Craig Glazer Talks Dave Coulier

TKC NOTE: Our pal Craig shares his insights about one of his comedy legend friends who is coming in this weekend for a visit.

Full House Star Dave Coulier, A Busy Man Lands In KC!

Dave Coulier is in town for the weekend doing Stanford and Sons Comedy Club at Rosana Square. Had the weather been a bit milder he was going to fly his own plane to Kansas City, but got a bit too choppy to fly LA to KC over Denver. Coulier did his first gig at Stanfords in the late 80's flying here for a corporate event but doing a couple nights in Westport as well.

I met Dave in the mid 1990's when I hired him to come back to Westport and Stanfords. Dave loves the Plaza. We hung out after shows and did the town a few times. Coulier really enjoyed the old Westport, his favorite bar was Kelly's, still is today. I'm sure he will stop in this weekend to have a beer and say 'hi'. Dave and I became pals outside the comedy world. Coulier originally from Detroit makes his home in LA. He even came to my engagement party back in 03 at a Brentwood restaurant. Dave just got married this past year himself.

His big show of course was Full House with John Stamos and Bob Saget. A ten year run that was a massive hit show and today is on daily and often on several channels. His other shows are way too many to name but some were the two tv versions of Ghostbusters, the voice of Scooby, Muppet Babbies and about 20 other tv series. He is mister clean cut. However he did start out in a Cheech and Chong movie, THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER.

Couliers show is a mix of family stories, voices from a long list of celebrities and cartoon characters yes even Bullwinkle. He is the family version of Frank Caliendo with his impersonations.

Dave and I spent today going back over our 20 plus years of knowing each other. In fact Dave and I were having lunch back in 2003 on the Plaza at the Cheesecake Factory when I got the call my Grandpa Bennie had just had a heart attack. I left Dave and went to try and help. Sadly my Grandpa, age 90, did not recover. Dave was very kind and helpful during that tough week.

Yep the guys done it all, even hosted the People's Choice Awards, skated with Stars, and was with Bridget Nelson on The Surreal Life series. What a long nice career.

Dave's career had a rebirth with his appearance on the Super Bowl along with Saget and Stamos. He calls Bob Saget his filthy dirty brother, cause Bob's show is a bit naughty. Bob of course also did Stanfords. I finally met John Stamos this summer at a party for Tom Jones in Los Angeles. All three great guys. In fact everyone on Full House has had a great career after the show.

Coulier is doing a new one hour television special and will do material from the show this week at Stanfords. Great chance to see a house hold name and fine entertainer Friday or Saturday night. Shows at 745 and 945. Call 9134007500 or go online for tix


  1. I met Dave blah blah, bu blah, buh blah

  2. Glazer knows everyone. Friends with them too! Didn't ya know that?

  3. Sure sign this blog is dying: Even dumber-than-a-sack-of-hammers Glazer can't scare up more than two comments in over two hours.

    Just no fun any more.

  4. I never did like Full House. Glazer, tell us about that time you left that friend of yours to die. Pussy Fucking Snitch Thief

  5. When you going to dump this jerk Tony.

  6. Just the facts2/20/15, 6:49 PM

    Never knew so many Hollywood people liked hanging with a snitching, drug dealing, robbing no good asshole who will fuck anyone to stay out of jail.

    But chuckles will tell you Glazer is a hell of a good guy as he is ripping the blacks who do the same things that Glazer did.

  7. Don't believe a word Craig says we in Hollywood have know what a liar he is for years. But he use to have great coke.

  8. Great Show.

  9. His podcast is literal career poison for anyone who comes on it. The stage comics are visibly uncomfortable and he just bombs for 45 minutes.

    Must say it is pretty awesome watching him bomb without his KCC and TKC cheering sections.

    The funniest part is that for only $35 per person you can go out and hear him record his 45 minute podcast on wednesday night.

    (oh yeah and we gave away 100 tickets for Coulier today to anyone who called in so I don't think Full House was the draw it was back in '89)

  10. Glazer is going broke mark my words. Like all snitch assholes should.

  11. I am reading the King of Sting right now but I agree the King of Stink would be a better title for the book. And if all that is in that book is true like Glazer says then him meeting up with Coulier in the 90's speaks wonders in the type of asshole Coulier really has to be.

  12. Fuck you Craig for bailing on me you cunt.

  13. Just the facts2/21/15, 1:20 PM

    Damn 10:42 you can still read it after the first few pages? Funny how Craigs versions and the courts versions don't all match. Plus he don't mention in the book he was only a 90 day snitch for Vern Miller. The night he was busted in Merriam he was singing names as the cuffs was slapped on him. I know I was there.


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