The most notable reax this week in Kansas City following a shocking live broadcast TV slaughter featured a great many local news stations and personalities making pronouncements about censoring the footage.

To wit . . .


Thankfully, there are still newspapers willing to take journalistic risks:

'New York Daily News' cover causes outrage over graphic images of slain journalist

Until now the slaughter didn't really impact the lives of a lot of people locally so the only blogging we've done on the topic concerns the Kansas City media reax.

However, here are a few things to consider . . .

- Kansas City media crackdown on the images was pronounced and seemed rather parochial given that other news outlets and the Internets had the snuff footage on a loop.

- But let's talk content too . . . Newsies mostly stayed away from the shooter's race war revenge ranting and instead focused on mental health vs. gun control issues. What we heard from our blog community (and it's rather politically incorrect but still an alternative sentiment that deserves to be noted): A great many Kansas City residents called this tragic incident a straight up HATE CRIME against white people . . . Like it or not, that's what a lot of locals think and that kind of talk is verboten within the context of Kansas City mainstream media. Damn, the Germans have a word for EVERYTHING!!!

- Better than this blogger . . . Gawker explains why the NY Daily News cover is important:

The New York Daily News cover shows the murder of an CBS reporter in Virginia from the perspective of her killer. It’s horrific, graphic, and gruesome—and it’s important that everyone looks at it.

Reading about gun violence isn’t enough. A shooting is a visual tragedy. There’s a muzzle flash, bullets, a wound, blood, and bodies. When we see an upsetting image, our brain draws on tens of thousands of years of evolutionary training for a proper response. We are flooded with chemicals that make us feel the badness of what we see, so that we can adjust our behavior accordingly . . .

- Like it or not, small town media coverage keeps Kansas City small time. The biggest daily newspaper in town is bought and paid for with tax break cash which is reflected in their unquestioning loyalty to the Mayor and TV newsies have some moments of brilliance followed by a great many doggie stories . . . Sadly, in the face of a shooting crisis most pundits and mainstream media people in Kansas City failed their audiences who instead turned to the Internets for a more forthright perspective.

However . . . Maybe the crackdown on graphic violence is a good thing and the Internets has cut the heartstrings of Kansas City's least favorite blogger. You decide . . .


  1. TKC, I think part of why the race war perspective was ignored is because there are so few minorities working in local media. It comes off bad and a lot of stupid things get said that could get people in trouble if it's just a bunch of whites talking about racial killings. Consider that in YOUR ranting.

  2. I'm sorry what does this have to do with DA HYPSTUR TOY TRANE KALEMOBILE DUHHHH

    On topic: when does the wholesale slaughter of niggers start? answer: not soon enough

  3. racists of all colors are stupid. No use trying to reason with them. Racists need to go the way of the Dodo.

  4. This tragedy must be doing the numbers for the general media. Happy for any advertising revenue windfall and ratings and rankings boost.

  5. Is this post Tony's last desperate attempt to keep this blog alive by going supermarket checkout rag?

  6. Snuff film footage is highly clickable.

    If only it was a dog or a lion that got shot.

  7. You've really "sold out" on this one Tony.

  8. First off, if two people getting shot is a slaughter I'm a monkeys uncle. This is typical of press generated drama. Since when do a couple of local yokel newsie wannabees out in Pennsylvania rate day after day of news, top positions in broadcasts and mass mourning from coast to coast. The damn press needs to get over itself. This is a bunch that will fire a newsie and ship them out of town in damn near secret, but wants the public to stop commerce over a shooting by a fellow newsie. Next time someone’s grandmother or wife dies ponder the fact that the only place the press gives them attention will be in the obituaries. Fuck the media. Get the fuck over it.

    As far as the race angle? What do you expect from a pack of pandering libtards. They have always been in the twilight zone about balanced perspectives on race.

  9. Seems like any big news get screened through the lens of, "how can I draw attention to my blog, irrespective of any type of moral compass"?

    One of many downsides of the internet.

  10. Us of the term "Libtard" really makes you appear stupid.



  11. Libtards and niggers are bringing this country into the gutter.

    1. ^SJW shape shifting Troll^

      May very well be 9:01

      See what's happened mate? 9:01 or 9:1 or 911. The shapeshifters are all around!!

    2. Mind. Blown.

  12. the Democrat "War on Whites" escalates.

  13. Looks like the NY Daily News maxed out the Photoshop "brightness" on the shooters hand.. so he'd look "white" --

    kinda how they did with the George Zimmerman photos

  14. I have to agree about the "libtard" term; it really is...well, kind of dumb.

    That said, gun issues in this country are becoming seriously problematic. The expression, "live by the sword; die by the sword" is ringing louder every day. We need to collectively do something soon or the gun violence situation will be well beyond repair. This country is obviously on violent crime upswing and guns are being used to accelerate the associated homicde rate.

