Kansas City E-Tax Tech Winning?!?!

The E-tax campaign is already underway behind the scenes and right now here's just a bit of insight about the tech methods to boost collections of a levy that's one of the biggest deterrents to local biz and residential growth.

Check it . . .

KCMO Chartland: When software and taxes hook up

Money line:

"Since launching its new integrated revenue system called RevKC, in June 2013, the City of Kansas City, Missouri has experienced a significant increase in the collection of earnings taxes from delinquent taxpayers; more than $4,636,758 since the fall of 2014. In perspective, for the same time period (six quarters of data) in the previous fiscal years, the city only collected $189,398. That’s an increase of $4.4 million!"

Developing . . .


  1. The system apparently didn't catch Sly for some reason.

  2. So the city pissed away over 4.4 million instead of 189K. I feel so much better now.

  3. Denise Milani checks the TKC blog for her daily fill!


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