The folks @ SmartKC are keeping their promise to advocate against Kansas City streetcar expansion.

To wit . . .


Here's the word . . .

"The mayor's agenda for the next four years: Second on the list is, you guessed it, Streetcar Expansion!!!!! 

We've got to make a final push to get additional signatures on our Petition to require the City to get voter approval before any more money is spent on streetcar expansion. They did it in San Antonio so there's no reason we can't do the same here in Kansas City. 

Anyone who's willing to get signatures, please let us know and we'll get the petitions to you. We can also take care of getting the petitions notarized. If you don't want to volunteer to get signatures, but want to sign the Petition, drop by 406 West 39th Terrace, KCMO Monday through Friday between 9:00 and 5:00"

Developing . . .


  1. Hidden in the petition:

    You sign away your right to vote on ANY light rail questions for 5 years.

    I think I'll keep my right to vote my choice on whatever I want or, in the case of streetcar expansion, DONT WANT, thanks anyway Sherry!

    If I wanted yahoos like you and Sue Burke to own my ballot, I'd give money to your sinquefeild shill buddies.

  2. It's not hidden, that's one of the reason I signed it. Why do you keep asking voters for rail transit when they've told you no over and over again?

    Why are you pushing the streetcar when voters rejected it overwhelmingly last time around?

  3. You're a dumbass then Jim.

    2 of the last 3 light rail votes passed...

  4. So now you're counting Clay Chastain's effort? That's a strange twist for the Mayor's friends. Why didn't the Mayor and council agree to put it on the ballot then, with honest language.

    And over the past 10 years voters have rejected rail efforts again and again and again.

    You're not a dumbass 5:56, you're just a paid consultant. Working very hard on Friday afternoon.

  5. Ah yes, everyone who disagrees with you (which is the majority of your neighbors, btw) is a paid consultant...that's a lot of paid consultants! Like 60% of the voters in downtown midtown and the SW corridor!

    Maybe I just think you're wrong about light rail and the future of transit in the city (even though I, unlike you, votes against the streetcar TDD). I will say the reactionary hysterics of you SMARTKC people, your chain of hyperbole propaganda lies and race baiting and your hostility and generally undemocratic antics have caused me to reconsider.

    I will be voting for the next one (which is coming, as you well know, hence your rush to strip people of their right to vote on whatever they want whenever they want) and SMARTKC is why.

    I used to evaluate these thing proposal by proposal, but people like you have convinced me otherwise.

  6. You know, one reason you people lost big time in the last election is your belief that you and only you know what's best for a city that kissed streetcars goodbye 60 years ago. Your belief that people are so stupid they can't find their butts with both hands just bleeds through everything you do from whether to define TDD (which I actually witnessed at a neighborhood meeting--why use an acronym if you're not going to define it?) to offering the east side the carrot of a MAX in exchange for their votes to raise their sales taxes and impose special assessments (which they can't even deduct on their federal and state income tax returns) and then, when they didn't take the bait, screaming, "Those poor ignorant eastsiders votes against the MAX!!!" when they did no such thing.

    The bottom line is you think we're all idiots just because you have someone who passed the Mensa test pushing the streetcar.

    And a lot of the people you think are really ignorant continue to question the rigged starter line vote.

  7. The ghost of Ronald Reagan said:

    "Sherry De Janes, take down your illegal Christmas lights!"

  8. 6:12:

    "Ah yes, everyone who disagrees with you (which is the majority of your neighbors, btw) is a paid consultant...that's a lot of paid consultants! Like 60% of the voters in downtown midtown and the SW corridor!"

    "I will say the reactionary hysterics of you SMARTKC people... ."

    So it's ridiculous of anyone to wonder if you're a paid consultant, but it's de rigueur that anyone who disagrees with you is a reactionary hysteric in Smart KC and paid for by Rex Sinquefield. No one could question the streetcar without being paid to do so. Rex must be throwing a lot of money around.

    Just another example of how you think people are stupid and not able to think for themselves.

  9. "Like 60% of the voters in downtown midtown and the SW corridor!"

    Another cherry picking stat that only paid consultants use.

    Are you talking about the latest vote where the streetcar was DEFEATED?

  10. Can't we just agree that we need to do what's best for Kansas City and try to come up with a plan together? I wish we could get both sides to come to the table rather than just constant fight each other.

  11. The most honest approach would be to put the streetcar to a city-wide vote, since we're all going to be paying for it. If the streetcar supporters were interested in what's best for KC, they'd at least wait until the starter line is up and running so we could see what we'd be subjecting the rest of the city to.

  12. The original two rigged votes downtown blew the whole thing from day one. Everyone noticed.

  13. That and Sly's arrogance.

  14. What do the pea brained rural rubes Johnson and Staubio think?

  15. They think that as long as they can keep sucking like a hoover on taxpayer money everything will be groovy.

  16. They are desperate to vote on additional lines before the Main Street line prives to be a total but hideously expensive failure.

  17. Yip and the taxpayers will still me on the hook for $85 million while the thing continues bleeding red ink.

  18. They didn't mention the 30 year total overhaul replacement either. By then though anything running on overhead wires will be laughable.

  19. what a mess, that is not real transit

  20. I think it's hilarious Dave Johnson happily brags about taking the bus from downtown to the Plaza yet condemns anyone who says ... see we don't need a street car to the Plaza the buses work fine.

