Another child has been murdered by gunfire in Kansas City and now this town repeats a horrible ritual in a feeble attempt to make sense of the tragedy.

To wit . . .


Take a look at all the typical talking points already emerging the morning after . . .


Kansas City's Mayor has consistently used just about every recent child murder to advance his anti-gun agenda that has been ruled ILLEGAL by the Missouri General Assembly and has ultimately revealed that this longtime lawyer is ignorant of the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of his constituents.


Social liberals like Former Kansas City Mayor Funkhouser used the backward "logic" that "White Flight" was the cause a great many social ills. Sadly, many denizens of the urban core of every demographic persuasion buy into this misguided, tacitly racist and mistaken ideology which seems to believe that proximity to white people somehow means success . . . Which is only true if we're talking high-class escorts or strippers.


The chuckle-head argument against the 1st Amendment goes like this: If mainstream media would only highlight the grand achievements of "scholars" at the unaccredited and failing KCPS . . . Then maybe killers roaming the streets would be inspired to put their guns away and maybe get a part time job or sing the school song in their own special acapella be-bop rendition . . . Or whatever. Everybody has a love/hate relationship with bad news but word of innocent blood spilled on Kansas City streets doesn't need much help to travel fast. 


Some of the very worst trolls come out to tout this tragedy as an evidence of the racial "superiority" that can't ever make any similar bold statements in public, only plays a tough guy online and we all suspect compensates for some really embarrassing shortcomings.


The Stop Snitchin' meme is a long-ago trend that's barely relevant and mostly used by older d-bags who couldn't name more than 3 current hip-hop artists and operate on their own set of out-of-date stereotypes. Assailing an entire musical genre that has been the most popular and financially successful form of music around the globe for at least 20 years isn't just inaccurate, it's an indicator that a pundit is operating off the same ancient rhetoric which believed that Elvis Presley shaking his hips would bring down Western Civilization. Urbanism and tragic child murder preceded rap music and will continue long after the art form invariably gives way to everybody pretending to like dubstep.

Now . . .

What's exceedingly tragic about these Kansas City Top 5 arguments following another child murdered is that this wicked little town already has a ritual to confront this all-too-familiar tragedy and all of the old arguments are circulated once again whilst we pretend that community policing or some new anti-violence program does anything but exploit a brief flux in horrific (mostly consistent) homicide stats which now include an increasing number of dead children over the past couple of years.

Check the links . . .

KSHB: Amorian Hale, 3, killed in Sunday morning drive-by shooting in KCMO

Fox4: Family of slain child stunned by senseless loss

KMBC: Kansas City police say there have been no tips so far in boy's murder

Developing . . .


  1. Staubio's cousin6/1/15, 10:46 AM

    I blame the streetcar.

  2. #BlackLivesMatter

  3. Jim Glover's racist housing policies throw kids on the street to die every day.


    Yes, because NO ONE ever got murdered before the invention of the gun. Outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns. SLY IS CLUELESS.

  5. Memo to Mayor Sly: There maybe other solutions to this horrible trend in KC other than calling the thugs idiots and saying your hands are tied by the state legislature! Something has to be done yesterday!!!

  6. I blame United Airlines for not serving a Muslim woman an unopened can of soda. Oh, the horror!!!

  7. No respect for life leads to these senseless killings.

  8. I blame niggers.

  9. Let's not forget disgusting two bit race bating nigger loving bloggers who make hay over the personal tragedies of others.

    Really horrible.

  10. well you've got either a troll problem or are attracting the wrong type of reader but either way you've earned it dude.

    I know you've got to work real hard to be this repulsive and now it's paying off big time!


  11. This was probably gang related. Therefore, I blame the parents, the gun culture, & the war on drugs.

    This house was not chosen at random. It was chosen because of who lives there & their activities.

    Without the 'law abiding gun owners' fanaticism, guns would not be so readily available. It is simply too easy for would be killers to acquire murder weapons. (Deliberately misreading the Second Amendment, is not a 'constitutional right' to own killing machines.)

    Gangs are drug dealers. Like the 'Mafia' & Prohibition before them, government policies have allowed this to happen.

    But, today, the parents know who did this. They should not be allowed to feign ignorance. They, & their acquaintances the shooters, are to blame. The failed government policies & gun culture are accomplices, but only accomplices. The more they insist that this was random, the more you can be sure that they are already plotting revenge. There will be more killings, & only the parents of this child, & the family of the victim will know of the connection between their child's death & this future death. Vendettas don't end. They go on & on.

    Of course,

  12. The African American sub culture, aided and abetted by Liberal, Progressive ideology, is the tip of the spear in the Culture War that draws real time blood in the streets of our cities and leaves little kids and innocents exsanguinating into gutters. This war is real and the stakes could not be any higher. The choices are clear, do you want the descension into entropy and anarchy that pervades an increasing number of our cities to be the new normal? Or, do you want the rule of law, where tried and true strategies, like "Profiling", "Stop and Search" and Pro Active Police Work is the barbican against the coming dystopia that is now destroying Baltimore?

