Kansas City Prays For Gay Marriage

The upcoming week will feature a fight for marriage equality and many suspect the Supreme Court will side with the LGBT community. Here's the Sunday sentiment for some in Kansas City: Kansas City church takes part in National Weekend of Prayer for Marriage Equality


  1. Dear Christians and other bigots: if this ruling goes against you, which it very well might, please consider the option of moving yourselves out of the United States. Somewhere there is a country where people still think the way you do. Russia, maybe.

    Bye bye.

  2. Well, we sure would not want to deprive anyone from butt fucking in happy matrimony. ...ohhhhh sounds so romantic.

  3. You can call me a bigot and I will call you a faggot ! Ok

  4. Dear LGBT you all can go to hell and burn that's where you belong

    1. Comma missing, who gives a shit?

  5. Dear 6:16, You can go back to grade school where you belong and learn punctuation.

  6. Is it required on a blog ?

  7. 5:13 comment from the brain of a squirrel!!

    "Dear Christians and other bigots" WTF?

    So, this squirrel, who lives in the United States, a country founded on religious freedom and which protects the congenitally retarded such as this commenter, thinks it's ok to stereotype all people of faith because apparently he's a homosexual and desires "special" rights and privileges due to his sexual dysfunction.

    Remember that he's retarded folks. Russia tolerates their homosexual minority without oppression. They put limits on the promotion of homosexuality to minors.

    The squirrel no doubt is loving the Obama Administration's promotion of homosexuality, as would be expected from a homosexual Barack Obama who'll exit the closet after his second term.

    Destroy the American family and most individuals will be just that, individuals, without strong familial ties, and that much easier to manipulate and control.

    Squirrels should stay in their nuthouse.

  8. Product of Kansas City Public Schools.

  9. LGBT will burn in hell.

  10. Yes the court will once again rule against the majority of the country in favor of a segment of the population so small that they are only noticed when they march in a parade wearing a dog collar and feathers. This really isn't about marriage. It's about forcing the country to accept another, in a long line of deviant human behavior

  11. This must be the most honorable, decent church in this city. Following the constitution and the Lord's wish that we "Love one another"--as in respect, care, compassion. Good church, especially in light of thehatred we see on this blog's comments..

  12. Orphan of the Road4/26/15, 10:09 PM

    We have a representative democracy rather than a democracy to protect the minority.

    A democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

    I guess the folks here forget that Missouri defined sodomy as any sex except the missionary position.

    Dumber than a box of rocks.

    It's what happens when you allow the Irish to vote.

  13. 6:08 wins!!!!!! What's next, Byron gets to marry his sheep??? Then we get to support his KIDS.....BAABAABAABAABAA

  14. 8:53: First, the majority now favors gay marriage. (I heard 61% on the news this morning.) Second, it's not "about forcing the country to accept another, in a long line of deviant human behavior." It's really about not requiring people to subsidize marriage and then being denied access to the subsidies they're paying for. Had heterosexuals not been given all the taxpayer-subsidized financial incentives to get married the issue would never have come up. (Remember the case that overthrew the DOMA was about taxes.) No one is going to force you to accept anything you don't want to accept. You will still be able to post your rants every day just like the n-word guy, and hopefully no baker or photographer will be forced to take money from anyone they don't want to serve, since for everyone who doesn't want to work at a gay wedding there will be 100 who'll gladly prove Darwin's survival of the fittest works at the economic level as well.

  15. 650 I have no interest in persecuting anyone, I just have my win opinions on the world, as far as your saying 61 percent are in favor of gay marriage, I would point to what are real numbers, the actuall votes by each state against it, even liberal California said no. Massachusetts Supreme Court ordered their govt to pass a law in favor when the people said no. Let's have a national vote and settle it once for all instead of this constant judicial imposing on us, I'll live with the results, but will you?
    You said it's about taxes. Marriage is about making or forcing a man and woman responsible for the children they create and not abandoning them, when marriage as an institution crumbles you have the disaster of children living in the poverty environment you see today in this country. So by that measure gay marriage is just stupid

  16. The votes you refer to took place more than 10 years ago, most of them to get fundamentalists to the polls in 2004 to get W., who had stolen the election in 2000, elected. Prop 8 in California passed narrowly more than 6 years ago. All of these were before the recession that made people rethink what was really important to them. (e.g., Which do you care about--what your neighbors do in the privacy of their own home or whether you have a job tomorrow?) Since then voters in several states have passed gay marriage initiatives. Times are changing.

    You say, "Marriage is about making or forcing a man and woman responsible for the children they create and not abandoning them, when marriage as an institution crumbles you have the disaster of children living in the poverty environment you see today in this country." How has that worked out? And how does that apply to people who marry and don't have children or who marry after they are too old to have children? They all get the tax benefits of marriage that are not available to gay parents (natural and adopted).

    It's about equality (that pesky "equal protection" clause strikes again), and it's not equal to give one set of benefits to a select few when everyone is paying for these benefits. Once again, the case that eliminated the DOMA was about estate taxes.

    As for a nationwide vote, I'm sure you can see the folly of allowing everyone the option of denying equality to a minority. Had civil rights or interracial marriage been put to a vote in the 1950s or 1960s (or, in some states, today), how do you think that would work out?

    A lot of people are still against interracial marriage. A lot of people will not accept gay marriage. But if the Supreme Court rules the way I think they will, it will be the law of the land. There are many things that are the law of the land that I don't agree with. I don't have to like them, but I do have to accept them.

    Remember, even if you don't like gay marriage, no one's going to force you to marry someone of your own sex, so it really shouldn't have that much impact on your daily life.

    But you'll always be able to post rants against it.

  17. Agree. But voicing an opinion isn't a "rant". It's just an opinion. We may see things differently, but even though I may believe a court decision makes no logical sense, I will abide by that decision. What makes America stand above other countries is that we argue with words until the poetical process is completed, not with guns. I will never agree with gay marriage, but if the court says it's constitutional, I will live tgat

  18. Does that mean that you and I can become an item?
    I hope so. You sound cute.

  19. No. I'm old ugly and have terminal halitosis

  20. Ummmm. 6:50 & 1:09 here. I'm not 4:48. I'm taken.

    4:48: Grinder is a different web site.


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