Teaching Moment: Kansas City Scholars Confront More Gunfire Today On School Bus

The lesson here is that Kansas City remains a horrible place for children and families despite so much political and corporate hype. Take a peek: Shots fired at Kansas City school bus with students on board More: Bullet hits side of school bus, no injuries


  1. We all know what happened and who is responsible.


  2. Racial Profiling: IT WORKS!


  3. More Gentle Giants just having some good clean fun. I mean, a little after-school shoot-em-up...what's not to love?

  4. Not KC as a whole.... East side KC

  5. Press Release from the Killa City Polar Bear at Super Bowl 491/28/15, 6:02 PM

    The Polar Bear leaves town for a week and the shit hole falls apart.

    Fear not shit heels, the Bear will return two days after the Super Bowl to wrangle the hood rats back into shape. And who said they were no good for farm labor.

    It's sure nice out here in Phoenix. There does seem to be alot of black people here, considering the heat. At least they are semi educated and have money to spend. THey are not sporting EBT cards and borrowed 9;s.

    You turd breath butt clowns enjoy the weekend snow..........

  6. Chance Poonsworth1/28/15, 6:13 PM

    KC, a great place to be a kid!

  7. The North American Pavement Ape cannot be civilized.

  8. What an OUTRAGE!
    So when do One Struggle KC, Gwen grant, the Urban Summit gang, Freedom Inc., the assorted revs, and all the rest of the "neighborhood activists" plan their big march, rally, and lying in the street?
    When do Jesse and Al and all the national media come to town?
    Where's Alonzo?
    What a hypocritical joke!

  9. Fuck it, time to move, this shit hole is dying.

  10. Byron Funkhouser1/28/15, 8:31 PM

    Of course, the solutions is to manufacture more guns as fast as possible, so that anyone (& I mean anyone) can have as many as the want.

    Take away the guns & provide some real jobs.

  11. So it's come to this!

    They're now outright targeting those "book learners" who ride the school bus?

  12. I have many guns and a real job. That, Byron is something you know nothing about. again

  13. Byron Funkhouser1/28/15, 11:27 PM

    Would your nutsack like a FREE tongue washing??? Let me know.


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