    Black and White Progressive demagogues, whose career, money and future are tied to the Liberal ideology, will, in order to secure sinecure for their union, teacher, political, et al position continue to insist, that inner city dystopia is a product of whatever nomenclature de jour is popular that week. "White Privilege", Micro-Aggression", "Institutional Racism", blah, blah, blah...

    In order to secure the black vote, which is a swing vote at 13%, Progressives have convinced all blacks, that they would be fucking Blake Lively and walking around with the Nuclear Launch codes, were it not for evil whites. This strategy has worked well for 40 years until the recent up tick in racial violence over, what any thinking human with room temp IQ, realizes, are low life thugs, who, when the police give orders to, resist, sometimes fatally. Usually, an outbreak of this type is acceptable every couple of years, but the dam might be breaking. These Obama-Holder "Brown Shirts" actually are the law in many big cities, but the left does not want you to say it out loud. They want money and power, or else they will unleash those Brown Shirts, but, they do NOT want the general population to see the straight line reference between those same Brown Shirts and the actual and de facto enforcement of the Rule of LIBERAL Law.

    Relentlessly instilling disrespect for the Rule of Law, incessantly to low information, uneducated, indolent and by design, violent thugs for 40 years, will sometimes garner some blow back. Ferguson and Baltimore are two examples. Dead cops, violent crime through the roof and even more excuses for still another generation of entitled, misguided minorities to see violence as a romantic and accepted tactic to bring evil whites to heel.

    This dead kid, is no more that collateral damage in a Culture War that will kill a hell of a lot more this summer. A small price to pay for the anarcho tyrannists who run our lives.

  13. Of course, these apes have no regard for life or property. No respect for anything or anyone. no morals, values, loyalty, or ability to think. They ARE sub-human apes.

    There, Byron. I finished your thought for you. I am so tired of these fucking subhuman apes and their "suffering". For one, the fucking animals alive today weren't slaves, and don't understand what 8 hours of hard work is, let alone a full days work of being a slave. The fucking apes at my work sit on their fat nigger asses playing with their dirty ass weaves, talking about how they mate with a bunch of different other fucking niggers. NOBODY FUCKING CARES APE. I would rather hear my parents talk about having sex than hear these fucking animals talk about it. Nobody thinks a nigger is a human and they damn sure aren't a cross between a human and anything. They are niggers, just like a cockroach is a cockroach.

  14. Wetback spic whore shot to death in KCK, welfare rolls go down one:


  15. Everybody wants to blame someone...someone besides themselves.

    The Republicans want to help their wealthy donors while keeping the minwage impossibly low...saying it's only for kids. Fact is its too low for anyone to get to work and do the other stuff needed to survive in society. It's cheaper not to work, especially if a have to drive halfway across town to get there.

    Progressive's only failure was to set up a system so single moms can pop out fatherless babies and draw AFDC or whatever it's called today. Like it or not, we've turned unwed motherhood into a career. That's an unintended consequence that needs to be fixed.

    And conservatives for not making abortion easier for people who can't afford children...but oh yes, here comes the pious lecture on keeping your legs together.

    If our mayor spent as much time improving the economics EAST of Troost instead of in the already developed areas...we'd be further along on improving the economics.

    And advanced skill education... without which sentences our population to low paying low skill work.

    This isn't fully a black issue...lots of whites are poor and just as stupid.

    And the law and order types, the administrations, are not helping this problem by hunting down blacks and finding ways (usually drugs) to give them felony convictions so they can't get a decent job.

    We've so screwed this up and now we're fingerpointing looking for someone to blame.

  16. When getting away with murder stops being a black culture thing then this kind of bullshit will stop. Nothing requires understanding. It is fucking murder. Now folks can either put a stop to it or they can play the victim of their own fucking stupidity. You condone this behaviour then shit like this happens. There is no cake and eat it too.

  17. Oh sure, it's white people's fault that NIGGERS are killing NIGGERS, young and old. Is a thunderstorm, white peoples fault??? Fuck the NIGGERS and their stupid-assed blame games.

  18. 1:17

    Yeah sure, the minimum wage is driving more folks out of the market, McDonalds has ALREADY announced the introduction of touch screen technology to be phased in at the counter.

    Democrats are far wealthier than Republicans, just check this list.


    Unions own the US.

    The premise that it is so hard to get an abortion is preposterous.

    As for the mayor, or the President or the Government NOT spending money on blacks. BULLSHIT!! It is estimated that over 17 trillion dollars has been spent on Social Engineering initiatives to "Equal the Playing Field", that now, has turned into "Equal Outcomes or there will be blood!" - cash money from tax payers, real tax payers, not some government job bullshit, Obama make work pretend job, but actual private sector, tax payer jobs, dunned for an endless list of programs that have not, are not and will NEVER work, because blacks are indoctrinated by the MSM Liberal ideology that tells them failure is ok, because it is all WHITEY'S FAULT.

