And now the industry of victimization takes hold of a horrific moment in American history in an attempt to capitalize politically.

The latest local example . . .

Mary Sanchez pens an anti-Republican rant fighting against the ghost of former Prez Ronald Reagan and his long dead advisers in order to connect the GOP to the racist coward shooter.

While any reasonable person agrees that this tragic instance of mass murder was indeed a hate crime by the admission of the suspected shooter . . . The column produced by Ms. Sanchez is purely a screed manufactured from a litany of partisan talking points.

At a time when people are encouraging healing, prayer and unity . . . Ms. Sanchez mines this tragedy to call out Conservative talk show pundits who aren't even on the air.

She concludes her missive with the tired old cliché that we need to deal "honestly with America('s) greatest weakness: its unresolved, unhealed history of racism."

And while this might be too optimistic . . . Her opinion once again misses the mark given that most reasonable people despise racism and don't wish violence upon anyone else. Instead, where this nation is rabidly, angrily and sometimes violently divided is over the topic of people cynically using racism to advance their own agenda.

You decide . . .


  1. Sanchez is a dumb cunt.

  2. Yes, Mary consider doing something constructive instead of continuing to be so divisive. Hold a white republican's hand and utter a prayer. Or, maybe plant a tulip.


    What's the best job at the KC Star?


    Delivery agent; you get to stuff it in a body bag and throw it away hundreds of times every morning!!

    BADA BING!!!!!!!!!


    The Kansas City branch of the Missouri Democratic Party and The Kansas City Star announced today that in an effort to improve efficiency and trim costs they will formally merge into one operating unit and share space. KC Star publisher Mi-Ai Parrish emphasized that readers will not notice any changes.

  4. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri have reportedly opened a wide-ranging review of alleged public corruption involving Kansas City Missouri municipal officeholders, and their relationship to entities receiving preferential treatment in exchange for material gain to said officeholders.

    Corruption within government threatens our country’s democracy and national security. Corrupt public officials can negatively impact everything from the security of our neighborhoods to the quality of governmental services. Every year, billions of tax dollars are wasted through the corrupt actions of public officials and those attempting to influence their actions.

    Our investigations in Kansas City focus on violations of federal law by public officials in local, state and federal government, such as bribery, contract and procurement fraud, antitrust, environmental crimes, election fraud, and violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. One of our two white-collar crime squads targets the corruption of local, state, and federal officials; the violation of election laws; and fraud against the government.

    For more information on the FBI’s national efforts, see our Public Corruption webpage.

    Public corruption is a breach of trust by federal, state, or local officials—often with the help of private sector accomplices. It’s also the FBI’s top criminal investigative priority. To explain why the Bureau takes public corruption so seriously and how we investigate, we talked with Special Agent Patrick Bohrer, assistant section chief of our Public Corruption/Civil Rights program at FBI Headquarters.

    Special Agent Patrick Bohrer

    Q: Can you describe the kinds of public corruption that the FBI investigates?
    A: It really runs the gamut. Bribery is the most common. But there’s also extortion, embezzlement, racketeering, kickbacks, and money laundering, as well as wire, mail, bank, and tax fraud. Right now, based on our intelligence on emerging trends, we are focused specifically on officials who may personally benefit from economic stimulus funding.

    Q: How does the FBI investigate public corruption?
    A: We’re in a unique position to investigate allegations of public corruption. Our lawful use of sophisticated investigative tools and methods—like undercover operations, court-authorized electronic surveillance, and informants—often gives us a front-row seat to witness the actual exchange of bribe money or a backroom handshake that seals an illegal deal…and enough evidence to send the culprits to prison. But we have plenty of help. We often work in conjunction with the inspector general offices from various federal agencies, as well as with our state and local partners. And we depend greatly on assistance from the public. So let me end by saying, if anyone out there has any information about potential wrongdoing by a public official, please submit a tip online or contact your local FBI field office. Your help really makes a difference.

  5. I've always been amused by the hypocracy of people pointing fingers and calling others haters while they do so with vitriol and insults

  6. oh, SHAME on her! for being right?

  7. Shame on us all for letting this happen.

  8. Saw an interesting thing today where mellinial's are more racist then their parents, boomers, old folks.

  9. Millennial's sorry.

  10. The bitch is mental. No mystery here.

  11. She should be thankful every day for Lewis Diuguid. If not for him, she would be the worst newspaper opinion columnist in America.

