The latest Kansas City, Missouri murder puts us closer to the tragic century mark which has defined the disproportionate numbers of violent deaths in Kansas City for close to a generation.

To wit . . .


This year's count is compared to 66 homicides last year and a "record-low" number touted by politicos amid claims of progress that have now all but disappeared.

Kansas City's 16+ homicides per 100,000 people ranks among the highest nation as FBI stats rank this town as one of the top 10 most dangerous cities in the nation.

Meanwhile, Mayor Sly James and most of this city council have turned a blind eye toward the issue of homicides and the rising tide of local violence. Mainstream media lists the numbers casually and offered far more in-depth coverage of the Royals this year . . . The count is also treated horribly by so many racist haters blame victims and entire communities for these murders.

Meanwhile . . . The death toll continues to rise and represents residents throughout the city who have succumbed to a sickening local violent streak that most Kansas City residents would rather ignore.


KMBC: Police investigate homicide near 57th, Oak streets

KSHB: When police arrived, they discovered a man in the street suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.

KCTV: Vehicle found on fire after man killed in Kansas City shooting

Developing . . .


  1. You need to stop worrying so much. Streetcar is going to fix all of this.

    Just wait and see!

  2. Byron just can't control his lovers.

  3. #8 Killa City

    Visit at your own risk!

  4. Give us a breakdown of the homicides this year. How many are locals, race, gender and current occupation

  5. Rev. John Modest Miles11/15/15, 3:18 PM

    Build a police station there, that will solve all my financial aspirations. In God's name. Amen.

  6. If black lives matter, you'd see the "hood" closing ranks and putting a stop to all their gang banging friends, relatives and associates but that doesn't happen.
    There will be no "Death Wish 3" moment where fed up residents go to war on the criminals in their community because, unlike Death Wish 3, the criminals are their friends, relatives, immediate family members and associates and not some random gang preying upon them. So, instead of fighting them, they close ranks to defend them. The police try to clean up their areas by arresting the perps and that's racism and unfairly targeting black folks. Then there's the "No Snitching" rule to thwart any attempt to make a difference and cooperate with the police as the police are seen as the enemy. Or as the Ferguson retards claim, "the police are an occupying force."
    And so, the crime rate and body counts stay sky high and all they do is have token "Marches Against Da Violence," while wailing for more programs (Gibs-Me-Dat) that funnel money into their pockets but make no difference whatsoever.
    Additionally, they claim the violence etc would end if only companies and businesses would locate nearby and provide jobs but then they steal and rob them blind causing them to move out-such as grocery stores closing and creating food desserts due to being unable to make any profit due to all the shoplifting and other criminal behavior. We won't even mention their contempt for education and making themselves employable through knowledge, skills and marketable abilities- that be "actin' white" and is another no-no.
    If black lives matter, they have a damn funny way of showing it when everything they do does nothing but promote the lawlessness, violence, ignorance, mayhem and destruction.
    No, "black lives matter" is just another empty slogan designed to garner sympathy, portray themselves as victims, demand more Gibs-Me-Dat and continue business as usual in da hood.
    It's just another negro hustle.

    1. Bear in mind the Negro Hustle is the fruit of Western Imperialism and it's two twin goons, racism abd capitalism. If you are indeed aware of realities such as genetic memory and post traumatic stress syndrome, then you would also be aware of how 265 years of enslavement, 99 years of disenfranchisement, lynching & other acts if terrorism, and only 50 years of emamcipation (not liberty) with continued discrimination and state sponsored terror have contributed to the affects of some of the so-called Black community in Amerikkka. Factually speaking, the homicides carried out by so-called Blacks on so-called Blacks represents a minority of our population. This is a side effect of systematic oppression that has not been able to be acknowledged, addressed and remedied by members of said community. But riddle me this, where do the guns chine from? Where do the drugs from? Who runs the cartels that supplies the inner cities? Who manufactures the guns and makes profits off the murders? Shall we talk about the real criminals in suits and ties destroying countries with bombs and drones and invading armies? Or how about the loan sharks and numbers runners called Bankers who loots and pillages the world and enslaves societies in mountains of debt further destroying lives? So SuperDave while your focusing on a symptom of oppression from Western Imperialism, the real criminals continue to use their resources that they ruthlessly go about acquiring at the expense of the exploited and ruined lives they have created, the deaf, dumb and blind masses continue to focus on the symptoms and completely ignore the cause! Dig deeper Superdave, you view is too shallow!

