Kansas City Crime Expert: Baltimore Deadly Police Shooting Drama And Media Reax Could Spike Crime Throughout The Nation

Using a bevy of data Dr. Ernest Evans examines the crime situation in Baltimore amid a controversial police shooting trial with regard to the possible impact on Kansas City in his latest note.

The Kansas City crime expert contends:

"The city could easily self-destruct over these upcoming trials, and if that happens I am confident that it would adversely affect the crime scene not only here in KCMO but all over the country."

Here's the word:

Baltimore Stares into the Abyss

In November 2015 there were 27 homicides in the city of Baltimore--25 black men and women and 2 unknown race. In 2014 there was an average of 17 homicides a month in Baltimore--that rate has doubled since the riots of late April 2015. Virtually the entire increase in violence in this period has been in the form of a major surge of black victims--including 16 black children aged 18 or younger. Only about 30% of these homicides have been solved.

This brings me to the beginning tomorrow of the first trial of one of the six defendants in the tragic death of Freddie Gray last April 19. It is absolutely critical that the city authorities do everything in their power to make it clear that the accused gets due process--that they will not tolerate attempts to intimidate the jury by threats of race riots. For the local and national press it is essential that they cover the trial with a minimum degree of fairness.
I stress the above because if due process is not upheld, and if no media fairness is shown, it will destroy the last remnant of the local cops willingness to fight crime in the city's black neighborhoods--and even a pretense of order in those neighborhoods will collapse. There are a number of cases around the country (Prince George's County after the 2001 Stephanie Mohr case, Cincinnati after the 2001 race riots, KCMO after the April 2008 meeting of the Police Board on the Sofia Salva case, Saint Louis after the death of Michael Brown in August 2014, etc.) of high-profile cases of cops being accused of racist misconduct where no media fairness was shown and there was not even a pretense of due process, and in consequence all semblance of order in the local black neighborhoods vanished as. out of sheer self-survival, the cops abandoned doing their jobs in such neighborhoods and the gangs and crime elements took over and unleashed a horrific wave of violence.

In sum, Baltimore is staring into the abyss. What the Catholic Church calls "All Men and Women of Good Will" must pray for that city.


  1. Mosby is the tip of the spear in Obama's boots on the ground, "Fundamental Change". A Marxist apparatchik whose sympathies are with the Obama-Brown-Shirt-Insurgent-Thugs in the streets that this administration uses to facilitate the removal of the Rule Of Law and replace with an ersatz American "Cultural Revolution".

    Violence and intimidation is the catalyst and primary tool that now controls the streets of our cities, administered at the whim and caprice of the Tyrant in the White House with the approval of the Main Stream Media and Entertainment Business. The White traitor class of the Democrat party sanctions this usurpation of traditional Law Enforcement in trade for the votes they get on election day which provides sinecure for lickspittle politicians, judges and kelptocrats in conjunction to the validation and continuation of gravitas provided to the 4th estate, who, at this point, is nothing more than a PR Bureau for the Left.

    Get ready for "Zimmerman" Star Chamber trials. The ability of the prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt for these cops will come when Paris Hilton grows her hymen back. That will not matter, this is a show trial designed, win or lose, to cower the pubic and traditional Americans onto their knees in the face of the new Fascist Amerika.

    Get on your knees sheep and get ready for your daily dose of News Droppings emanated from the anuses of your journalistic and political gods. Open wide little chickens and enjoy the meal.

  2. Baltimore is a microcosm of what happens to the black culture left unchecked. Left to their own devices this is what black people do. And so long as they're killing each other who cares?. If I was a Baltimore cop I wouldn't investigate and single black murder. This is how they want to live so let them. Set up an invisible perimeter around the black neighborhood and keep them there. Ther must be dozens of serial murderers in Baltimore right now. Black people are worse than animals. Animals only kill for food. Black people kill for no reason whatsoever.

  3. At least the niggers are smart enough to stay and burn their own neighborhoods down. You bring that shit into the suburbs and you'll get your shot by a white guy and it won't be a cop. Go ahead and burn your shit down, nobody cares.

  4. NIGGERS are nothing more than monkeys with language skills. They are sub-human and should be treated accordingly. Avoid these animals at every opportunity. Do not avoid them at your own peril.

  5. social protest is important. I think if protesters clearly state their views then it will not have a negative impact on police.

    Dr. Evans is claiming a false narrative. The police can handle protest and criticism. I think it's violent protest that is over the line.

    But the people who claim that protest bothers police when it is peaceable clearly don't know how our constitution works.

  6. Violence like the young fascist men who shot into the crowd in Minneapolis after posting video and making online racist statements


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