This morning an important bit of Kansas City political reporting has local power brokers and insiders abuzz.

Credit where it's due: Steve Vockrodt wrote an important missive on all things related to a recent Jackson County FBI ruckus.

Take a look: Why was Mike Sanders so eager to get Brittany Burke a Jackson County paycheck?

The Pitch gives credit to The Star is a strange bit of kowtowing but let's not forget that our blog community documented this contract before anybody in Kansas City.

But I digress . . .  

Sadly, after about 3k words . . . The article doesn't really answer many/any questions about the Burke/Sanders connection  . . . Even worse, the story is far too complicated a polemic for Pitch readers who mostly pick up the alt. weekly for restaurant reviews and maybe a few quick promo/sponsored content articles which are much more skillfully written than the tripe @ Ink.

Still, there's something more interesting other than MSM speculation about what the FBI is or isn't gonna do . . .


We won't speculate on what's gonna happen with JaxCo exec Mike Sanders . . . Nobody really knows BUT what Kansas City Insiders DO KNOW for sure is that, TKC was correct, and Cathy Jolly comes off looking like a very panicked lady in the midst of this controversy . . .

One insider brilliantly notes:

"This is horrible for Cathy Jolly, totally wrecked her image and nobody is going to trust her going forward. She's no longer regarded as a cheerleader, but something more akin to a stripper."


Here's a bit ore detail . . .

"How Cathy Jolly, purportedly a life- long friend of Sanders' wife (truly a very nice woman), would go SO FAR out of her way in the PITCH (for God's sake) to act as if she has never had an original thought in her head about anything concerning her EXORBITANT SALARY package at the county. To start, managing (Brittany) Burke and her contract was Cathy's almost sole job for almost a year. Cathy, as you know, works at most an honest 5-6 hours a week and spends most of her time berating the staff, then she goes home. Honestly T, she's one of the laziest people in local government. It stretches credibility to the extreme for her to now act as if she was somehow a casual observer to her own job . . . "

And now it gets personal . . .

"I know for a fact that Cathy DESPERATELY NEEDED A JOB so her kid could afford his PRIVATE SCHOOL tuition (yep, her kid does not go to public school) and Sanders was there to help her. How does she repay him? Now? Now she can't run away fast enough in an effort to avoid any chance at a little negative press or public scrutiny. It was an act of crude and petty disloyalty the likes of which, I must say, I'm not sure I have ever seen in local politics. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought of Sanders as a guy I would feel sorry for, but I do right now. Don't know any other way to say it. There is no doubt in my mind that other politicos will take notice (and are already might I add) of Jolly's incredible disloyalty to a person whom, in her own words, she has described as some of her best friends "in the world." They will conclude, if she would do it to them, then she would clearly do it to me. This is a town with many unwritten rules in local politics, and Jolly just committed the cardinal sin in an effort to avoid scrutiny for what she herself did. The fallout for her will, and should be, immense."

Personally, we think Cathy Jolly is still one of the very best local lady politicos but our esteem isn't always shared by the local elite and power brokers who play by their own set of rules unbeknownst to most plebs on Kansas City streets.

Developing . . .


  1. I still betcha Jolly would've beat Sly James in an election.

    Don't count her out just yet. The next Mayor's race could be a serious comeback for her.

    Jolly > Circo

  2. Who the hell is Cathy Jolly, and why should I care?

  3. She's one of the regulars in the one star rated soap opera drama called KCMO

  4. Jackson County and KCMO governments are FULL of hacks like Jolly and tens of millions of tax dollars are thrown away every year on insiders, fake contractors, and outright grifters who know very little about public policy, couldn't care less, and contribute nothing to the residents who pay their salaries.
    Friends, insiders, contributors, extortionists,and probably worse.
    And most of them. like Jolly, couldn't possible find jobs where they actually had to accomplish much of anything, because they bring absolutely nothing to the game.
    The FBI could have permanent offices at both the courthouse and city hall. And maybe they should.

  5. +++++++1 million @9:18am.

  6. I'd fuck Jolly in her ass. Then cum all over her tits.

    Why not her face? She's Jewish. Jewish girls don't take it in the face.

  7. The FBI can investigate forever but with all the funds doled out for economic development,non profits, drug counseling etc no one needs to break any laws to scam all the funds they want from Jackson County and KCMO.