  7. ^^^^^^^Insights from an anonymous post from a guy with a picture of his open chest.

    LMFAO Tony. You said this site was meaningful.

    You bet.

  8. ^^^^^^^^ Your an idiot who can't read and yes what SD said was meaningful you stupid moron.

  9. 3:56 Tell that line of bullshit to the now millions of victims of black on white crime and black on black crime.

    Disaffected, disadvantaged, disenfranchised is how progressives prefer to depict the Black murderers in our midst. After all, progressives hail from the school of therapeutic “thought” that considers crime to have been caused, not committed. Misbehavior is either medicalized and outsourced to state-approved experts, or reduced to the fault of the amorphous thing called society.

    Super Dave is dead on the money. Talk is talk, rhetorical discussions about "Institutional Racism" are just another straw man bullshit ploy to distract Americans from the main supporters of Democratic, Progressive Initiatives that benefit the thugs who are killing us in the streets and electing scum bag fucks like Obama.

    1. Chuck, I find it interesting that you chose to say Superdave is "on the money"; it prices my point exactly (you spoke from what's called your subconscious mind). The fact of the matter is that you two are operating from the position of White Privilege abd are immune and unaware of the experience that so called Blacks undergo in Amerikkka. So despite your cosigning of Superdave's rationale, the reality remains that Negroes are, by and large, the most valuable manufactured product is the Amerikkan Negro. Yet, prior to our capture and enslavement by pirates, we were nothing like some of us are today. The founding father Thomas Paine even verifies this fact (something that Amerikkka obfuscates along with the truth):

      So say what you say, but at the end of the day, the situations that present in every urban setting in Amerikkka is a socio-economic phenomena that finds its roots in the Imperialist based Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade!

  10. 57th & oak is a pretty nice neighborhood. This is either a domestic or the black male animal wandered over from Troost to spread some diversity.

  11. Well hate to disagree with you chuck but white people not getting out and voting and not running for office is what's causing scum bags like Obama and James to get into office.

  12. Forte and Sly do not want to admit failure.
    This is similar to the 90's Crack years ,the difference is METH.
    Meth is the new commodity and they are fighting over ALL the $$$ to be made....yet they are still try to play this up as oppression or domestic issues
    STL its Heroin in KCMO its meth.

  13. Murder and violence in Bookside....wake up Kansas City your civilization is slipping away on Sly's watch!!

  14. "The count is also treated horribly by so many racist haters blame victims and entire communities for these murders."

    Yes, & its done on your site by your number one denizen & his comrades.

  15. Streetcar! Streetcar! Streetcar! Fun and distraction for the whole family! And the best part is it's FREE!

    DING DING!!! All Aboard!!!

  16. 5:15 till you can admit the real truth of history your retort is moot.

    You say, "we were nothing like some of us are today'

    The truth is you lived in the jungles and were lucky to live past 25 while dancing around fires saying booga booga while attacking other villages and one another. Your own so called brothers where instrumental in sell blacks off to being slaves.

    The so called Amerikkan Negro is acting today just as your so called ancestor's did over 200 years ago. Killing one another off and acting like wild animals for the most parts while depending on others to provide for you or you'll just steal it from others.

  17. And we all know who's behind it, Hebrew Vision - or should I say JEW VIEW? - the niggers doing the JEW bidding.

    But it's easy to manipulate a subhuman species, as we both know.

  18. The Kansas City Atheist Coalition will rise to help.

    They will protest the young people at the International House of Prayer having prayer meetings.


  19. If young people want to go to IHOP, what's to stop them, although the food there is pretty high carb and low in protein?

  20. Keep on killing KC. remember we are the Paris of the Plains.

  21. My 104 might hold up.

  22. minus the Jews, nigs wouldnt be a problem. they could have continued as thralls or more preferably have been repatriated and therein permanently incarcerated. todays free-range nog problem is a jew invention.

    so, the jew is definitely worse. pound for pound, the jew is only exceeded in its deleterious effect to its hosts, than certain viruses.

    not to mention, in their own way blacks are victimized by jews even as we are. indeed, they suffer in some ways worse than we, because they lack the IQ to continue to recognize certain social standards once they have been eradicated from culture.