    By the way, I carry two swords every day...not just one. I simply would prefer we could find some reasonable middle ground where that daily practice was unnecessary.

  15. I have to agree about the "libtard" term; it really is...well, kind of dumb.

    That said, gun issues in this country are becoming seriously problematic. The expression, "live by the sword; die by the sword" is ringing louder every day. We need to collectively do something soon or the gun violence situation will be well beyond repair. This country is obviously on violent crime upswing and guns are being used to accelerate the associated homicde rate.

    By the way, I carry two swords every day...not just one. I simply would prefer we could find some reasonable middle ground where that daily practice was unnecessary.

  16. Her father seems like a great guy. I can't imagine the pain.

    There was a time in this country when people would respect that and afford a bit, just a bit of discretion.

    But our time is all about what "I want now". So, people like Tony use these opportunities without asking, "is there a right thing to do?"

    So another day at TKC of name calling, oversimplification, and F-bombing anyone who does not agree with you. All the while asking, it's someone else who is ruining our country and disrespecting our heritage.

    Libtard. Only in the midwest.

  17. I think that that was very well written, Tony.

    Is it a hate crime? No. He imagined himself to be lashing back, not lashing out, both for being black & for being gay, but these were not random white people. He held a personal grudge against each of them, & the station in general. Dylann Roog killed strangers, only because they were black.

    He was clearly mentally ill, as was Dylann Roof. The path to madness that they each took seems to have been preordained by our history. Both were, in fact, predictable, even inevitable. But, they were both also acts of domestic terrorism, enabled by our deliberate misreading of the second amendment.

  18. So besides babbling incoherently about a killer you never met or even know, what do you intend do Bryon?

  19. Same thing he always does. Babble incoherently about things he doesn't know much about, other then what he reads on blogs.

  20. Um people aren't turning to the Internets. There is a reason why people are spending much less time on news, blogs, and social medias sites these days. Most of it is a waste of time full of crap anymore.

  21. The core online "users" (addicts) just skim their phones looking for where the next something for nothing deal or party is. Or for the oh your so pretty in that selfie comment on their Instagram or Face Book.

  22. When is the open house Byron?

  23. Byron nobody gives a fuck what you think about anything. Doing a web blow job on Tony is a new low, even for a perv like you.

    As for 9:25/26 "By the way, I carry two swords every day...not just one. I simply would prefer we could find some reasonable middle ground where that daily practice was unnecessary." This is the stupidity of Kansas City at it's best. Rail on guns yet you want to come to a gun fight with not one but two swords.

    You are a fucking idiot. Do society a favor, fall on one sword and drag Byron down on the second.

    Stupor Dave will be along any second to give Tony a rim job after Byron finishes blowing him. Oh, the life of a media mogul.

  24. Kill MORE of these phony mass media PROPAGANDA news whores!!!! cnbc, nbc, pbs, cbs, abc, fox, nyt, just to mention a few. Maybe Andrea Mitchell and Megyn Kelly too! KILL THE MASS MEDIA!!!!!

  25. Purveyor of Truth8/28/15, 11:50 AM

    Thank God all you bottom dwellers are contained in this one blog. Keeps you from being out on the streets during the day and messing up my world.

  26. 11:38:

    You are one angry moron.....hate away pussy. It's ok to be gay or communist or whatever you are; someone's good loves you I guess.

  27. Byron is a disability thief. A lying, snitch disability thief. When is the open house Byron? Lying fucker!
    Terry Murray

  28. 9:01 If you really believe that bullshit you are the one appearing stupid, ya fucking libtard!

  29. 9:26 Typical libtard. Do you really believe you are so god damn superior that your castigation of anyone merits credibility. Fuck off clown! Your opinion is just that. Nothing more and nothing less. Fucking libtards and their condescending attitudes.

  30. 11:50 I am just so happy that you believe God ordained you as blog monitor. You are full of shit, but at least your monitoring activities keeps you from spending all day defending Hillary's criminal activity.


    He asks the questions others are afraid to utter.
    He initiates the discussion allowing for both sides to opine.
    He doesn't tell readers what they should be thinking or feeling.
    He doesn't place his opinion above all others (are you listening Star staff?).

    Insane Caucasian drug abuser targets multiple black people in a Charleston church after posting disturbing information on the internet for months/years = TERRORIST act, HATE crime, Racism, Need to ban guns

    Insane Black homosexual man targets multiple white people at a Virginia shopping center after posting disturbing information on the internet for months/years = Mental Illness, Media need to protect themselves, Need to ban guns

    What's wrong with these contrasting reactions to two very similar episodes?

    It's evidence that the majority of media employees are ignorant racist liberal hacks who ACTUALLY do more to discriminate against and retard minority progress by holding them to a different standard, and refusing to treat all as equals.

