Kansas City Country Club Plaza JJ's Blast Two Year Anniversary Mostly Unnoticed

Kansas City Mayor Sly helping to push the shrimp during the grand reopening of JJ's on the County Club Plaza recently earned far more mention than the deadly blast a couple of years ago around this time.

Now only a paltry memorial marks the space where a public utility risk still remains mostly unsolved. So far, only a city hall fax machine has taken the fall for the tragedy.

Click the image or this link for a better view, but the handwritten card reads: "Meagan, Always in our hearts. We miss you." 

The hollowed-out spot on the plaza remains blighting the corporate law firm HQ hosting the new and improved liquored up swimming pool for elite local sharks.

Developing . . .


  1. Fats Gorilla of Showbiz fame2/25/15, 8:44 AM

    Now lookah heyah, les not git no playin' dem blame game now, ya'heah?

  2. Good spot for a Quick Trip.

  3. Jimmy Johns?

  4. Just the facts2/25/15, 4:01 PM

    Hard to believe it's been two years since KCFD killed that lady.

  5. I still laugh when they post the picture of the gayface dude hugging the dog


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