Red State Blues: Conservatives In Missouri And Kansas Cut The Social Safety Net

Apparently, the legacy of "compassionate conservatism" is dead because the only thing that everybody can agree on as of late is that the GOP in both Missouri and Kansas are declaring war on low-income families.

Here's two really good op/ed pieces on this fact whilst we wait to be bombarded by the same sentiment for the rest of the week:

Vox: Kansas's shocking new law will take poor people’s money and give it to big banks

AP: Missouri GOP lawmakers use numbers to cut social safety net

This isn't a new trend and po'folk have always had it tough in both good economic times and bad or maybe because this nation has really been in a recession since about 1963.

But I digress . . . In Kansas City, economic harsh times are worsened by "non-partisan" politicos touting shiny new projects that will supposedly boost the fortunes of the broke-ass but really only serve to cut back services and place further debt on already struggling city hall coffers.

Developing . . .


  1. Knew them fucking Duggers were pervs.....

  2. Photo Caption:

    The New Colossus

    Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

    With conquering limbs astride from man to man;

    Here at our river-washed, sunset gates shall stand

    A mighty woman with a pair of globes, whose flame

    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

    Mother of Victoria's Secret. From her beacon-breast

    Glows world-wide welcome; her wild eyes command

    The air-bridged plain that twin stadiums frame.

    "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

    With silent lips. "Give me your wired, your poor,

    Your huddled lasses yearning to break free,

    The wretched refuse of your teeming basements.

    Send these, the horny, tempest-tost to me,

    I lift my skirt beside the golden door!"

  3. Wha?

    People are broke, that's a fact. We need more jobs in this country.

  4. Chuck Dickens5/23/15, 7:29 PM

    No job? No diploma? No husband? Get an abortion you SLUT!

    Baby mama is NASTY.

    End welfare TODAY.

    1. Not everyone falls into this category. Many middle class families applied for "welfare" when the economy collapsed under Shrub. Some are still there given the economy in different parts of the country. Your statements just show your ignorance and bigotry.

  5. Of course, the Idiots in the state legislature that take a lot of money from lobbyists and other doners like the idea that the banks will profit more and shit on low income recipients with the additional fees charged when they withdrawal money on their EBT cards. There is no respect for human beings any more. Misery State and Brownback's Hell Hole.

  6. Poor Po Folk.....

    What the media won't tell you is that yes people are poor but people are still eating. People don't go hungry in the US.

    Most poor people have a smart phone, flat screen TV,cable or satellite, internet, a car, ect. The US is the only country were Po Folk are fat.

    You can be poor in the US and and have more disposable income then most middle class families.

    So yes, fuck the poor.

  7. Hope and Change. How has 50 years of welfare worked thus far?

  8. Anon 8:44

    Those are middle class fantasies.

    People go hungry in America. None of the poor people I know have a car. The SafeLink phone is not a smart phone, voice & text is all you get. No cable, either. No disposable income. Apparently, these legislatures are just as ignorant as you are. Jesus Christ, do you actually know any poor people?

    Stop watching Faux & watch the news.

    Fuck you, you middle class dumb ass!

  9. What poor people do you know Byron? I see poor people all the time with 2,000 worth of tats on their bodies, dubs on their cars and a cigarette in their mouth.

    Fuck you and fuck the poor.

  10. Byron Lies, HE claims to be poor.... But he has hi speed net and a nice computer. He is a fucking liar POS that got caught screwing Ruth!

  11. Ha, Byron catches him self in his own lies.. He lives in the city, he fucks little boys not sheep. Sad!

  12. When you idiots realize that Bryon is a troll, you'll be much happier. A troll, since you probably don't know, is someone who intentionally posts inflammatory content just to get a reaction. Tony does it and Bryon does it. Trolling, and this is no joke, is a sign of mental illness. Of course, freaking out and posting all sorts of hateful shit in reply like you morons do, is also a sign of mental pathology.

    You argue with him as if Bryon is a real person. It's a persona of someone who takes pleasure in seeing other people freak out and get angry.

  13. Sick people are holy people

  14. The Bear loves TROLLING..... loves it.

    As for "mental pathology", who cares.

    "Taking pleasure in seeing other people freak out and get angry". oh yeah. If I can get a rise out of a sheep shagging, child molester from West Virginia, then my day is totally complete.

    No kale eating, faux lumberjack shirt wearing douche bag like you is going to ruin that.

  15. These libtards who write these articles are a hoot. The fucking banking industry stole the world's money back in 2008, wrecked the economy and stole 40 percent of the average mans life savings and to date not one fucking CEO has gone to jail over it in spit of thousands of government investigators and regulators scratching their balls for years. Now some welfare bumb is put on a budget and that rates as hot news? Fuck me to tears.


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