Tonight's GOLD STANDARD Kansas City political talk show features a pretty good discussion to conclude the year . . .

Check it:

Topics include:

- Term Limits And The City Council

- Show-Me The I-70 Toll

- Prognosis Isn't Good For Obamacare

- Roasts And Toasts Are ALWAYS a MUST SEE!!!

And yes, your least favorite blogger made a special appearance on the most highly rated program this show had to offer during 2014 which is more times than the troll who constantly mentions the TKC special guest star. Still . . . Far and away this is our favorite program that Kansas City Public Television has to offer.

More in a bit . . .


  1. Inglorioso's toady toast to Obama was a wretched display of sycophancy that offered kudos to Dear Leader's Health Care Legislation and even gave the President credit for low oil prices and a good economy.

    What a fuckin hoot. Capitalism and private sector technology is responsible for fracking, not the president who did all he could to stop it and slow it down.

    Gloryholeoso is pathetic beyond description.

    What a liar

  2. Best moment is when Woody called Glorioso the Jerry Fallwell of the left. Classic!

  3. It's not just that Glorioso parrots the company line, he is so inculcated to the condescension that permeates the left, that when he says Republicans want to take everyone's Health Care away for Christmas, he is no better than Mitt Romney and his "47%".

    At this point, the only people who really believe that Obama care is working out great, are blacks who now have more of whitey's money to pay for insurance so they don't have to and really stupid white people.

    Obama Care is a disaster that sucks the cash out of what is left of the middle class with higher premiums and deductibles, in order to pay for the usual suspects who suck off of the Government teat.

    And the idea that Obama is responsible for the price of oil per bbl and the money in consumer pockets from low gas prices is seriously hilarious, except of course, for the brain dead drones whom Glorioso is targeting with propaganda and agitprop.

    The man has no shame or no brains, one or the other.

  4. Man Tony sounding like Glazer more every day. Lies Lies Lies and then some more lies.

  5. What a great program! Oh wait, I know why it's so great.....no stinking Gwen Grant!! So refreshing!

  6. CML, you should give credit where credit is due. the private industry and oil over $100 a barrel incentivized American oil exploration, horizontal drilling/ fracking. This increased the supply side. However, President Obama's efficiency standards has pushed the auto industry to adopt more efficient cars, driving down demand. The slow down in Asia, particularly China, has also driven down demand.

    Now what you are seeing is OPEC engage in what is essentially a free market price war in an attempt to make American/Canadian oil unprofitable. This has been a boon for the consumer, but will not last forever. Everyone in oil is losing money now, and it will be whoever blinks last that wins.

  7. SKC = Shanin's Kansas City
    RUU = Are You You? (prove you're not a robot)

    Welcome To The "CUS-KRU", that weekly dose of left-right political profanity discussing the news of the day and the trends of the time.

    I'm Mike Shanin, the Cus-kru joins me shortly, our topics tonight:

    City Council Trolls Out Of Time

    There's Talk Of Polling For Tolls Though More Are On The Dole

    Obamacare 2015: For Whom The Bell Tolls

    Newsmaker = this segment of the program died shortly after it's initial inception of the remake, and should be put out of it's misery.

    Let's start the CUS-KRU!!
    Yael appears pissed and ready to let the expletives fly!
    Aimee smirks, knowing she can swear like a sailor!
    Steve smiles like a girl and waves---a lamb to the slaughter!
    Woody prepares to destroy these pantywaists!

    King vs. Burwell (ACA challenge)
    Steve bluffs the "Christmas card" against the un-Christianly Conservatives, revealing his vulgar holiday spirit. Woody follows with a smack from the righteous stick, smiting the Glorioso Grinch upon all 4 corners. Aimee speaks of an unhealthy destabilization looming. Yael shocks everyone by agreeing with Woody, and proclaiming "screw you!"

    Shanin violates a universal truth by mentioning "The KC Star Editorial Board" and "smart" in the same sentence!! After the studio audience got up off the floor, the discussion returned to raising the federal gas tax, adding tolls to MO highways, and reversing KS highway fund cuts.
    Aimee offers a hybrid solution. Yael admits his guilt in penning the paper's proposal, and says "let the user pay." Woody accurately explains "we're fools to give the feds more money" in respect to the federal gas tax, tolls are unconstitutional in MO, and 80% of residents don't want tolls. Steve reports KS is unlikely to change course. Yael discloses he has Twitter-buddies, to which the other panelists remind him of the "don't ask/don't tell" policy.

    6-2-8....Mike tries to remember how many liberals he's cussed out this week. KC Council Shake-Up
    Yael reports the $1.4 billion budget will have new stewards shortly, and sings Sly's praises. Aimee jumps on the Sly bandwagon with adulation, and reports she can reach out and touch him whenever she wants and he responds! Woody cuts through the excrement being floated and dares ask "why does KCMO spend $1100 more per resident than comparable cities spend to run their local government?" And why doesn't KCMO have slates of candidates who are endorsed by groups, instead of individual candidates representing only themselves? Steve believes the streetcar expansion, downtown hotel, and new airport will be the key issues going forward.

    Aimee TOASTS Sean Sullivan, KS Budget Director, for responding to her scathing remarks.
    Woody ROASTS Dick Cheney on his torturing non-regrets.
    Yael TOASTS the retiring Raytown Mayor.
    Steve begins TOASTING Obama and proceeds to cry and wet himself with liberal tears flowing as he reads his script.
    Mike TOASTS the KC Kansan Editor for advocating year-round daylight saving time.....a bright idea.

    CUS-KRU has now completed the 2014 year, will be gone for 2 weeks, then back on January 8th.
    Merry Christmas!
    Happy Hanukkah!
    Joyous New Year!
    Inspirational Islam!
    Kind Kwanzaa!
    Absent Atheism!
    An Awakened Buddhism!
    Unconfused Confucianism!
    A Himalayan Hinduism!
    A Jerry-Elaine-George-Kramer Festivus!


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