    Education? Really!!??! If you are black and can fog a mirror, you are getting into the college of your choice, so don't give us that bullshit. The teacher's unions have dumbed down the curriculum to the equivalent of watching Al Sharpton on TV after the NBA finals and we wonder why no one in high school can read at a 2nd grade level? Shitty teachers, shitty administrators, shitty students, shit, shit, shit. That is the Dept of Education and The Progressive push for lower and lower standards for teachers who are modestly qualified to read Flava Flave's twitter account.

    Here is who is to blame. Liberals. But hey, who cares? Your boiz are getting elected again and again as proud reps of the New Demographic.

    Multiculturalism and Diversity are Hope and Change in Baltimore and every other big city in the US.

    The proof is the dead bodies.

  19. Why am I supposed to care about this, really? I've heard blacks telling whites to stay out of their business for 40 years so I'm staying out of this and I'm sure one of the next several murder victims will be the person who shot the kid.

  20. Really, the 2nd ammendment?, white flight?, no "snitching"?, the media?.........excuse me?...The blame lies 100% with the piece of shit who shot the gun at that house, with no regard about the people inside the house.

  21. Sly is a dumb ass liberal. Of coarse he will blame the gun and our right to have one. Sly, like Byron prefers the 1940 no gun Nazi Germany society

  22. As long as the civil rights "leaders" continue to act as though it's 1962 and characterize the entire black community by the actions of the small percentage of the lowest common denominator, the kinds of people who endlessly perpetrate crimes just like this, for their own financial benefit, this will go on and on, even as the population of the east side continues to decline.
    Good people who want to earn livings, own a home, raise their kids in safe neighborhoods, and help them get good educations to give them a chance at good lives suffer through this year after year, while the same old grifters and do-gooders bleat about food deserts, disinvestment, digital divides, and all the rest.
    Derelict buildings aren't killing people; broken lives are.
    And there's no excuse for self-destructive behavior.

  23. Read Chuck's comment @ 12:55. That's the only statement in this post that makes any real sense. Mostly it's just trash peddling trash.

  24. Fuck your Yankee blue jeans!

  25. Hey Byron, my first gun was given to me for my 13th birthday in 1973. I now own enough guns to fill a large safe including a dozen handguns, a couple of AR-15 rifles and a bunch of other cool stuff. I also have my concealed carry endorsement. In 42 years I've never shot anyone and, more importantly, I've never pointed a gun at anyone in anger or because I felt I needed vengence.

    Since you are apparently painting me as part of the "gun culture" and therefore blaming me for some shitbag shooting a 3 year old, you can just go fuck yourself you worthless liberal douchebag.



    Thugs are thugs...

  27. And another thing Byron, in 42 years, I still own every gun I have ever acquired. Even more so, my family has bought and sold and owns hundreds of guns. Not a single one in my lifetime has ever been lost or stolen or illegally sold to someone that couldn't legally own a gun. So fuck you and your bleeding heart liberal ass that believes that somehow my law abiding gun ownership has somehow enabled ghetto trash to acquire guns and kill each other.

  28. Blame the killer who pulled the trigger, his partners in crime need to turn him in so they can avoid punishment. Do the right thing.

  29. "hundreds of guns"

    That's insane.

  30. My brother Eric came to see me one day. He sat on my couch, pulled a handgun from his pants & preceded to smoke a joint. I said, "Eric, why did you bring your gun with you." "Because you're a dangerous psychopath", was he response.

    One of us surely is a dangerous psychopath, but I don't think its me.

    In more than 61 years I have never owned a gun. I don't understand why people feel they need one. Its not a toy. Its only function is to kill people.

  31. 4:16 PM
    You get it!

  32. 11:24 AM So did Jermaine Reed's housing policies. And those kids who ended up in the streets. That's right, they were Black.

  33. Byron, you shit stain, ass bandit.....the Bear is giving you 24 hours to arm yourself.

    If you are un-armed in 24 hours, well it will be too late !

    One less shit stain, sheep shagging, hilly snooping in everyones business and trashing his own people.

  34. No matter what... remember the shooter was a Black man who killed another Black boy. Black leaders will ignore this and prefer to focus on white cops shooting black males. The majority of Black deaths in the U.S. states are at the hands of other Black people. Every time a Black home is broken into - its usually another Black person breaking in. A black person in a dispute is usually in dispute with another black person. See the pattern?

  35. Byron is a smart man. A psychopath for sure. He admits that he likes young kids... he needs help. He gets paid on the 3rd, buy me a drink?

  36. The function of a gun is to keep NIGGERS from killing you and yes, there are many, many of us with a number of guns in our possession. It'll stay that way too, as long as there are hoards of NIGGERS in the land, stealing, raping, murdering and in general, just being NIGGERS.

  37. I blame Caitlyn Jenner

  38. Byron, your brother Eric is correct about your mental health. Did your mommy love him more than you? We know she loved Mark more than you and she rejected you during breastfeeding.

  39. Gotta have a pistol Byron, as much as I think most of your opinions suck, you gotta stay strapped out here.

  40. byron is also a literal Cuckold


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