Clay Chastain shares another message for Kansas City's Mayor . . .

Mayoral candidate Clay Chastain (still an official candidate until election is certified) calls for Mayor James to step down from office

In yet another unethical act for personal advantage (this time comprehensive deception) Mayor Sly James deceived the City Clerk, the Kansas City Election Board (KCEB), and the voters of Kansas City.

Sly falsely led them all to believe he met the inherent intent of the City Charter's tax requirement (candidates must be current on their city taxes before the City Clerk can certify their name be placed before the voters) when the City Clerk attested, in his behalf, to the KCEB on January 10, 2014, as such.

Mayor James has put himself above the law, and above what is right, one too many times...unfairly obstructing and then sabotaging a light rail initiative vote, rigging two streetcar elections, and now deceiving the community.

Mayor Sly James should step down from office.

Fact #1. Mayor James did not pay his 2013 city taxes (due 12/31/2013) until 12/5/2014. At this point (almost one year delinquent on his city taxes) Mayor James would have been notified that he would be delinquent on his 2014 taxes in 3 more weeks.

Fact #2. On December 9th, 2014 Mayor James signs an affidavit attesting to the City Clerk that he is current on his (as yet unpaid and with an outstanding balance) 2014 city taxes.

Fact #3. On January 1st, 2015, Mayor James becomes officially delinquent on his 2014 city taxes. Once testimony on an affidavit is no longer valid, you are no longer qualified!

Fact #4. On January 10, 2015, candidate filing closes and Mayor James still has not paid his 2014 city taxes. Knowing this, Mayor James does not remove himself nor does he notify the City Clerk that he is no longer current on his city taxes. The City Clerk moves to confirm all candidates and Mayor James goes on to win the primary election with only 10% of the registered voters participating.

It's time the truth be told.

Mayoral candidate Clay Chastain.


  1. So it seems that this answers the question as to whether or not Clay Chastain plans to stay involved in KCMO politics.

  2. Taxes are for the little people says Sly Helmsley.

  3. Clay says resign.
    Sly will get right on dictating that letter.

  4. And in the largest municipality in the metro area...
    the clown shows continues.
    Not hard to see why no one else looks to these bozos for leadership.

  5. The "roos" (rules) don't apply to certain candidates. If you know what I mean.

  6. He man, I want to pay my fair share cause I know the money I give the City is going to be used wisely.

  7. Sly James is an anti tax hero!

  8. Given Sly's recent campaign to reign in law breakers, it seems incredible that not one person is stepping forward to see that the laws are enforced in this matter. Are they all gonna sit there like crooks and excuse this? Where is the so called press?

  9. Sly owns the local press-media. In case no ones noticed.

  10. Mr. Chastain must press this as a legal challenge to get justice.

    Local media will do nothing to upset the status quo of KC politics...recall that Pastor Councilman Dude Brooks was allowed to remain in office until he decided to resign, well beyond his expiration date.

    The good news is that Mr. Chastain should be well-acquainted with legal challenges after his previous fights with the city.

    We wish Mr. Chastain good luck.

  11. Mr. Chastain is pursuing the correct strategy here. The Mayor was not a qualified candidate and to rule otherwise would void the rule of law.

    Sorry. It is almost like Sly did this on purpose.

  12. Mr. Chastain is pursuing the correct strategy here. The Mayor was not a qualified candidate and to rule otherwise would void the rule of law.

    Sorry. It is almost like Sly did this on purpose.

  13. Sly doesn't have to follow rules, they are for other people, just ask him. He is a BULLY and LIES and CHEATS!!!

    Kansas City is becoming Detroit, with all the people that truly care and the city not just themselves running to get our of city limits.

    Mayor James should be thrown out of office!!!!

  14. Where is Kraske? Where is Helling?

    What about Mahoney?, Katz? All the rest of the media in town?

  15. Did he pay his e-tax on time? that's not public record

  16. Agree with the comment about his campaign to go after people who didn't pay their taxes.... go after the little folks but give the people at the top a break.