  23. This kind of thing happens constantly across the America of today — just pay a little attention to your local news and maybe read between the lines, since the traitorous, liberal media has longed worked obfuscate the race of these perps, or play up any crime committed by White people — sometimes even running the story for decades.

    Remember all that never-ending media BS about those White Lacrosse players at Duke university, supposedly raping that crackhead jigaboo stripper, Crystal Mangum? What an utter joke that was. Whites rape black women so rarely, it registers as practically zero in the statistics (would you do one of them?). Not so with black-on-White rape. Well over one hundred White women are raped EVERY GD DAY by filthy niggers.

    That’s just the way it is, regardless of all the diversity, nog hero worship and anti-White brainwashing they’ve done to you your whole life (now increasing noticeably in the media, even the lousy commercials).

    Far more niggers are diagnosed with Syphilis than Whites, but media shows you stock photos of White people.

    And I can guarantee you most of those “Whites” in the syphilis data found in the link above, are really Jew homos who freely engage in foul, unprotected sex acts with niggers and whomever or whatever.

    All that and globalist-induced Third worlder immigration (to turn us Whites into a powerless, PC-bickering minority), is why we now have nasty new diseases like HIV, USA 300 (flesh-eating bacteria), drug-resistant Strep and deadly, untreatable new forms of Gram-negative crap, spreading into America these days.

    Now do you know why they jammed ObamaCare down this country’s throat, forcing us decent people to spend so much to get health insurance? Someone’s got to pay for it all and it’s not going to be them. Think it out, people.

    Things are just going to get worse and worse for us White people, until one day it touches your own life in a bad, bad way. And then what will you do? Scratch your spineless White ass and cry?

  24. Fuck the "experience blacks undergo in America". 22 Trillion Dollars have been spent kissing your fuckin ass since 1964 to "Even the playing field", now, to achieve "Equal Outcome".

    The sun has set, the shark has jumped and the bell tolls for your fuckin ass to make it on your own. Affirmative Action (Taking away things from white group number one, giving it to black group number two, for the things that group number three, now dead for 100 years, did to group number 4, now dead 100 years.), Civil Rights laws, they are all racist and should be repealed forever.

    Your "White Privilege" bullshit is a specious empty excuse for failure, indolence and entitlement, which, in conjunction with the encouragement of the President and Federal government is now being translated into violence in the streets of America with the abrogation of the Rule of Law.

    Leftist cant won't save you and whitey is sick of your moaning and groaning about "White Privilege", "Safe Spaces", "Micro-Aggressions" and "Trigger Warnings".

    Get thee hence, poor tired wretched snowflake to your fucking death, the taste of which God of His mercy may give you patience to endure.

  25. By the way, your contributions are minimal and the life you lead, is thanks to white people, PERIOD.

  26. Blinded by hate and ignorance! Africa is much more than a jungle, and in fact, the first civilisations, and all systems we know of today from writing to government, find their origins in Africa; humanity as well. So if we want to talk about uncivilized braying cave men, then look no further than the Cro Magnon Neanderthal, upon whose existence Darwin based his pseudo science. These are pigmentless, primitive barbarians bred in ice whose violent nature was a result of figuring to survive in a harsh climate where it was every one for themselves. This is not as it was in Africa, or the other Black civilizations in the early world (Nile Valley, Euphrates Valley [Saggiga people] and Yellow River valley) where civilization was learned by the brutish Neaderthals. In fact, Europe until the Renaissance was mired in ignorance, filth and war! And that has been the legacy of Europeans ever since! Let's keep this historical and not arbitrary or personal. In fact, until we all come to grips with a system that exploits every ethnic group on earth abd uses their differences to polarize society abd Keri us at each others throats as enemies when the real enemy sites back and laughs at the machinations they have set in motion to keep the prolateriat from rising up against the capitalists! And to consider African subhuman is hilarious considering everything Europe learned was from Africa! Where was the first university on earth?

