New Tech Will Soon Confirm Kansas City Streets Remain Old And Busted

Survey of an upcoming tech road test that should confirm that KCMO streets are nothing more than a complicated array of steel plates, potholes and open pits . . . Made worse by nicely paved roads as soon as motorists cross the State Line: High-tech survey of KC's roads underway


  1. Wow, maybe next we can crowdfund some chuckhole repairs.

  2. Blame the lame director of public works, Sherri McIntyre for the shitty streets. Troy Schulte should be fired for appointing her to the director position.

  3. This is great!
    Now KCMO will have spent $450,000 collecting data on street conditions and needed repairs that they can then ignore.
    In the past gathering this kind of information took years and then, of course, it was also ignored.
    An endless series of announcements followed up by...
    more announcements.
    No management, follow-up, results, or accountability.
    And Schulte is about to get another three-year contract for $200K+/year.
    It never changes.

  4. Yeah I guess a couple of peckerwoods in a pick up truck can't just look at a street and tell it needs to be fixed. We now must have an ultra thousands of dollars hi-tech couple of bullshitter consultants spend our money like drunken sailors to tell us those streets need to be fixed. See what going to MU will do for ya?

  5. And blame Troy Schulte for the annual so called City survey that his staff cooks and presents a report that the public is "pleased" with city services. Many Citizens are not pleased with the crappy streets that are undergoing perpetual second rate repair with sub standard repair materials.

  6. They're actually collecting data for the NSA. It's true. I saw it on the internet.


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