  12. Oh come on Tony you just hate this chick regardless of what she does or says admit it.

    What she do reject your advances? Get over it

  13. She's right. The Republican party now represents mainly angry older white men, mostly racist southerners but racist northerners as well, plus the corporate oligarchs who run this country. Its chief activity is promoting corporate control and racial hatred. Its chief villian is Obama, because most Republicans find the idea of a black man in the White House to be anathema. The election of Obama unleashed the greatest outpouring of racial hatred this country has ever seen. You don't have to look any farther than the comments section of this blog to see it, every day of the week. The Republican Party of 2015 is the new Confederacy, only it's not strictly southern anymore. Republican politicians like Brownback and the Kansas legislature are intent on redefining what this country is ... turning it into a society where a few wealthy and powerful white people lord it over everyone else, and where government programs for the middle classes and poor no longer exist. Their willing spear carriers are the not too bright extreme right white Christian fundamentalist movement. These are mostly inaffluent and uneducated individuals who loyally vote against their own interests in every election because of ... you know ... abortion and gays and guns and Jesus.

  14. Careful 531, you might be called a LIBTARD.

    You don't have to connect many dots embedded in these posts with flat out hate to confirm your point.

    Remember, Barrack will be coming for your guns, although he will have to move quickly to get them all.


  15. If she gave us at least one example of democratic party racism, she might have a point. But she didn't do any research, just straight up took a vendetta out on her opponents. THat's not journalism, not even opinion journalism. It's just pimping.

  16. 5:31: Baloney. Send your comment back to the DNC and tell them to send you better stuff.

    6:43: Hipster wannabe, you're the biggest rube on this thread.

  17. Tony is dead on the money.

  18. When Ronald Reagan began his Presidential campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi, with a speech on "state's rights", it was not exactly dog-whistle in subtlety in its call to racism.

    The fact that the GOP chose to welcome Strom Thurmond -- a man who ran for President on opposition to the ANTI-LYNCHING Law (You know... LYNCHING -- where the drag a black kid to a tree, hang him, castrate him and set fire to his body -- for looking wrong at a white woman?) -- meant that the GOP was willing to accept racial hatred as a wing of its Party.

  19. Fair enough 7:41
    But how do you explain the dems supporting Robert Byrd, an actual klansman, all his time in the senate until his death and Obama and Clinton speaking at his funeral?

  20. You got em all wrong Silvestor, everyone knows that Byrd renounced his klan association after a half century, and LBJ meant well when he said "I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."
    ~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One

    But hey, he meant well. And to you leftist shit pickles you can find verification of that LBJ pearl on the liberal huff Po. You leftist turds have latched on to a mass murder in the attempt to promote your false narrative and fucked up ideology. Mary Sanchez gets moist over this kind of atrocity. The media loves it. She/ they dont give a rats ass about those dead people or their families.

  21. So, you all gonna do the whole red team vs blue team debate again?

    You rube dullards really give me a chuckle.

  22. Wayne "Mad Dog" LaPierre6/19/15, 9:30 PM

    Living with horrific gun violence is what it means to be an American.

    Right up there with John Deere and John 3:16.

    Decisions have consequences.

    We've decided to be a fully armed society and call it "freedom."

    These are the consequences.

    This is to be an American.

  23. I have many weapons. None have hurt anybody. Grandmas parring knife did draw blood when I didn't peel the apple correctly.

  24. tony what in the hell do you have it in for mary she is hispanic or are you just jealous because she has a good job/

  25. Dr. Michael Savage, Ph.D.6/20/15, 10:57 AM

    Mary Sanchez, who is she? I tell you who she is. She is a suburban sorority girl playing Hispanic. She only knows what her Left wing professors at that third rate teachers college she went to in Missouri told her. Hispanic? The only Spanish she knows is what she learned in high school at some rich suburban school district. Mary Sanchez wouldn’t know reality if it bit her on the kishter. Good riddens to her and Mary, learn how to count change because in a year, when the Star folds, you will be a waitress at Denny’s dreaming of marrying some truck driver and moving to Belton to have six children . In a few generations the Star goes from having Hemmingway writing for them to writers who hem and haw. They have gone from William Rockhill Nelson to the rock bottom.

  26. 10:57 STRONG!!!!


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