Some of the smartest readers of this blog share this word to the wise and a hint at transit future for Kansas City . . .

New York Times: Atlanta Begins Charging for a Streetcar Named Undesirable by Some

Here's the money line . . .

"In the days before fares, supporters and critics acknowledged that the streetcar experience had so far been a humbling one for Atlanta, just one of the cities that have turned to a nostalgia-tinged transit option amid bountiful fanfare and mixed immediate results.

"In the system’s first year, even as visitors welcomed the streetcars and praised them as effective, residents often described it as somewhere between disastrous and vaguely satisfactory. There were questions of technical know-how and management that provoked a letter from the Federal Transit Administration about its “concerns.” Ridership, estimated at about 900,000 trips, fell short of a forecast of 1.1 million passengers that boosters have now distanced themselves from. The homeless, some complained, had turned the streetcars into sleek-looking shelters."

Accordingly . . .


We're going on record with this call to action before Kansas City media can report it as "news" and because smart people who read the blog can already see signs of trouble for the toy train coming down the line while the Mayor and his paid cheerleaders can only keep reciting silly pleasantries.

Developing . . .


  1. Better change the toy train to the hobo train.

    Sorry T, your city is going down the tubes.

  2. Don't see this as a bad thing. Maybe this will make the city acknowledge out homelessness situation that's getting out of hand.

    1. They need to start cracking down on all the dogood feel-good types that are giving them food, beer money, and clothes. If you have a weed problem, you don't put fertilizer and water on the weed patch. People need to realize that handouts to homeless are exacerbating the problem, not solving the problem.

  3. Shouldn't be problem here unless streetcar route is along the bus transfer station on Main Street.

  4. ^^^They'll acknowledge it alright but not in a helpful or compassionate way. Of course, citizens get to pay for whatever the remedy is while at the same time further mistreating homeless citizens.

  5. More unintended consequences following grandiose announcements from KCMO city government?

  6. Remember folks, as MENSAN bullyboy hard-charger famously said... It's not about transportation, it's about COMMERCE!

    Can't you just feel the ECONOMIC revitalization happening along the route already!?

    When it's apparent that this thing is the disaster everyone sees coming, maybe Ol' Russ will give us some TOMMY OSBOURNE Nebasky football quotes about being in it for the long haul and other cloches folks use when things are going off the rails.

  7. Your TKC Blog Community demands better proofreading since your "call to action" seems to be missing a transitive verb between two unconnected phrases at the end.

  8. ^^^^^ its a blog for shit sakes you think he's trying for a Pulitzer? Grammar Nazi = has no substance must attack others.

  9. We have to remember. It's only a starter line.

  10. Right, the real COMMERCE doesn't begin until this thing is expanded to UMKC.

    I predict that it will look like the goddamn Champs Elysses down there after that happens.

  11. Economic Development numbers along Street Car route overstated

    Do believe KC claims are the same ...

  12. The street car is for tourism not public transportation. They've developed an Epcot Center in Downtown Kansas City, Missouri

  13. Miss Sweetie Pie all agog!1/2/16, 1:24 PM

    Mr. Tony,
    I am looking forward to the Jackson County VapeTrain! Why, hells bells! Mr. Skippy will play at being a conductor/legal counselor as the VapeTrain trundles down Independence Ave. It will also be fare free. That makes it nice for all of those foot weary, $5 prostitutes.

  14. I agree with 1141. There is a level of educated communication short of the Pulitzer that spells correctly and assembles sentences consistent with a 10th grade education.

    Go back to Duck Dynasty, 1206.

  15. Unbelievable. Tony has joined the war against the poor!

    If you institute a dress code, you'll be able to keep even more people off.

    If you make riders use a debit, or credit card, you'll be able to keep yet more people off.

    Maybe if you were taller, the urban outdoors men wouldn't scare you so much.

  16. Funkhouser, you are unbelievably predictable. Is there are any issue that is not part of an alleged "WAR ON fill in the blank"?

