We recently noted a group of protesters confronting Nebraska Catholics over a Kansas City scandal. Now here's the word from local leaders . . .

Convicted ex-head of K.C. MO diocese now works in NE

Quote . . .

“Finn has endangered kids, stonewalled police, deceived victims, hidden predators and betrayed thousands of Catholic families,” said Barbara Dorris of SNAP. “Why give him more chances to hurt more families? Why take the risk?”

Some church officials claim Finn should be forgiven. “There’s a difference between forgiving a wrongdoer and enabling a wrongdoer to do more wrong,” said David Clohessy of SNAP. “We can forgive a drunken school bus driver. But we’re irresponsible and cruel if we give her the keys to another school bus. That’s what Nebraska Bishop Paul Conley is doing with Finn: giving him another opportunity to put his career and comfort above the safety of innocent youngsters, the wounds of suffering victims, and the feelings of Catholic families.”

“Finn retains his title – bishop – and all the privileges that come with it: a pay check, health insurance, dental insurance, car allowance, and the prestige of belonging to a rarified group. And he gets to perform sacraments and say mass and hear confessions and begin to ingratiate himself with Nebraska families, and win the trust of, and perhaps hurt or betray more Catholics. Again, why take the risk?” asked Dorris. “In nearly every other workplace, he’d be unemployed, for one or all of the allegations he faces.”

Developing . . .


  1. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.........S.N.A.P.

    Finn will be living at a convent saying Mass for 10 nuns. That he is a threat to anyone is a total lie.

    Keep it up, S.N.A.P.. Your credibility is rapidly going down the crapper.

  2. So when did Dorris and Clohessy become "local leaders" in Lincoln?

  3. The crapper?..........
    That's the last place I saw face of jesus!

  4. The Kansas City Atheist Coalition looks forward to the day when religon is eliminated.

    Peacefully, of course.

    Because since when has an atheist killed anyone?

  5. Every time SNAP opens their mouths it's some of the most entertaining hypocrisy there is. Equally amusing is that they believe it and believe they are still of value to anyone but one-trick lawyers and discredited newspaper reporters.

  6. SNAP has no forgiveness for clergy and will undoubtedly beat this drum infinitely. If they want to claim advocacy for sex abuse victims, there is plenty in the works with the immigrants and refugees here and yet to arrive.

    Have they ranted on the islamist boy rapists our U.S.military reported on in Afghanistan? Dateline/PBS enlightened that this "bachi bazi" is culturally established for centuries now.

    What about refugees to the U.S. from Latin America, Philippines, and other nations who claim sex abuse/slavery of their children?

    Any SNAPs yapping at those who failed to report the Penn State pedo?

  7. Only good thing about Catholics is cheap pussy. Breeding rates keep the price down.

  8. SNAP, isn't that a wholly owned subsidiary of the law firm of Randles, Mata and Brown?


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