Kansas City Country Club Plaza Street Performer Documentary

A really nice documentary offering more than a bit of real life deets about a street performing crew on the County Club Plaza.

"This is the story of AY, one of Kansas City's up and comers. AY is a hard-working, young dude that is killing it performing on the streets of KC. Check out his story to learn more about how the Midwest Music Foundation has helped him get one step closer to fulfilling his dreams. Keep the music going! #MySongKC"

More in a bit . . .


  1. Everybody working the streets in KC is hard-charging and up and coming.
    What about the performance artist who lies on the floor in a body bag in WalMart?
    Has he "up and come" yet?
    KCMO is the arts capital of the world!

  2. Another annoying asshole, jobless loser that thinks he is clever.

  3. On top of that, he's a fucking NIGGER too..

  4. Just what the city needs, another Bo Jangle loser on the Plaza.

  5. It's who you know not who you think you are.

  6. Hang in there, work hard, and someday you'll get enough vimeo eyeballs to be able to afford the 25,000 sq ft home, heated pool, and Mercedes.

  7. If he was white TKC would have labled him a panhandler or a hobo. But since he's black he's "a hard-working, young dude that is killing it performing on the streets of KC". Nothing better than a non-biased TKC slant on things. As if there is one.

  8. If black men started commenting on here, expressing their racial hatred for whites, then you would be telling Tony to start deleting comments. The real problem is that you want Tony to behave as if he were white, & join your Jihad.

  9. I know a better guy. YT.

    YT built this country.

    Niggers tear it down.

  10. Hate to burst your bubble Byron but all the latinos I know hate blacks. They don't try to be one like the fat burrito boy who lives in his moms cave.

  11. Hey, we're almost done tearing up the Plaza, how about we go shoot some three year old?? Sound like fun??


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