Two horrific murders on this list lead back to Kansas City proper and remind us that this town isn't as tolerant as many would like to claim. Checkit: 20 transgender people have been murdered in the U.S. in 2015: these are their names


  1. I don't condone hate crimes, but if KC "leads" the nation with 2, that's hardly an epidemic, TKC.

  2. And how many are really "hate" crimes as opposed to lifestyle crimes.

  3. keepin it real10/10/15, 9:35 AM

    I just hate that more of them arent killed

  4. Tony you need to have your transitional hormones adjusted. You are turning into a complete drama queen.

    Given that there are generally just under 14,000 murders per year in America the idea that you would try to amplify some bullshit about 20 U.S. murders of fruitbags or imply that there is some kind of hate crime trend makes you look like a total jackass. Good work Tootie-Fruitie!!!

  5. So, while you're hating on transgenders, you deny that killing them is a hate crime? Or that you haven't killed enough of them to constitute a trend? Did you read 9:35's comment? He wants everyone to know what a piece of shit he is, but is afraid to use his name. That's the ultimate pussy.

    TKKKC Scholars have no shame.

    I would rather have a conversation with any transgender, than a conversation with any TKKKC Scholar who thinks I should be troubled because they hate me.

  6. Hmmmmmmmm. Common sense tells you that these type people are not popular and therefore, should be shunned and avoided at all cost.

    Damnnnnnn, those UMKC grads.

  7. Funkhouser! You are sooooo full of shit. First off any murder is a hate crime, even when fags are offing each other I have yet to see a homicide that was love crime. They only do that at the local hospitals and then deny it.

    The idea that the world is supposed to mourn everytime some fruitball gets offed is complete bullshit. Life is a bitch. 14,000 get murdered every year and frankly if 20 fags are in the mix I would say that is an incredibly low number to start looking at as a hate crime trend aimed at queers. Want to guess how many abused wives get killed every year, or children, or disabled, or veterans or minorities? I can guarantee that any single category outdoes your fag numbers by thousands.

    Sorry if I don't cry that the contributions made by some clown in a dress will be sorely missed, but there are too many dead nursing students, medical students, up and coming rocket scientists and engineers for me to get all excited about josephine shit breath.

  8. Everyone PLEASE UNDERSTAND that the TRANSGENDER media phenomenon is part of the larger orchestrated movement to isolate, dehumanize, and depress the traditional family structure which has served humanity for countless generations.

    Well under ONE percent of the world's population has any condition which could be classified as transgender (generally being born of one sex but identifying as the opposite).

    Those who wish to break apart family/societal structures into only a confused isolated group of individuals, in order to better control them and keep them powerless, would have you believe that everything/anything is acceptable.....homosexuality, transgenders, incest, pedophilia, bestiality, sado-masochism, torture, slavery, etc.

    Those who find themselves in one of these extreme minority groups should be tolerated to do what they wish in private (within reason between consenting adults), but the state makes a grave mistake in sanctioning such perversions and granting them legal protections.

    And that is a FACT.

  9. Thank you Mizz Davis. Now someone bring my sheep in here I need some booty.


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