Dead Tree Media Offers Even More Kansas Gov. Brownback Investigation

From TKC's perspective, we can't help but think that folks aren't really clamoring for more coverage of Kansas politics when there's no big election directly on the horizon . . . Now, for the most part this report from Helling is fair and gets an embattled Gov. on the record but there's an editorial bias against this politico who is not even well-liked among Republicans . . . Fact, is The Star has launched one attack after the next on Gov. Brownback, helped launch the career of his opposition who was soundly defeated after being propped up by newspapers across the nation. Here's the latest installment of Dead Tree Media trying to expert their influence into snoozy Kansas politics: Sam Brownback, a politician of faith and risk, faces his biggest crisis


  1. Kansas and Brownback are the beta test for low(est) tax will result in economic prosperity.


    Does any knowledgeable person actually believe that a business or an individual is going to make investment decisions based about State tax rates on the margin of expense decisions.

    Kansas is gaining on Mississippi. What a goal.

  2. The Star has been hallucinating crisis in Kansas for months. The only crises is what the hell are they going to do with that stupid ass Star building when it is empty.

  3. defund DCF and force the illegals and hoodrats out of Kansas

  4. 10:03 there will be another budget crisis in Kansas again next year and it's not some fairly tale make up by anybody. Kansas was another $31 million short in revenues for the month of September. Every month this year has been at least $15 million short. That is a hell of a lot of money added up. If last year was bad next year is going to be way worse. And Brownback doesn't pray to find the right answers. He does what the Kochs, Grover Norquist, and the CFP tells him to do.


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