Celebrate Renewed Rock Chalk Diversity Efforts Amid Increasing Student Protest

Update on the study of rising racial drama across the State Line: "The provost’s office announced last week that it was forming a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Group, co-chaired by athletics director Sheahon Zenger and associate professor and African and African-American Studies department chairman Clarence Lang, to work toward several goals, including a diversity strategic plan, diversity training for students and employees, incorporating diversity into curriculum and recruiting and retaining students from marginalized groups." University of Kansas chancellor addresses diversity issues


  1. Jim nails it...

    The uproars on campus before Thanksgiving are more a reflection on the astounding cowardice of college presidents than the foolishness of young minds — which, being not fully formed, are easily susceptible to idealist figments. The adults in charge ought to know better. Princeton President Christopher Eisgruber actually entertained the “demand” to erase Woodrow Wilson’s presence on campus for being an arch-segregationist by a black “social justice league” that at the very same time demanded separate (i.e. segregated) social space for blacks only. How did he reconcile these pleadings in his own mind, I wonder.

  2. Bottom line: hurt feelings supposedly cancel free speech. No, that’s exactly the opposite of the meaning of the First Amendment. How can a college president fail to understand that and fail to defend the campus against that sort of Jacobin despotism? The answer is they are hostage to dogmas cooked up by race-and-identity careerists who don’t really care to make distinctions between what is true and what is not true — and that is now the official tone of higher education in America. It’s a short hop from there to not knowing the difference between what is real and what is unreal.

  3. These Progressive Administrators are all Liberal to the bone and smooth between the legs like a Ken Doll.

    It's no surprise they wilt like flowers in the face of confrontation. Emasculated, etiolated, Tinker Bells who probably all sit around and braid each others hair at meetings.

  4. ^^^^^^^ Dead On

  5. RE: "African and African-American Studies department"

    At KU?

    I've immediately identified the problem!!!!

  6. Students at these large state universities are nothing but numbers...always have been always will be..hence only the stronger ones survive. When you let virtually everyone in the weeding out is intense and impersonal...most shouldn't be there in the first place

  7. Democrat black students now demand changing the famed "Campanile" landmark name to:

    "Dat Big Bell Shee-it" - so they won't fell threatened.

  8. Nowadays, it is American academia which is heading down the intellectual toilet. This should not be that surprising after nearly 50 years of neo-Marxist professors, “affirmative action” which takes mostly inferior students and admits them where they do not fit in, segregated dorms and segregated narcissistic sexual-racial-ethnic-religious “studies”, and the massive enlargement of colleges to the point that over 50% of young people attend college regardless of any talent or discipline. Federal largess has caused tuition to skyrocket to over $60,000 a year for these babysitting palaces. Nor are there many jobs for people who take such useful studies as “Network Evolution and the Beauty Advantage”. Naturally, the “college graduates” COULD compete with illegal aliens for landscaping, restaurant, and painting jobs but I expect that to happen when pigs fly.

    Worst of all are the American academic “administrators” who care only about the bottom line of football team revenues, scientific grant money, and happy students. Unlike Franklin (America’s leading, first scientist) or Jefferson or Adams (You know, EVIL WHITE PEOPLE), modern American politicians of both parties are generally ignorant of science, technology, history, classical literature, or anything other than getting votes. Taxpayer money flows to the Greek-columned Romper Rooms and intellectual capital slowly flows to Asia.

    One hundred years from now, American Universities will probably be highly rated in the fields of basketball and football but little else. Decades of University indulgence has passed the point of no return.


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