  8. ^^^^ Thank you for taking the higher, moral ground. I'm sure she'll respect you more for caring about her religious belief. Sexual berating is totally acceptable in the Jewish faith, right? You sir, are an asshole.

  9. Mike Sanders was acting quid pro quo.....doing a favor for a fellow politician, with the understanding that the favor would be returned.

    The $75,000 contract with Burke by Jackson County was CLEARLY inappropriate. They waited to see the submitted bids, then rushed at the last minute to submit Burke's at a slightly lower bid. They misled legislators into believing that she was qualified and would work on a needed project......neither was true.

    Emails reveal that Burke had NO idea what her assigned task was, and was more interested in getting a reserved parking space.

    Mike Sanders, Cathy Jolly, Brittany Burke and the others implicated should be removed from their positions and prosecuted.

  10. The whole lot of them at City Hall are slimeballs, scuzzbags, grifters and gangsters. That's the only conclusion you can make if you watch them for a while. These clowns give each other fat paychecks and contracts (with your money, of course) and spend their days eating lunch in swell restaurants (with your money, of course) and what do we get for that? A city that's been on a steady downhill slide since the end of the Pendergast era.

    But it won't go on forever. Bankruptcy is nigh!

  11. This stinks to high heaven. Sanders preaches to hardworking employees all time that they need to work harder. He then gives them fuck you 1% raises. But he's got 75K to give a consultant that doesn't seem to have any idea what she's supposed to be doing. The FBI is asking questions. Why the fuck isn't anyone on the county commission?

  12. Screw you Tony and your courthouse insiders. I read the whole damn article. If anything, I think Sanders was pushing Cathy Jolly under the bus. She just said what is true. Sanders set this all in motion. He wanted Burke given this sweat ass deal no bid, breaking his own fucking rules. Fuck Sanders. What kind of friend is he if he was setting Jolly up to be scapegoat? Her mistake was going along with HIS scheme.

  13. If this is what passes for corruption in Jackson County today, it's pretty weak sauce.

  14. You know what a Jewish slut is? That's a girl who will fuck even if she has just had her hair done.

  15. Personally, we think Cathy Jolly is still one of the very best local lady politicos

    LMAO.. Yip and we think Toni Bones is a brilliant activist also.

  16. Cahty's always been stand up. 'Nuff said.

  17. 943+1. The guy is a 14 year old with pimples. Every few days, he finds the pass word to the net nanny his mom engages.

    Watch tomorrow, he will post a "third party" comment about how he knows the guy and he is the real stud with women.

    Think 5 clicks beyond pathetic and you will still not get the real view.

    Tony thinks this is "free speech".

  18. Don't forget she's married to City Councilman Scott "Streetcar" Taylor

  19. Those who make their living in politics are always floating around between government employment, lobbying, "consulting" or working on campaigns. Sometimes they just need a little to float them thru to the next job. $75,000 is just enough to get thru to the 2016 election year.

  20. I see Ms. Jolly is "working from home" again today and doing what she does best: Blaming everyone else for anything bad around her. That bitch takes the fucking cake. Worthless self promoting pig.

  21. Appears corruption is the only tool left in the toolbox to keep CKMO afloat for another four years.

  22. I just hope Jolie Justus realizes we didn't elect her to be Sly's butt muncher. We will kerp enough public pressure on the entire city Council to listen to their constituents ,vote accordingly and not act like lap poodles of mayor sly. He hs no mandate.

  23. No no no no how can this be she looks so sweet and wholesome in all her pictures!

  24. I just hope Jolie Justus realizes we didn't elect her to be Sly's butt muncher. We will kerp enough public pressure on the entire city Council to listen to their constituents ,vote accordingly and not act like lap poodles of mayor sly. He hs no mandate.

  25. Hey Scott, how's that run against Tarwater looking today? Looks like Dan just picked up Mike's and many others' endorsement.

  26. 11:21 I wouldn't get your hopes up to high with Justus. Most likely she'll be lapping everything up Sly puts on the table with irrational exuberance.

  27. Tony has reached a new low chasing the Pitch around trying to get his nose up their ass. Does this guy draw towards anyone with an ounce of credibility or is he just a flake magnet?

  28. Credibility as in The Star,whom in their approval of a new terminal that is proposed by the City Council failed to acknowledge they are getting tens of millions of dollars in tax breaks from our local governments seemingly in exchange for favorable news and editorial coverage?

