Kansas City Toy Train Streetcar On Track?!?

Thing is, they've made this promise twice before and it has been wrong. Take a look at the latest promise: Kansas City streetcar construction is on pace for passengers in early 2016


  1. I didn't know you could set a pace for stupidity spending?

  2. Atlanta’s new streetcar operating costs have proven to be a mere 50 percent more than projected. And one of D.C.'s streetcars being tested on H Street caught fire.

    This is just one more example, locals note, of “corporate welfare and the edifice complex.”

  3. They are working Saturdays and Sundays. Overtime costs have to be out of control. What is big hurry?

  4. The juicy bonuses the construction firms get for bringing the project in early or ahead of schedule are one factor. Most of the rest is purely political.

  5. What they are going to attempt to at some point is convince the public they need to expand this from Union Station to The Plaza-UMKC on Main. By then of course the cost of building it will be the equivalent of economic suicide but they'll try to engineer some way to get it past the public, taxpayers, and voters anyway without them having a say or voice.

    1. The overwhelming majority of people who constitute 50% of the tax base in this city, ie, those who live between the river and brush creek, from state line to Troost, are already convinced it needs to be extended. And since we pay for 1/2 of everything in this city, we will get it.

      You already lost, you just don't know it. All the show me and citizens for responsible government lies didn't swing a single vote in the core of the city, and they never will.

      You can fool the suckers on the east side and the rubes up north, but even your own brookside neighbors still poll at 55% in favor streetcar expansion.

      In electoral politics, that's what's called a landslide.

      Sucks to be on the wrong side of history, but when you fear any and all change, it's bound to happen.

  6. So I guess Sly and the 50 people Russ Johnson knows who are going to force the council to move forward will do the ribbon cutting ceremony?

  7. And it's gonna be free too!!!

  8. 40 acres, a mule and a free streetcar!

  9. 8:15... agreed.

    The initial line is going to be a HUGE money pit with LOW ridership. The spin will be that they need more line to increase ridership, with the promise to begin charging riders "once the ridership numbers start coming up".

  10. Streetcars are sooo 2014.
    The big new thing now is electric cars and charging stations.
    Even Caleb in Brooklyn plans to buy one just as soon as McDonald's starts to pay him $15/hour.
    This whole thing is obsolete before it even starts.
    Only the 20 years of $10-15 million/ year bond payments are up to date.

  11. How did Caleb qualify for a job at McDonald's? He probably had to do someone to get the job.

  12. Hopefully Russ Johnson will be working at McDonald's soon!!!#

  13. The simple question that is never answered by the city, what are the costs to date and what is their estimate for the costs to finish. Let alone how much has it cost the utilities that will appear on everyone's bills.

  14. 5:31: Mensa boy couldn't keep a job at McDonalds. You have to be able to give the customers what they want there.


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