  21. Johnson is a two faced back stabbing liar. Can't be trusted. He has zero ethics and integrity.

  22. The streetcar project – with its huge impact on Downtown traffic, the soon to be unsightly and dangerous overhead wires, ugly big transformers and uncertain present and future finances – is fair game for criticism.

  23. The petition can't be accepted if it passes, it tries to use a petition to take away the first amendment free speech rights of city employees. No local election can do that.

    Expect it to be thrown out no matter what and to survive a court challenge on this.

  24. I'm against the streetcar and I've never gotten any money from Rex Sinqufield. I don't need to be paid to be against it. I'm already being taxed and paying for the downtown disaster line and I didn't get to vote on it.

  25. San Antonio voters approve measure forbidding the city’s transit agency from building any rail transit lines without voter approval. Charter Amendment 1, which requires the city to get voter approval before contributing any money to a streetcar or light-rail project or allowing such a project to use city streets, passed by about a 2-1 margin. It also bans the city from packaging the rail vote with another transportation initiative, such as road construction or bus system improvements.

    Wasn't thrown out by a corrupted power and money hungry sell out mayor and didn't require a court battle.

    Let Sly throw it out and say fuck you voters!

    This should be good.

  26. The TDD law makes gerrymandering legal and this petition seeks to over rule that.

  27. The TDD law makes gerrymandering legal and this petition seeks to over rule that.

  28. I love the street car concept. Reminds me of the photos of Communist era Warsaw with all the overhead wires everywhere and the packed masses pouring out of the cramped cars.

  29. Think it's time for N.A.G. to make a come back and stop this B.S. Will meet in the next few weeks and make a plan.

  30. The streetcar is already yesterday's news and it hasn't even been built yet.
    But Sly's kiddie corps supporters like Johnson are like kids looking through the Amazon offerings online picking out one bright shiny toy after another.
    We're already committed to subsidizing apartments and pretty much anyone with a pulse who promises to build something, especially if they mention the word "streetcar".
    And, OH MY, look at the nifty hotel on page 487!
    Debt paid out of the city's general fund as far as the eye can see!

  31. Every day, I dscover another reason why the smartest move I've made was deciding to avoid living within the KCMO city limits.

  32. Yet, everyday, you comment obsessively on a blog about kcmo...

  33. I'd be desperate to stop another election too if I was anti-streetcar.

    Sounds like SMARTKC finally figured out their propaganda only worked on low-information eastside suckers and they couldn't hoodwink the core and SW corridor with their departure anti-transit lies or promises of a magical mystery bus system they would unveil if the streetcar failed.

    The writing is on the wall and they know it. SMARTKC is the voice of the minority in their own neighborhood, and they don't exist in midtown or downtown.

    So preventing another election is the only way they can win. Desperation from the Cracker Jack legal team who argued things like:

    1. out of town business interests should get to vote, not citizens

    2. Letting east siders vote on their own taxes was "unjust"

    3. Easy mail-in balloting that produced a HIGHER TURNOUT than municipal elections was a "rigged" election.

    Too precious. Maybe you dolts should wonder why the lead lawyer on your team has soooo much free time on her hands from her actual legal practice (which seems to consist mostly of finding legal reasons for stealing land from KC taxpayers).

  34. KC Streetcar leaders and promoters ... What they all have in common is they are able to shake your hand and stab you in the back at the same time.

  35. 8:25: See comment at 6:24:

    "Your belief that people are so stupid they can't find their butts with both hands just bleeds through everything... ."

    You haven't learned anything.

  36. Learned a lot actually, like:

    1. East siders do not want transit improvements, even when they are paid for almost exclusively by the west side of town and built primarily on the east side. They like the bus service the have, and voted against Prospect MAX. In fact, the closer they live to the Prospect MAX line, the more overwhelmingly they voted against it.

    2. SMARTKC and the Show Me Institute don't have any influence over voters in downtown, midtown, Brookside or Waldo. They took their best shot, told their most hyperbolic lies, worked hard at a Fear/Uncertainty/Doubt game plan and it failed historically with the informed, educated voters on the west side of town.

    3. The west side of town, IN A LANDSLIDE, wants to see streetcars expanded, and deserves it, since they are the ones that pay for it. So the next proposal for modern, real transit in KC will be limitted to the part of town that deserves it, wants it, realizes the importance of it, and the rest of the core city can continue happily down the path its been on for the last half century, while midtown reaps the benefit of infill development, repopulation, increased tax base and political power, higher property values and a viable future as a place people not only want to live, but are already flocking to at the highest rate of anywhere int he metro.

  37. The landslide, last time I read the actual numbers, was 55-45. It will be less when voters see what they'll be getting and how much it will cost them.

    And you managed to prove that insulting east side voters always works in your favor as well as pouting for a year because they didn't vote the way you wanted.

    But you keep repeating these points. You're bound to get some converts somewhere. After all, it worked for Goebbels and Lenin.

  38. Yeah, it's just like nazi germany, dude. It kills little children playing too! And those unsightly wires!!!! Just like they had in Auschwitz!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. Toot toot! You're a hoot!

  40. ^^Sweeeeeet burn, bro! You know what would be so CLEVARCK? If you cut/paste that hilarity over and over and over and over! Your jokes always do better on the 87th try.

  41. Toot toot. Hoot!


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