In the course of human events, sometimes it's important to mix up the places to spill the beans.

To wit . . .


As we've said previously, Jon Weir has an impressive, rapid fire and frenetic show that's not just entertaining, inspiring but also very informative.

Additionally, nobody knows this but the guy has what might be the best t-shirt collection in the Midwest . . .

Now, about our news . . . It's important stuff that's literally TOO HOT for the blog but there's nothing wrong with spreading around out newsie goodness in order to keep this city more informed and share important deets.

I'm not exaggerating too much here . . . This tidbit tonight should impact the next four years in Kansas City and then some.

And so we wrap up this week in Kansas City and break our news @ around 8ish in the PM on 98.1 FM or livecast on KMBZ's web page.

Developing . . .


  1. Not sure Weir likes you mentioning or noticing his t-shirts but I do agree that his show is pretty good and definitely a step up from Dana and her dude.

    1. Tony can you ask Weir if he knows how to get the hard deodorant gunk out of the t-shirt armpits? We can put a man on the moon but......

  2. See if you can raise some money to bail out Bones car!

  3. She's on her own. KC Needs all the money we can spare.

  4. Newsie Goodness?

  5. Select all soup below. A sample image is on the right.4/17/15, 7:06 PM


    Sorry not taking the bait chump.

    1. I'm sure he's heartbroken.

  6. Envelope Please4/17/15, 7:09 PM

    Tony The Magnificent to reveal breaking and exclusive news!!!

  7. I'd buy that for a DOLLAR!

    I like Weir anyway, listened long before TKC but you better be entertaining tonight beeatch!

  8. Tony did you accept another job? It's to hard to tune in a radio.

  9. You might want to mention how all the niggers are going to ruin development. A nigger is the most impulsive creature that has ever walked on this earth. It was willing to instantly fight because the white who told it to stop had momentarily halted it's own self-amusement in tormenting the zoo animals. It is no different than a girl who says no to a nigger's demand for sex or a person who refuses to give a nigger money in a robbery or a person who refuses to give a nigger their car in a carjacking. All these responses deny the nigger it's instant pleasure and the result is a potentially lethal chimpout. A nigger is the easiest creature to understand. They are all about living in the moment without a single thought about consequences of their actions. This is what makes them so dangerous!! Most whites have no idea that niggers think this way. Because whites do not think in this way, they mistakenly believe that niggers think the way they think and that is a huge mistake. Many whites die every year because they don't know how to deal with niggers. Anyway, I thought I would share that for those here that might not have given it any thought. This is why a nigger can kill over something insignificant. If you tangle with a nigger, remember how they think.

    1. Tactic change from City Hall. It used to be walls of Mansonesque text to derail the conversation. Now the vandalism is racist in character, and plainly has one author. Tsk Tsk.

  10. T
    C. Did not break his news on UFO's.

  11. Hey this beats going to Glazers dump.

  12. 8:33 - You missed the first segment. and if what u say is true TKC. i cannot vote for Sly James in good faith.

  13. What was the news?

  14. What did Magnificent say?

  15. Same old shizz, Sly is destroying KCMO.

    Fucking joke that this town is like some kind of crazy person talking to themselves, like a homeless person on the plaza. Just no idea what to really do. But i hear they read the paper too. So then there's that.

  16. So. We're waiting.

  17. Save Brookside4/17/15, 9:02 PM

    I wasn't going to vote for Sly anyway. SO not a big deal to me.

  18. Same old shizz, Sly is destroying KCMO.

    Thanks! Not like that is news or anything.

  19. "So. We're waiting."

    Please hold your breath, if you didn't listen then you missed out. Nobody owes you shit. Internet freeloader.

  20. If Sly destroying KC isn't news, then why is The Star keeping it secret?

  21. He said this town is going to hell in a hand basket and NIGGERS are to blame.

    My store was robbed 3 times. Once overnight when I was closed, and the other 2 were armed robberies while I was working. ALL 3 TIMES IT WAS NIGGERS. (Don't worry, I kept a shotgun behind the counter for the boons. I can't describe the look on those chimps when I stuck it in their faces! And yes, they're eyes bulge out of their heads just like the old cartoons.)

    All bad checks that I have received were written by NIGGERS.

    95% of all sob stories as to why they can't pay me for my work right now has been mumbled by NIGGERS.

    Everytime that I have been bothered at work by idiots trying to sell junk goods, it was NIGGERS that were selling them.

    90% of customers that were not satisfied with my work were NIGGERS. Out of those that I tried to remedy, 100% of those niggers could NEVER be satisfied unless it was done for free (which is never an option at my store).

    Everytime that I have been bothered on the street for money, it's always niggers doing the begging.

    I have had female singers in a couple of my bands and when someone messes with them to the point of getting the cops called it's always - you guessed it - NIGGERS!

    I had a girlfriend that was a bartender at a strip club 16 years ago. She was followed to our home twice, by NIGGERS.

