Burn In Hell Kansas City Record Bar

Okay, we found a really upbeat and nostalgic note written by a Kansas City music expert that's worth a click for the optimistic and upbeat souls who lament the passing of a local dive music bar . . .

But let's be real . . . The Record Bar was a trashy joint known for giving horrible local bands a false sense of accomplishment and then charging their friends and family an arm and a leg to see a HORRIBLE show. From hip-hop to rockabilly, the bands featured at this place were mostly mediocre. Sure, there were occasional moments of brilliance but by and large the Record Bar was a place DEDICATED to aging hipsters pretending to be important while falling deeper into the world of substance abuse. The name rings out for 2 dozen KCMO hipsters and very few people beyond that lame social set still pretending to mourn the death of Kurt Cobain.

Again, here's a much nicer take . . .

another list: my favorite 25 shows at recordBar


  1. Truth is most musicians in KC are mediocre or worse. How do you know how bad they are until they show their skills in public? The cream will rise to the top but it is always the smallest portion!

  2. Definitely a dive that won't be missed.

  3. Note to all the judgmental "smarter-than-thou" pseudo-intellectuals who frequent this blog.

    If you think it's easy to stand up there and perform in public, try it sometime. You won't because you have neither than talent nor the balls.

    Record Bar will me missed because it is one of the very few places in town willing to give musicians their first gigs. And yea, every single musician -- including the most famous today -- started out in some dive where they could hone their craft.

    Most learn that while they are good, they lack the talent to make it a day job. And they learn that at places like Record Bar. They also learn that if they want to get better, it's going to take a lot of hard work. A lot. And they also learn that at places like Record Bar.

    It used to be that so call start-up "garage bands" got low-paying gigs at high school dances and maybe even a wedding. Well, technology and DJing took care of those gigs.

    I'm going to guess that people putting this place down wouldn't know good music from bad anyway. So get your snooty noses out of the air. Record Bar was an incubator for a lot of local bands who turned out to be pretty damned good. It will be missed.

  4. Yah and the last band from here to make the big time is?

    Envelope please! Drum roll!

  5. And your problem with intellectuals is? That's right your a mediocre musician who can not figure out how bad you are! And that no matter how much you practice you will not get any better!

    1. *you're*. I love the irony of this comment.

      -Musician with a Masters Degree (not in music).

    2. *You're, as in You're a horrible person.

    3. Don't worry, he wasn't referring to you. Intellectuals know when to use "you're" instead of "your".

  6. 7:19: The same people who put down musicians' venues here also come daily (or more often) to tell everyone how bad TKC is--you know the type--the ones who can't do anything but whine. Just consider the source.

  7. Please 7:19, stop whining about a place that couldn't make it due to bad bands all the time. This area is full of dives that have what they think is live music on some Friday or Saturday nights. So lots of places for bad bands to play at. As a rule the band stinks only because they are trying to play other peoples music they don't have the talent or equipment to play. Amazing how many local bands think they need to do Purple Rain. Amazing how many of those bands also suck trying to imitate whats almost a one of a kind performer.

    Local bands need to stay in the garage or barn and practice till what they play is not only good, but is music they have the ability to play.

    I know two really good bands in this area and they don't play for the money. In fact hard to get a good gig in this area since bars owners think 500 a night for music, means at least 4 hours of music. Take a band with 4 members, then take the time and what it costs the band to do a gig at a bar and they are making less than $17.00 an hour, hoping all the while some drunk doesn't hurl all over their equipment which isn't cheap. Having and being in a band is more a labor of love, than an income.

    I am a drum player and have been for over 50 years. I don't do the band scene, not worth the effort, and I am not willing to ruin my set hauling it all over the place to play for nickels and dimes. When I was playing far back as a kid every fool who had a guitar wanted to form a band after getting a dozen or so lessons. Playing live music takes hours upon hours of practice. At least 20 plus a week if you really want to be good. A good drum set is going to cost you at least 2k and then you you should see the price of good cymbals to add to it. Sure there are $500 to $600 dollar sets to buy out there for beginners to learn on, but they sound like cheap drums, and bad drumming in my opinion is as bad as someone who thinks they can sing, but can't out howl a cat in the alley.

  8. I think you meant can't out howl a dog in an alley.

  9. I think what Stupordave menthe was "duh duh ook ugh dihhh ugggghshhs Im super dumb jsidhrvr jdjuddg eididddheuehdhdhue."

    The Record Bar was making it just fine; they got kicked out in favor of some nigger attraction the landlords want to put in like a dollar store.

    1. You said the N word so you are a racist.

  10. ^^^^ speaking of dumb and stupid ^^^^^

  11. Given that KC has more shit musicians than 18th and Vine has drunken crack hoes it isn't like the Record Bar was going to find the kind of local talent that has you begging for more. It was what it was, but a lesson most club owners already know - hire a DJ and quit wishing it was 1972 when there was a tight band on every other block. KC live music is deadsville.

  12. Sorry but the OP doesn't know what he or she is talking about. That place was a cool spot with all types of music and bands from everywhere.

  13. Superdave's commenta were rendered as irrelevant as soon as he used the phrase "drum player".

  14. There were people that loved it there and people that hated it. I mean that's how it is with every fucking place out there. Trash talking it in this half assed blog already chocked full of negative bullshit is a way for you to try and gain some semblance of relevance by attaching it to the relevance of the place your trashing. Go suck a dick, because you're probably better at that than you are at writing.

  15. I played there a couple times with my shitty band. Had a blast and will never forget it. It's difficult for me to comprehend how the author of this can be such a whining little bitch. Here's my advice. Cowboy up, stop hating things because you feel cool, and create something real. Anything. Then show it to people. That will garner you more respect than you'll ever get by mewling nonsense on the internet.

  16. There wasn't really anything "dive bar" about the recordbar. They had music for most all tastes, a staff who weren't douchebags and some very great food. This bar was opened by good people who used to work in some of our favorite places in KC. They understood about people, music and how not be an asshole bar owner. I am curious to know how often all the nay-sayers ever went to the recordbar, and how the "Drum Player" thinks that playing with himself, and staying out of the "scene" makes him a better "drum player" or just a "drum player" hanging out in his barn, polishing his expensive drums.

  17. There were some great international acts that played the Record Bar while at the top of their game. Shonen Knife, Hugh Cornwell and The Fall come to mind. I bet they had to start in a local bar somewhere "sucking" when they started out. I dont agree with the writer of this article wholeheartedly but he is right about all the aging hipsters that frequented the place with or without their respective bands. Not that thats particularly a bad thing. Just an observation. Still, its kind of funny to see 45- 60 year old dudes trying to look cool down at the local music club. It wasnt ever a consistent hang out for me (too old and with demanding day job), but i know that Steve T and Co have/had the knowledge to book the best bands.


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