    I lived in Atlanta for 2 years and rode their train system numerous times. Didn't use it to commute to work, because it took 50% longer than just driving into work and having to walk thru heat/cold/rain between the transit station and my job. It was good to use the train to go to the airport so I didn't have to worry about airport parking, but the transit station was a potential mugging area after dark. Bottom line, a reliable and safe bus system would've worked as well as a train, at a fraction of the cost.

  17. Atlanta's line is named MARTA - Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta

  18. Yeah, what kind of asshole would you have to be to give food and clothes to a needy person?

  19. Poor Byron. Maybe if the truth didn't scare you so much you'd make more sense. The KC Street car does nothing for the poor as it sits. It doesn't even come close to getting to the area's where the poor can benefit. Besides the "poor" aren't supporting bus transportation either except to beat up on drivers. It isn't even a good start woefully behind schedule and over budget rammed through with a vote that was questionable at best. You poor thing your so sheltered in that apartment in WV where the demons in your mind keep tricking you into thinking your smart.

  20. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Word

  21. HOBOS? Who the fuck worries about hobos? It's the freeloading niggers you should be worried about! Yeah the jews took control, biggest slave traders in history, they manipulate towns, counties, states, country's, whole continents. They have forced there way into every country thru THERE banking system, and bankrupted every country, kingdom, and dictatorship in its path. Every country on the planet has a rothchilds owned federal bank in it but 3. North korea, iran and cuba. Look how well its going for them. Always lending and charging interest. Don't like there plan? They choke off all your foreign trades. Give you no choice but to take there deal. It's in there commandments, its mandatory to loan money to a foreigner at interest in the Jewish faith. Keep the race war alive, it creates disorder and than Nobody notices that they are pulling all the strings......anti-semtic??? Nope that's just reality

  22. ^^^ Oy Vey!

  23. How about less pandering for hits from the haters in 2016, Tony?

    You could still say that your blog is the last free speech zone in the modern world, because you can say anything you want on the internet......

  24. Byron has been getting his twat kicked all day. Guarantee Byron is burning up the web trying to find Morgan. Keep it up! Terry Murray.

  25. The Matt Staubio and David Johnson problem is a subject of it's own.

    And they ARE A PROBLEM.

  26. Holy FUCK. Amazed at some of the comments. God damn people, 99% of the bears gumbo is just to rile some of you dipshits. It's called "baiting" and some of you are first class yellow finn tunas.

    But damn......some of you fucks are way on out there on a orbit what is moving really, really fast. Dman, wish the made that in a "smoke". Give me a ounce of that "Way Outta Space" and a propane refil for my lighter.

  27. The streetcar is 2.2 miles with 16 stops, meaning it will be faster to walk than ride those 2.2 miles. No one will pay to ride a streetcar that is slower than walking. The streetcar is useless, so they might as well let it be a slow moving homeless shelter.

  28. I'll tell you this, as a member of this blog community, I want to demand less trailer trash in KCMO. Keep your dumb asses in Olathe.

  29. Here's the deal. You need to PREVENT the winos from riding the train from the day it starts rolling, not stop them after they start riding it.

    Why is that? Because once a train car smells like piss, it will ALWAYS smell like piss.

  30. 8:16 How 'bout demand those Killa City KCPS scholar gunfights are eliminated.
    Yep, Olathe--where the metro's highest numbers of young homeowners and recommended schools (public & private) are.

  31. What is the next sensation no-pants ride 2017 on the KC Streetcar? We need to start organizing NOW!

    Would love to see the KC Streetcar Authority and Mayor Office keep this from happening in early 2017! Who knows maybe a test run before then?

  32. How will this drive economic development if it goes to UMKC? Are factories going to develop along Main Street? Will Brookside soccer Mom's give up their SUV's and take the toy train to the Linwood Costco? And what about the MAX bus that already goes from Waldo to River Market? No fixed rail for the bus affecting driving lanes on Main Street or truck unloading areas like the Toy Train will have. And only $1.50 including a free transfer for the Max bus. Just increase the route with more buses so no one has to wait more than 10 minutes for a bus. Way cheaper to build on Bus Rapid Transit systems than expanding the toy train to UMKC.


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