    80% of all bar owners that I have had to argue with to get paid were NIGGERS. ALL of the ones that still wouldn't pay, even with a signed performance agreement, have been NIGGERS. (I ended up taking them all to court and got paid + court fees.)

    I had a rack full of $11,000.00 worth of PA equipment stolen a couple years ago. They never found the stuff or the perps, but a NIGGER managed the club and I always felt it was an inside job.

    My car was stolen 5 years ago BY A NIGGER. At least it didn't trash it, just ripped out my stock stereo.

    NEVER special order something for a NIGGER as they will NEVER pick it up and you will be stuck with it.

    Everytime I have hired a shitskin musician, (NEVER hired one for my PC business) they were ALWAYS late. The excuse was ALWAYS 'direksions be rong' and ALWAYS acted like it was MY fault. I figured that if everyone met at the band house and we rode together that it would fix it since they know where the house is. NOPE they would arrive late anyway and come up with some other excuse or just chimp out.

    I have MANY more but these are what I could think of right now. It's AMAZING to me that niggers are still a minority here (around 12% in KC and 4% where I live) but with the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of whites that I have passed on the streets and have had to deal with throughout my life, THIS MINORITY CAUSES ME MUCH MORE PROBLEMS!

  22. ^^^^^^^

    Hellow J.W. Smallcock, I see you're alone again on a Friday night like the rest of the losers who read this blog. Shame on us for not doing something better with our lives.

  23. Coonfrontation with niggers is something no sane person wants but unfortunately in this day and age it can be a common occurance. Until AIDS wipes them out all of us will at one point or another have an encounter with a feral nigger beast. The following are a few standard common sense things to remember when you do have an encounter with a nigger.

    1) Never look the nigger in the eyes ever! Unless it is on TV or hanging from a tree or in a cage! Looking a nigger directly in the eyes makes it spooked. This may cause the nigger to prey on you or think you are racist (which of course hating niggers is not as they are not people). It also may make the nigger single you out as a victim.

    2) Never turn your back on a nigger! A nigger is worse than a cougar! Especially when the nigger is alone. Although niggers rarely attack solo they will find a cheap way to attack usually with a weapon. If the nigger is alone no matter the size is odds are if you hit it it will run. Remember niggers are fast animals as most can not afford cars and have much training from running from the police.

    3) If you do have to hit the nigger be sure to use a part of your body ie the foot and not your bare hand! As for niggers are highly toxic and many carry HIV in their blood the virus that causes AIDS.

    4) The one amazing thing about niggers is they can speak but not very well they share this trait with parrots. If one does speak to you do not respond as it will mean the nigger wants something from you (As if society hasn't given it enough). The only safe place to ever respond to a nigger is in a public place and when the nigger is not roaming in its herd.

    5) If a nigger ever wants to shake your hand DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT do it this is another sign of the nigger wanting something! Niggers have large pores and sweat alot although it is a mystery why as they are so lazy. This makes them smell as the shit they are full of comes out of their pores.In a business situation this may be tough if you value your job. The best suggestion I have heard is to wear gloves if you have to do this. Then dispose of the gloves using tongs and also dispose of the tongs. Wash your hand even after this well with great disinfectant soap.

    6) When you see wild niglets roaming around as tempting as it is to kick them like a footbal threw the up rights, do not attempt it. Niggers will attack if so. For some reason they neglect their niglets all the time but doing this just gives them a reason to attack. As if the niglet were to die this would affect their means of crack and malt liquor. Basically they would get no welfare.

    7) As hard as it is to not laugh at a niggers stupidity this is also not reccomended. Especially when a nigger is in a herd. If you feel an out burst find a corner or a seperate room and then laugh at it. Although laughing at niggers from a passing vehicle is alright most of the time many niggers carry guns (usually stolen) And may shoot! But odds are due to their bad skills at everything just like shooting they will probably miss you. The only problem with that is if they hit an innocent bystandard. So it is best to yell at them if you are ever in a nigger neighbourhood so you can hope they hit another nigger.

    8) Finally! Never feed the nigger! A nigger is almost like a stray dog but worse! If you feed it it will keep coming back. And then when it doesn't get away the savagery unleashes and it will become violent.

    1. Jeez, turn the lights out at City Hall already! We get it! You fear the blog and must attack it!

  24. Was it about Sly's debt bomb?

  25. Special Election To Remove Sly James4/17/15, 9:32 PM

    @9:30 actually knows what he's talking about.

    It's going to be bad for Kansas City and bad for all of Missouri in the long run.

    The rest of this garbage is just lame racist bullshit.

  26. Anon 9:21 is definitely a coward.

  27. 11:01 is definitely a sheep fucking disability thief

  28. Byron the sheep fucking prick from the deep woods on TKC after a long day of fucking sheep.

    Nice outfit your wear in the woods By Ron. A apron with a can of WD 40 to lube that sheep ass. Brilliant.

  29. I am so glad this is all cleared up!


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