Local politicians need to learn that there his a difference between an actual budget and how much you are going to waste. Budget implies some restrictions on spending which you'll never see when it comes to pet projects and fluff.


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