In a MUST READ column, Bottom Line Communications examines the Chelsea Clinton debacle from the vantage point of a PR pro.

Experience in managing media events offers a strong basis to confirm local bias for the well-paid adult daughter of the former SecState.



Here's the money line:

A classic example of media bias was the Kansas City Star’s coverage of a speech by Chelsea Clinton at the University of Missouri-Kansas City campus in 2014. The event was the launch a women’s Hall of Fame and the McClatchy-owned newspaper sent Mara Rose Williams, to cover it.

To no one’s surprise (the Star will undoubtedly be endorsing Hillary Clinton for President) Williams wrote a puff-piece on the event (Link) that was very similar to press materials handed to her (by a former KC Star reporter who is now the spokesman for the university).

It should be noted, the Clinton team had final approval of all media materials.

Read more and realize that the big money paid to Chelsea was made even sweeter by local newsies who didn't ask a lot of questions.

Developing . . .


  1. Main Stream Media sucks. If you get your news from MSM you are a rube and more than likely a douche bag.

    Kansas City's only place for real news is TonysKC .

    The Edwin R. Murrow of the blogisphere.

  2. I am not so sure Bottom Line is correct in their assumptions. People may not BELIEVE that the MSM news is unbiased, but, that is STILL, where they GET their news. That, in my opinion, is what counts.

    The PEW Report informs us that 74% of Americans, get their news from traditional, i.e., Main Stream News sources. ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The LA Times, on and on right down to the K.C Star. That same media ripped Mitt Romney ceaselessly on his wealth.


    The Clinton Foundation, covered in a hucksterish patina of 501(c)(3) ” laughing up you sleeve” wink, wink, “Your in the club, my Democratic peeps” clothing, that covers Chelsea Handler’s t*ts about as well as it cover’s Chelsea Clinton’s avarice, produces over 550 million dollars (75 million went to actual charities, leaving ONLY 475 million for “Administrative” Costs.) so far for the Clintons to use, wait for it, on “Charities”.

    So sure, she (Hillary) is going to win. It used to be, that when the “Fix” was in, it took place in smoke filled back rooms where behind the scenes power brokers determined who would be the next great president. Say, Warren Harding for example (How things have changed.). Now, the public, so inured to Liberal legerdemain by the PR Main Stream Media Bureau, that what brought Al Capone to his knees, is given a nod and a wink from the IRS to the Imperial Clinton Dynasty. Lerner’s lies for liberals go unchecked and if “You scratch my scales, I will scratch your scales” is a ticket to the Big Show.

    The America coup is complete, the victors are re writing history and all that remains is to re colonize the country with illegal immigrants and “Refugees” from Muslim countries that hate our guts and, this 4th of July, will try and prove it.

    The press is even more in the bag for Obama. The greatest liar since Nixon in the Oval Office.

    Mary Sanchez's assumption that the money to the Clinton Foundation supports a "worthwhile cause" is a fucking out and out blatant goddamn like and even liberals know it.

  3. Harharhar! "libtard"! Did you just make that up? It's funny cause it's like a combination of "liberty" and "leotard"! Harharhargurf!

  4. Spoken like a true liberal retard.

  5. The women on the "can" just wrote Chelsea (Hubbell's) speech. As soon as they get it out of the water and dry it a bit, she'll be attempting to read it....

  6. That black eye for journalism is business as usual for the Star.

  7. One idiotic blog after another

  8. Why does Leo Morton still have a job at UMKC?????

  9. STANDING OVATION for John Landsberg of Bottom Line Communications

  10. the kansas city star is notnwhat it used to be. i cancelled years ago. the paper is radically stuffed with advertising more than it ised tk be, and the majority of their opinion writers are always angry and bitter with a common theme.

    the paper is now too PC, and isnt too far off from the pitch. in fact i read the pitch even though its trunk root is counter culture.

  11. The idea that Chelse has any notoriety whatsoever is a hoot. The fact that she is a Clinton, still yet to be determined by a DNA test, is a clear flag that the only folks who would blow that kind of money on a ten minute speech are libtard Democrats who might be looking for favor should Hillbillery get elected. I can damn sure guarantee the libtard jackasses at this, so called, university, would have never peeled off those kinds of bucks for Jenna Bush. Clearly this was politics on the tax payers dime.

  12. The problem is monopolies run the media. There needs to be a local paper for banking and business and one for working people but the reality is PC is merely class war

  13. I don't get why so many people still trust the MSM. Journalists are the guy/gal in high school who had C's but still wanted to go to college. They knew they couldn't become a doctor, lawyer or business man so they became a journalist.

    Ever hear Dana Wright speak on KMBZ? Lets just say she couldn't make a dime in the business world. But "reporting" the news? No problem.


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