  29. Staubio got a nice property tax cut on his place downtown this year! He could go to work for the Star!

  30. He'd be perfect for the Star. The editorial bullshit department would welcome him.

  31. Vockrodt's one of the few journalists around here that has any balls left.

  32. Wow. There's a bunch of asswipes on here blaming Jolly because she wouldn't cover Sanders fat backside. Talk about misguided anger. He's the one who gave this Burke bitch the corrupt contract. He said he'd be a reformer too. Fuck being loyal to this wig wearing piece of shit.

  33. Tony brings it again.

    75K for a hot looking jump off. I am ok with it, but not in Government. Privately owned companies pull this shit all the time. If the chick can stick her elbows straight out and you can still see her boobs in her profile picture, she gets the job and the same thing holds for Chick CEO's and I have seen it for both sexes.

    The future first husband, Bubba would approve. Plus, he knows perfectly well, Huma Abedin is Hillary's jump off and she will be pulling down a fucking phone number on the taxpayer's dime after Hillary is anointed the next Democratic/Fascist White House Overlord.

  34. More welfare for whitey fucking currupt spics and crackers kill me. Where the fuck is pisspolar bear and n word crew today? Fucking honkeys overlook blantant natural white criminality to piss and moan about bs when their hollier than thou white cace scum scam the shit out of voters. Its like the idiots on the plaza watching the random nerdy black kid while the thieving white kids shop lift the fuck out of the store. Yep you bunch of rednecks keep complaining about nigs while spics and honkeys bleed you inbreeds dry. Hahahahaha

  35. Jolly is a cunt.

  36. Is Skippy fucking either one of these broads? I would hate to think he is giving out a no bid contract and not getting a piece of ass for his trouble. What is that Latin term for a favor? Quid pro fuca?

  37. 3:04 It is worth mentioning, you ignorant fucking thug, that Jolly didn't rape anyone's fucking grandmother, or "Knockout" an innocent passerby with her "Homies". Or just pick someone out, drive by, shoot them in the back and kill them.

    Go eat a fucking banana.

    1. Jeff Cocksuker keep telling yourself that the county tax and city earnings tax keep sky rocketing out of control. Keep busy hating worthless nigs well the real crooks rob us thenTax payers blind. Fucking cave ape. Go fuck your sister or molest your daughter inbred.

  38. One thing about Madam Kathy, she is one of the most conceited, self-interested people, I have ever had the misfortune to meet. This bitch thinks that she is definitely "the cutest one" and all others need stand aside. Maybe this'll humble her and get rid of the highness act?

  39. People have let these local politicians get out of hand. They know a bunch of shit birds barking in a fucking blog can't touch them with a ten foot pole. Welcome to Missouri... the show me yours and I'll show you mine state.

    1. Exactly these idiots would rather mouth off about worthless nigs then like fucking cowards rather than step up and vote these idiots out of office. Its easier to jack off thr spic tkc with nigger rants than to actually vote.

  40. Self righteous cunt.

  41. Kathy Jolly pretending to be high society is a scandal in itself

  42. The FBI needs to investigate Scott Burnett and a few other legislators.

  43. New book I'm working on: The folly of hiring Jolly. A primer on how NOT to run an organization in one easy step.

  44. Since cum guy has no balls, I will shoot a load all over her Jewish face. Then when Chuck Lowe comes to her aid, I will shoot a second load on his stupid ass.

  45. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Classy site Tony.

    Founding Fathers would be proud.

  46. Sanders had a good team in place for most of his first two terms. Then he went crazy.

  47. Tony, shame on you there is a nasty side to Cathy that even you can't or should ignore.

  48. Who investigates the investigators. The ones that make our laws seem to think those laws do not apply to them. Enforcers of the law (POLICE, FBI, prosecutors, ect) have similar notions. These are institutions and people who disprove the beleave that no one is above the law. Our first expectation of the law should be that the law will not apply to those that make it nor to those that enforce it. I hold this truth to be self evident.

  49. 6:21 Are you nuts? Sanders has always had incompetent people....remember the moron Shelley "Incompetent Micro Manager" Keneuvean? Fred "I am a legend in my own mind" Siems etc. etc. Can ANYONE tell me how much Sanders has paid out in settlements? Sanders...and his hires are all incompetent.

  50. 7/22/15, 11:12 AM Sadly confused. Taylor isn't a big streetcar guy. The bald fuck going off the council is.


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