Coming Soon: Broke-Ass Kansas City Election & Citizens Association Panel Discussion!!!

Our Kansas City political discussion continues amid an increasingly old and busted local budget. Coming up . . . Here's a local debate where KCMO politicos attempt to convince an audience that this town is doing much better than Kansas . . . At least in terms of screwed up finances.

Take a look:

"Kansas Citians go to the polls in April and June to elect a mayor and 12 city council members who will direct the city for the next four years. What are the talking points? The priorities?

"Continuing the second season of Citizens Project forums, City Manager Troy Schulte and Finance Director Randy Landes join a discussion of the issues the candidates ought to be addressing. Also on the panel is Alfred Tat-Kei Ho, a University of Kansas professor specializing in public budgeting and performance management. KCPT’s Nick Haines moderates."

Click here for time and date info: The Administrators’ Take on KC’s 2015 Elections

Developing . . .


  1. If they are nekkid, I will attend.

  2. All the need to do is walk out and say. Situation normal all fucked up.

  3. the Koch Brothers told Patsy told Tony

  4. The question for the moment therefore is: can they continue to succeed in pretending? A sickening sense of look-out-below spreads through the sentient ranks. This week will be a doozy.

  5. How bout some big booty pics for a change. Get with the times here in CK.

  6. 2 Eyeball Blog Attack2/15/15, 4:52 PM

    Agree. Big boobs are out. Big Booty is whats happening.

  7. Nice looking foursome lineup there. As usual I would say, let's have sex first to see if a lifetime commitment is even going to be worth the trouble. Then we'll go to the personality part, then how much status and money your parents have.

  8. Byron Funkhouser2/15/15, 5:16 PM

    You can tell its Sunday, the children aren't in school, they're commenting on this blog.

  9. Whats on tonight's TCK post menu?

  10. You sure are Bry-Bry.

  11. Terry Murray said...
    You can tell its Sunday, Byron isn't chasing the school bus.

  12. ^^^^^^^^ I agree

  13. You ever in a sick few minutes of your time wonder how much shit is smeared around Byron's house? I mean he is blind so how does he know when his ass is clean after taking a dump other than to stick a finger in it then sniff. Then when he washes his hands how does he know he gets it all off? When he eats does he just use his hands like a wild jungle man, I mean if he can't see how does he know where to fork his food?

  14. Byron Funkhouser2/16/15, 2:07 AM

    The person pretending to be Terry Murray.

    I wish you really were Terry Murray, so I could sue your ignorant ass. I can't sue an anonymous pussy, as you all well know.

  15. Byron Funkhouser2/16/15, 2:09 AM

    P.S, You're a god damn pussy, as you well know.

  16. I wish I really knew where you was as well Byron so I could get you taken care of once and for all. Teach you to mess around where you don't belong.

  17. Tired of Byron;s fucking shit2/16/15, 2:55 AM

    No Byron you're the pussy who won't work and harasses people in another town you've never live in asshole.

  18. Byron sneaking around late at night again.


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