  32. Probably a better story at this point to cover is will CKMO leadership and their crony capitalist fool cronies throw already ruined retirees, savers, and people living from paycheck to paycheck completely under the bus? Yes they would.

  33. 12:15, what a crock of nonsense. Tony continually runs out bs for no other reason that the click. Then when he gets called out he cries troll. Just like the blacks cry racism, Tony cries troll. Your post sounds so very TKC like.

  34. 926, truth is waisted here. But thanks.


    You folks have veered off the highway onto Raving Stupidity Road. Have a nice drive.

  36. Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! I want my mommy!!!

  37. 12:31 Hey, listen up Helling and Yael, like it or not, TKC isn't afraid to walk right up to the line and dare to cross it.

    He's not a perpetual Mayor/Council/Downtown Council cheerleader to the detriment of an informed citizenry, who works for a nearly bankrupt old legacy media California company, who sold their soul to local politicos for millions in tax breaks, so that other locals will have to shoulder more of the tax burden, among other of your negative attributes.

  38. Kansas City Council Stands Against First Person Shooter Games, Calls Grand Theft Auto "Morbid, Distasteful." Council Passes Resolution Requiring Game Industry to Censor Violent Images.

    Rockstar Games today released a new version of its wildly popular first person shooter series, Grand Theft Auto. The new version appeals to 50- and 60-something lawmakers, as it requires the player to mow virtual lawns and to board up vacant virtual buildings.

    The new "Grand Theft, Kansas City" allows the player to move up from grifter all the way to Mayor, by sucking up to richer players and finding ways to sue the city for millions of dollars.

    "We feel this game is much more realistic," Mayor Stie Flames said at a press conference. "We think by making this mandatory for schoolchildren, we will improve test scores and probably get our accreditation back." Citizens for Taxpayer Rights called the program "another tax and spend scheme" and vowed to "fight this as ineptly as we fight all tax and spend campaigns."

  39. It WAS a hate crime.

    The talking heads on all stations are already spinning this into a mental health issue.


    If this black man was mentally deranged, then there are hundreds I have met exactly the same and millions out there ready to do the exact same thing. Steeped in hatred of whites and encouraged by politicians, the media and the entertainment industry to believe that personal responsibility is for others and success can only be achieved after the destruction of the rule of law and the social contract, his actions are the new normal. Murder, rape, robbery and violent crime are excused for blacks in a Moral Relativity Paroxysm of Ethnomasochistic, Progressive Ignorance.

    He (Bryce Williams) was NOT mentally ill, he was the product, the expected and logical outcome created by a society whose liberal elites achieve sinecure and make bank on black hated and dysfunction.

    Social determinism will reduce this horror, to an anomaly, from a “disadvantaged”, “disaffected”, “disenfranchised”, act. “Misbehavior” that needs to be “medicalized” and outsourced to state-approved experts, or reduced to the fault of the amorphous thing called society.

    Is anyone shocked that not one “expert” is calling it what it actually was?

    It was a hate crime. Period.

  40. I get a boner everytime a nigger kills a human being too, chuck.

  41. Fucking KC is off it's rocker, but thanks for sending all those retail sales to the county.

  42. you can write to chuck at Chuck Lowe, 1 Raving Stupidity Road, since his is he first house you see.

  43. You folks don't have any real news media in Kansas City anymore. Isn't it about time you recognize that?

  44. I have watched the actual video of the shooting and the NY Daily did photo shop that hand to a "whiter shade".

    The actual Go Pro video shows clearly that it is a black hand pulling the trigger. Pretty hard to watch, even as a combat vet who has killed. Watching a innocent woman just standing there gunned down for no fucking reason other that racial hatred. Sorry, I draw the line on this.

    I agree 100% with Chuck. This was a hate crime. When you leave behind a book stating your rants and your racial hate.

    We hear Botello babble daily about that nut job that killed 3 people in JOCO. It white supremacist this, racist that. Day after day. Yet when a black does a hate crime, where is TKC ? Crickets. He runs out a Toy Train posting and the follows with a Piggirine Honig chick/dick promotion.

  45. 8:31 & 12:32: Toot toot. What a hoot. Trolley boy's racist alter ego finally reveals itself. Clink clank clunk.

  46. Thanks for posting this TKC. It makes me realize I live among a lot of creeps, racists and schmucks. That move to Denver is looking better every day.

  47. Buh Bye Greedo. 1-800-Haul Ur Ass .

  48. Don't let the door smack you in that fat ass on the way out 6:38. I'm sure there is a blog called Libtard's Denver just waiting for you.

  49. She really had a NICE ass!!!!

  50. And you wonder why I hate NIGGERS as I do? On top of being a simple-minded NIGGER, this one happened to be a fucking queer too. The only good thing to come of this, is that the NIGGER is dead too and we won't have to pay for it's lodging for the next thirty years. Good night NIGGER, sleep tight.


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