Kansas City Bus Shooting Clip Uncensored!!!

Terrifying footage of a recent Kansas City bus shooting was recently released by the ATA and local media offered a glimpse but not the full uncut, unfiltered and uncensored version.

The cutting was probably due to time constrains in part but it's important to watch the whole thing in context.

Here's the AP offering RAW footage:

Raw: Surveillance Video Shows Bus Shooting


AP: "The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority has released a video showing a man shooting at a city bus last year, seriously wounding a 15-year-old girl. Police are asking for the public's help in identifying the shooter."

As usual, contact the TIPS hotline with any relevant information.

Developing . . .


  1. Blacks being blacks. They have the mental capacity of a retarded 8 year old but are incredibly violent. A very bad mix. There is not too small of a reason to shoot somebody. Getting caught and going to prison never enters their tiny little retarded minds because they don't have the ability reason actions and consequences. They literally have less mental capacity than cats.

  2. Thinking cat's are stupid shows just how stupid you are moron.

  3. Cats are smarter than niggers for sure.

  4. cats and niggers, can't stand either.


  5. They say If you don't feed wild animals, they'll leave. Feed them, and they'll never go away. SOOO...
    We should eliminate Food Stamps.

    Damn. I wish it were that easy. Fucking Animal Hood Rats.

    Chris Rock said it BEST:
    "I LOVE Black People. But I HATE NIGGERS!"

  6. Fucking Kansas City. Jesus H. Christ, why would anybody in his right mind even set foot in that town? Much less ride its public transportation?

    Kansas City is not a troubled town. It is a fucking jungle full of bloodthirsty wild predatory animals who are completely out of control.

    Kansas City is our West Bank. We need to put up the concrete wall to keep the rest of us safe.

  7. He wouldn't have shot at a streetcar.

  8. Niggers are stupid. Cats would shoot back!

  9. Actually the streetcars will make great rolling target practice. Someone can paint bullseyes on them overnight and let the tarrget practice commence the next morning.

  10. gentle giant


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