Schweich Conspiracy: Celebrate The Spence Jackson Suicide Note Nobody Believes!!!

Here's the mainstream media working with law enforcement to deliver a story that still doesn't make sense and is mostly implausible.

Check it:

Spence Jackson's note: `I can't take being unemployed again'

Nevermind that he'd have plenty of company in the current economic climate as the rich shed the inconvenient middle-class and the chasm betwixt the 1% and everybody else grows deeper.

Credit to anybody who really takes this "reporting" seriously . . . And now that unemployment is the named as the culprit of this suicide . . . I guess we can blame the whole thing on Prez Obama.

Developing . . .


  1. Even if this were true, it doesn't tell us why Tom Schweich committed suicide.

    Your financial net worth is only about money & doesn't reflect your real worth as a human being. Of course, when a gun is present, it only takes a moment of sadness ...

  2. By their own admission, the family wanted control over this whole episode.
    We are getting what they want us to get and nothing more.
    Do I think that the guy offed himself because he lost a job? No.
    Will any other reason for his suicide be suggested? No.
    This story is now just as dead as those two.

    1. Very more truth or semblance thereof coming anytime soon. Strange coincidences? ? Offed like Hoffa...Vanished like Vince? ? Hmmmmm...??

  3. Not buying this.

  4. Fucking Hell Buttholio! Are you now trying to compete with the National Enquirer for most screwball reporting of 2015? Put down the peyote pipe for a day or two and then look at the nutty conspiracy crapola you are dreaming up.

  5. I guess if he has proof or something....

    ahahahaha, what am I saying

  6. Fags gone wild.

    Byron, if you don't want your Constitutionally-mandated firearm, you can give it to me. I's hate to see you use it in a moment of sadness.

  7. Let him keep it and I will give him one of mine too.

  8. Sheesh, Schweich's photo looks like he just checked out of the Bates Motel.

    Nothing about this guy and his assistant looks or sounds normal. Sorry, but that's just how it looks.

    Too. Damn. Stange.

  9. Did either of these guys know the Clinton's? Just say'n

  10. Peter puffer can't deal with life for real? Oh hell, just let it go, gurl,...Too bad..

  11. Byron, what's your fucking interest in this event ?

    Did the puffer that offed himself leave you some "sheep" in his will or something ?

    Fuck, shit heel, you one nosy mother fucker. Jebus. We go Negro issues in Killa City, we don't have time to deal with a sheep shagging, child molester. Fuck.~

  12. I support Byron, he makes more sense than all of you racist shatburgers.

    And Tony is right, this story is bullshit

  13. Bear, I think Byron is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. He is trying to ram his opinions at us. If he had to make an ewe turn, he would change his beliefs. Finally, he gets really pissed off when someone gets his goat.

    Thank you, thank you, you have been a good blog this evening remember to tip Tony.

  14. I was watching a late episode of Trailer Park Boys on Netflix and the two unemployed cops were talking about getting their honor back by busting the trailer park boys

  15. Then Bubbles finds a way to may hash oil before all the pot goes bad

  16. When the Clinton murders get solved we can move on to sheep dips in MO offing themselves.

    Only here can a mentally disturbed grown man kill himself because someone inferred he was Jewish and someone else surely must be guilty. What needs to be asked is why is no one up his dead ass for the racist idea that being referred to as a Jew is so bad you should kill yourself. Fucking political hacks are a trip.


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