Prof. Kraske Groundbreaking Theory: Ferguson Could Hurt Missouri Democrats!!!

Tonight's Dead Tree Missive features UMKC Prof. Kraske FINALLY handing in his term paper on the consequences of Ferguson for Democrats. Let's see . . . This after Gov. Jay has been DESTROYED the uprising and his horrible treatment of the African-American community . . . Noted by the New York Times, MSNBC and everybody else, after Sen. Claire stole the show from both Koster and Gov. Jay at the Mike Brown funeral . . . After a November election DECIMATED the last remaining strongholds of Missouri Democrats . . . Yes, there might be consequences and we don't know how the public would have come to this conclusion without Prof. Kraske: Steve Kraske: Will Ferguson leave lasting scars on the Missouri Democratic Party?


  1. Like it or not, we have a 2 party system. That is why I don't think Ferguson will hurt the Democrats all that much. Where will they go? The Republicans? hahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahhahahahhahahahahahhahhahahhahhahhahahahahhahahah

  2. Kraske has always been a joke.

  3. There was a time, long ago, when I had respect for Steve Kraske.

  4. Well Nixon was an utter jerk last week. He's lost MY support, fer sure.

  5. There is a lack of leadership at the top of the party, let's hope someone steps into the vacuum and make it a Democratic Party again. It won't be Koster, McCaskill, Skippy, or LeVota but someone will step up to the challenge.

  6. Professor Kraske versus Preschool Teacher's Assistant TKC. Wonder who wins.

  7. Years ago, Kraske adopted the "offend no one" stance.

    When you're an Up-To-Date radio host, you depend upon guests voluntarily partaking in your show. If you ask them tough questions, or hold people accountable for their actions, they may very well not return to your show in the future.

    The result is that you become a bland, non-confrontational, non-threatening media know, a NEWSIE!!!!


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