Siri And TKC Sharing Even More Kansas City Fat Tuesday Local News Links!!!

Porn star Siri starts our celebration of Kansas City evening news links to look over before a night of partying. Take a peek:

The Kansas City Election Time Power Play: Public input sought on proposed KCP&L rate hike

Shawnee Lady Prude Provision: Kansas bill would require parental consent for sex ed

Golden Ghetto Grab: Merriam police: Man in custody in attempted kidnapping case

KCK Synth Tech: Two Kansas men sentenced for trafficking designer drugs

Harsh Times For Po'Folk In The Sunflower State: Kansas ranks 9th in worst taxes for regular people

Public Finance Largesse: In Kansas, STAR bonds are becoming a development slush fund

Meth Town Destruction Aftermath: Owner Ollie Gates speaks out about overnight fire that destroyed Gates Bar-B-Q

Kansas City Internets Car Trouble Tech Advancement: KCPD makes crash reports available online

Big Money Real Estate Deal: Georgetown Professional Plaza sells for more than $2.5M

It's Easier To Go Hollywood From Kansas City: Spirit Airlines to offer nonstop flights to Los Angeles this summer

Joe Lauria Chronicles Kansas City Getting Even Colder

Po'folk Smile In The Sunflower State: Hundreds Line Up In Central Kansas For Free Dental Care

And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. Show some hot women. If I want to see fat asses like these I'll walk around Olathe.

  2. Blot down your wallets and bank accounts.

    KCTV5 - KC Water Services presents fiscal year 2016 capital improvement plan

    Those involved are Mayor Sly James, Mayor Pro Tem Cindy Circo, City Manager Troy Schulte, KC Water Services Director Terry Leeds and Engineering Officer Andy Shively.

  3. Water department taxpayer strip mining operation. Glad 5 stepped up to the plate on this.

    Anything Sly, Circo, and Troy have their dirty hands into isn't good news.

  4. My guess is they want to move some more emergency sewer money to build Circo another soccer park in her or Sly's honor in 2016.

    I've yet to see any change in water services other than my bills going through the roof.

  5. Nice that Sly, Circo, and Schulte gave the public such ample advance notice so the public could air it's grievances.

  6. Just remember that these lowlifes slime bags are not running a representative government next time your water bill goes up.

  7. Jackass County Watch2/17/15, 6:22 PM

    KCTV5 - KC Water Services presents fiscal year 2016 capital improvement plan

    Those involved are Mayor Sly James, Mayor Pro Tem Cindy Circo, City Manager Troy Schulte, KC Water Services Director Terry Leeds and Engineering Officer Andy Shively.

    Oh boy

  8. Let me guess we're going to get $200 Million dollar "rain gardens" with kale umbrella protectors across CK that allows rainwater from roofs, driveways, sidewalks and parking lots to be absorbed into the ground, as opposed to flowing into storm drains. So we can be cool like everyone else.

  9. 66 drinking water system projects at a $78.7 million investment?

    I'll assume that means "artisan drinking fountains" along the toy train route.

  10. Jeez this crew makes recently disgraced former Oregon Governor look like a man of integrity.

  11. Damn. If my kids blew money like these three I'd either have them locked up or throw them off a cliff just to spare humanity the pain.



  13. 8:29. there is a lot to love and they are fun in the sack. They like to fuck and don't get in bed with an attitude. Don't knock em until you fuck em.

  14. Byron can afford a lawyer. How the fuck does a grifter low life sheep shagging, bus chasing, mouth breathing, cum drunk idiot do that?

  15. What do you mean KS Star bonds are becoming a slush fund? What a joke. Isn't this a prime example of corruption central in action?

    Can't wait for the four color election post cards from the political hacks to arrive in the mail. All their development scams charged to the tax payers they will refer to as economic development.

    We have the best crooks in KS. They have made lying about lying into an art form.


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