  17. Give my money to Cordish. The downtown skyline will be even more beautiful with another building.

  18. Mari Ruck is the best. She is the Revenue Commissioner and in charge of the little people tax collection.
    She goes after folks who can't afford to pay their taxes and just sticks it to them with fees and penalties... then she goes back to Shawnee after work.

  19. Maybe Clay should resign.

    From life.

  20. Tracy Thomas4/13/15, 4:24 PM

    Clay Chastain is just a media whore. He can't let it go. He had the opportunity to actually file in Circuit Court, before the election, but declined, saying "I don't want to win that way, I want to win on the merits!" That was before he came in a distant and dismal third, behind the homeless man, Vincent Lee, (another failure of the media to report that.) Clay promised on election day, on camera to Mike Mahoney, that if he lost, he would leave KC politics forever. Now he just can't let it go! There IS no news story for the Star or Ch. 9 to cover unless Clay files in Circuit Court. And the election will be certified in less than 48 hours, so that ain't gonna happen. Clay just wanted the free publicity and took the cheap way out--a press release not backed by action. Good riddance. Clay doesn't need a free attorney, he needs a therapist to tell him, "Dude, the train has left the station."

  21. I agree. Let's just be brain dead sheep following the instructions of our local media and marching orders of our flamboyant Mayor.

  22. I give Clay credit.

    He is doing the right thing in making this public.

    Good for him!! Now will KC do the right thing and reject Sly from office? THAT remains to be seen.

  23. Sigmund Freud4/13/15, 5:05 PM

    Well one thing you can say about Tracy Thomas....She knows if people need a therapist. She's a nut case of there ever was one.

    However if the tax issue is truc and Slippery Sly did certify incorrectly he was current on all city taxes, the question I have is can he be disbarred from the MO Bar Assn?

  24. Actually, Champ, Tony did the right thing in making it public before the election. But then Clay dropped the ball, refusing to file. And of course Vincent Lee, being homeless, not a property owner neither was Clay), could not be reached. The media were asked how to reach him, and none of them even knew!! Message was left at a woman's phone in Brookside, she prays on her message and then one must wait 20 seconds for the beep, because she didn't know how to operate her message machine, and no calls were returned.

    KC citizens are not allowed to file, only a rival candidate. That's the law.

    The lesson is, always file a legitimate candidate against every candidate. And make the Star do their job and look up the taxes and follow the rules. They used to do that, before they fired most of the reporters. Maybe Yael could do it? Ha, I needed a laugh..

  25. Somebody has to file a lawsuit, and that somebody is someone on the mayoral ballot as he would have standing. Get it done Clay or Mr. Lee

  26. Let's look at the options. Crap in a bag, crap in a box, crap in a bucket. Yep, sounds like a typical KCMO election.

  27. Best comment yet, 5:16!!!

  28. May 2, 2011 - Sly James took the formal oath of office Monday, becoming the city's 56th mayor. He says he would like to make Kansas City one of the most ethical cities in the country.

    Well that didn't last long.

  29. Sly is a black man, rules do not apply to him. Right Byron?

  30. "He says he would like to make Kansas City one of the most ethical cities in the country."

    Yah so why did the exact opposite happen?

  31. Not a Clay fan, but anybody that can SLAP A SLY is my pal.

  32. Asshole 5:26

    Sly is a rich man first, & only a black man second. The rules don't apply to rich people.

    I don't look for him to resign.

    Racism is for children, grow up.

  33. Shit finger Byron
    Sly was a black man first. I consider myself rich, I have a job, some land, a nice dog and a wife I love. I follow most rules. I am not a lowlife disability scam artist like you and your wife.

  34. Really 7:18? You expect Byron to respond? Byron won't be back till late night, he is stealing change from his neighbors trucks. Nice job.

  35. So Clay, are you going to file, or not? Only you or Mr Lee have standing.

  36. No "Byron", racism is for NIGGERS. They are without a doubt, the worst racist on the planet, yet they get completely away with it everyday...

  37. Sly James will Step down from Office by Friday, or be removed physically from Office by US Marshalls in Handcuffs and taken away arrested by US Marshalls and the IRS Tax Agents !!!

    Now ~ wouldn't that make Great Wonderful Headlines, Huh :):) !!!


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