TKC NOTE: Tonight we feature a MUST READ COLUMN CHALLENGING MAINSTREAM MEDIA on a charter school controversy continuing within the Kansas City Public Schools. Checkit: 

KC Star Widens Racial Divide Over KC Schools

The Kansas City Star continues to deflect attention away from the core issues facing local public education by debasing minority families and leaders with inaccurate characterizations. What makes these families the target of several Star articles and editorials misrepresenting their positions and the whole cloth facts? These families bravely oppose the expensive and exclusionary school model known as the KCPS partnership.

At the last KCPS board meeting, stakeholders from Kansas City’s minority community addressed the board. The speakers followed board policy by applying and being approved to speak 5 days in advance of the meeting. The Reverend Dr. Wallace Hartsfield II spoke last. He appealed to the board to desist its clandestine negotiations with a local school management group. He urged transparency and accountability. At the conclusion of his remarks, the attendees, who actually have children in the district, rose quietly and waited for the board to respond to Dr. Hartfield’s request. The act appeared to borrow a page from Ghandi’s playbook on passive resistance.

This weekend a Star editorial writer categorized the group’s presence with these incendiary words: “Outbursts,” “opponents threatened,” “disrupt” and “handcuffs the district.” The Star accused the group of taking the district back to “painful days of adult bickering and infighting when no one seemed to care about what was best for the kids’ academic success.”

But wait!

The patronizing Star has a final accusation for these concerned constituents:

"If opponents would work with district and Académie Lafayette officials for the children, the district could overcome its awful, segregated history and find a solution to satisfy everyone."

So, now the families who were systematically shutout from the merger talks are the ones who won’t work with the district and, according to the Star, are the ones prohibiting the district from overcoming segregation.


Convoluted reasoning aside, this is a clear attempt to “blame the victim.” Time and time again, stakeholders have sought transparent and open discussion regarding the merger. Each time, the district and merger supporters refused. While at the same time, several KCPS board members and administrators have spent over a year working out the details with potential backers.

It’s a shame to see highly-informed, minority leaders, like Dr. Hartsfeld, barred from the talks, but he has been. As has anyone who does not support the merger. District representatives have actually warned key supporters against speaking with anyone not aligned with the aspects of the merger. And so, the merger continues to be hashed out behind closed doors amongst a privileged few, none of them from east of Troost.

Developing . . .


  1. What???? THE STAR distorting and sensationalizing in support of their prejudices? Say it isn't so!

    No one need worry. The STAR is on life support. Only folks who themselves are not long for this earth pay any attention to those writers. STAR advertisers expect loyalty and the STAR never fails!

  2. The STAR is at 12 pages total - on a good day. Someone needs to shoot it and put it out of its misery. It is irrelevant and not newsworthy.


  3. "Dr" Hartsfield is a grifter, sake-down artist and confidence man -- with only self-serving motives. And WHY would HE be included in talks. He represents no one. SERIOUSLY.

    Who even heard about this guy before? Obviously, the same people he represents -- NO ONE!

  4. The Star is right. These French niggers need to be run out of town on a fucking rail, poking and eeking like pavement apes.

  5. Why can't we have a European Centered High School ?

  6. Legitimate Literate6/7/15, 7:28 PM

    If Baby Mama's bastards are EQUAL to the smart children of real families then they should be glad to compete with the Académie kids, n'est-ce pas? Or could it be that bastards are inferior to legitimate humans? Hmmmm.

  7. (ー。ー) zzz



  8. Interesting to see that the RACISTS are united in their support for Academie Lafayette.
    What a recommendation.

  9. What is this church? Lets get some damn excitement going on around here tonight. Aja James bikini pics!

  10. God, don't you hate the white person that taught blacks the word "Stakeholder"?

  11. I support Jim Crow.

  12. What black person in the right mind would care what Sly thinks?

  13. Hartsfield and the rest of the "we've come a long way, but we're not there yet" crowd need to answer the ringing phone.
    The 1960s are calling!
    It's just so hard to let go of the past when you've used it for so long to make good livings, even though the community these people make believe they're looking out for continues to deteriorate and suffer.
    Everything Martin Luther King ever stood for, these folks have stood on its head.

  14. It's Airick he loves the whites so much.

  15. This is simple. Trust those that made the KCPS what they are today or trust people wanting to try something different. I think the sexual assaults are enough to warrant a different approach.

  16. Please don't take our school!

    Matriculating at "Rape" high has been a rewarding, if somewhat dicey experience. Most of my girlfriends have picked up STDs while being raped, but, learning to read at a 2nd grade level, while in the midst of the chaos, violence and blood has made us all appreciate "diversity" even more!

    I have a very useful life awaiting me now that I know every thing I will need to know from my many, many, many "African American Studies" classes. I even know, down to the tiniest detail, everything about the many heroes from the "Marchin wid Martin" trope. Like, I even know the color of every one of our Civil Rights Hero's eyes. Brown. Now that is detail and information that will serve us all well in the coming years. I am going to go to the drugstore, have some itching down there. I will use my EBT Card issued by the white devil. Then, off to college and an Affirmative Action position with NASA.

    What a country!

  17. "Reverend Doctor" my ass! This NIGGER undoubtedly got these credentials from Lincoln University or some other low-class semi-school for NIGGERS.

  18. Sayin muthafucka in French would give some tone to this town. Just sayin.

  19. Sorry, Tony, but you are just dead wrong on this issue. The "minority" in this situation is just dead wrong. For the life of me, I can't figure out why the African-American community wouldn't want to see more quality educational seats in their school district. The "testing" to get into a AL high school would be IDENTICAL to the tests to get into Lincoln. There is no racial bias there. That's complete bullshit. If these "concerned citizens" actually took a stroll through Academie Lafayette, they would see how much better they are educating students. At least AL students don't get raped walking down the hall and can read at an 8th grade level when they leave middle school. Fact is, white kids are the minority in KC, where's the righteous indignation for the fact they aren't allowed a decent public school option?

  20. 7:56- agreed. But I'm afraid neutral testing will yield unequal results and it's will be deemed racist via disparate impact. Standards will be changed an AL will become just another under performing charter.

  21. AL is a charter school. They should purchase the building or Westport High and move on with their program. It is that simple.

  22. This place is filled with morons!


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