  27. Blinded by hate and ignorance! Africa is much more than a jungle, and in fact, the first civilisations, and all systems we know of today from writing to government, find their origins in Africa; humanity as well. So if we want to talk about uncivilized braying cave men, then look no further than the Cro Magnon Neanderthal, upon whose existence Darwin based his pseudo science. These are pigmentless, primitive barbarians bred in ice whose violent nature was a result of figuring to survive in a harsh climate where it was every one for themselves. This is not as it was in Africa, or the other Black civilizations in the early world (Nile Valley, Euphrates Valley [Saggiga people] and Yellow River valley) where civilization was learned by the brutish Neaderthals. In fact, Europe until the Renaissance was mired in ignorance, filth and war! And that has been the legacy of Europeans ever since! Let's keep this historical and not arbitrary or personal. In fact, until we all come to grips with a system that exploits every ethnic group on earth abd uses their differences to polarize society abd Keri us at each others throats as enemies when the real enemy sites back and laughs at the machinations they have set in motion to keep the prolateriat from rising up against the capitalists! And to consider African subhuman is hilarious considering everything Europe learned was from Africa! Where was the first university on earth?

  28. Nice diatribe but I just have to look out my door and the news to know little civility is practiced here in the hood or MU.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Oh really 8:03. Contextualize this then:

  31. Sounds like Stupor Dave and Chuck are going to break it on down.......and blow each other right here on Tony's Kansas City. Byron will be on the video camera and Tony will have his French cocksucker hat on, yelling Oui, Oui.

  32. Over under on murders in Killa City 109.

  33. Western Imperialism?
    Try East side Thuggery.

    Really, though, is there a point when it becomes too much?
    Maybe then we'll do what needs to be done to shut it down.

  34. Which is the larger cancer? Western Imperialism or so called East Side Thuggery? Keep in mind the mafia and other suburban violence that goes largely goes unnoticed because of the connections made men have with the paid off, corrupt officials. And keep this in a global perspective, too.

    But again, until humanity steps up and addresses it's issues, none of us will ever make progress if even one of us is oppressed.

  35. Which is the larger cancer? Western Imperialism or so called East Side Thuggery? Keep in mind the mafia and other suburban violence that goes largely goes unnoticed because of the connections made men have with the paid off, corrupt officials. And keep this in a global perspective, too.

    But again, until humanity steps up and addresses it's issues, none of us will ever make progress if even one of us is oppressed.

  36. hey jew boy, we white supremacists run things at TKC, you're not welcome around here.

    1. So this is a white racist blog? That I didn't know! If that's the case, I'll gladly step out the convo, but will also say that so-called Black people are not your enemy! Your enemy is the same as ours: the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, duPonts, Morgans, Vanderbuilts, Carnegies, and all the old money. To take the point a step further, consider both Shay's & Bacon's Rebellion. The notion of racism and "white supremacy" has its roots right there. Just look it up at least, with an objective mind, because at the end of the day hate will accomplish nothing!

  37. "Western Imperialism".

    Jesus, shut up.

  38. Hey 7:01 how many of those white have a Jewish background? Alrighty then.

  39. Jew Boy Chuck, out of the closet and yapping11/16/15, 6:21 AM

    I see Chuck has appeared with this Hebrew Vision avatar. Nice move there Chuck.

    We knew that the Jew agenda was being fronted by you're other screen names. Now the Heeb can't control himself.

    Do us this favor Chuck. Please don't demean Harry Stone any more than you already have with you idiotic rants by attaching yourself with this latest Jew shit.

    1. I'm not Jewish, nor am I Chuck. If you look even at what Hitler said about the European Jew, he called him a convert and a bastard because he was aware of their "protocols". He also knew who the real Yahudim were. As such, I'm an Israelite, nationally speaking, and a Hebrew ethnically speaking. I'm not a communist, and certainly not a capitalist; I'm moreso a Theocratic-Anarchist. I believe in self governance established in the principles of Torah, if that matters to anyone who actually cares to know.


  41. Communist subversion which indoctrinated the black community is real, and has been taking place since the first day after the end of World War two. Liberal news media is to blame.

  42. If hate will accomplish nothing, why are you spending so much time spewing it here?

    BTW, the Vanderbilts have not been rich for years and Carnegie gave his money away.

  43. Hebrew vision must be a costume wearing black Hebrew Israelite, thinking their special black ass is why their life us chaos, pick it victim poison,,, nation of prislam, Obama's church all victim... West imperialism my ass, most ppl in America aren't from that idiot most whites started out at the bottom polish italian, Greek, ,,,,,white altruism the billions of fed money midnite bball to get u groids to stop killing, fuck out of America

  44. The NIGGERS will not let us down! They will be well over a hundred murders in KC by year end. Hell, probably by Christmas!! Go NIGGERS!!


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