Local hotspots earn the spotlight in another lovingly crafted Kansas City profile from The New York Times.

The publicity is great and certainly makes this cowtown seem a bit more classy . . . However, for the past couple of years instead of real progress on local infrastructure, Kansas City has been sold really great travel mag writing as a sign of KCMO achievement.

Check the latest: In Kansas City, All Things Craft
More in a bit . . .


  1. Then the niggers showed up. Look at the place now. Coincidence ? Doubtful.

  2. Whiskey that has to be gotten by ladder!

    Pour-over coffee and reclaimed wood decor!!

    Methinks the Williamsburg hipsters will be loading up the Uhauls and moving to KC this summer!

  3. Poor widdle sub-rube-anite! Did that stinky old new yowk timezes not say anything nice about pwaiwie fire and hurt you widdle feelings? There there, snowflake, don't cry. Mommy a knows you're special and their just jealous of you beige reverse one and half story ranch house on you super duper culdesac, let mommy buy you some Noodles and Co. and make it all better, we can even drive in circles around the mostly empty parking lot until we find a space right out front just like you like so you don't have to waddle to far!

  4. Haha. That's actually pretty funny. The Noodles and Co. line got me laughing.

    Well done.

  5. I dunno man. I got head from one of those hot little KC hipster chicks with tattoos all over. That was three weeks ago. Today my dick fell off.

  6. I wonder when was the last time that guy on the ladder showered or put on a fresh and clean set of clothes instead of wearing the same shirt and pants for two weeks without washing them.

  7. I heard a story about Ça Va. It seems a party of four in their late 60s walked in and found only teensy weensy little tables. Since the place was nearly empty, they put two of the tables together and were told that is not permitted. They then asked for an obviously available booth in the nearly empty establishment only to be told that, too, would be impossible. Finally, the waiter told the foursome they did not "fit Ça Va's demographic." (In other words, they were too old.) It appears the joke is on Ça Va, since they seem to be unable to find people who fit their demographic and unwilling to serve those who do not. I see an empty store front in their future.

  8. 8:33: The article discusses Westport. Isn't that a bit too suburban for you?


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