Kansas Jailhouse Court Listens To Litany Of Complaints From Slavery And Beyond

Take a look at this courtroom forum for longstanding inmate complaints: Inmate grievances from slavery to bad shower shoes are heard in Kansas' court of last resort


  1. Shocking that the biggest abuser of the system is a negroid; who woulda thunk it?

  2. Lets see if they bitch if we hang them with a new rope.

  3. Mostly these are whiny bitches who have whined about their "needs" not being met from kindergarten to adulthood in order to get a new bright and shiny thing to destroy. BUT- prison labor is a real issue and it's scary. Don't get me wrong, keep these guys busy all you want Cool Hand Luke style, but to produce goods for an outside company at third world cost sans shipping is scary shit.

  4. Cool Hand Luke worked on a Chain Gang and that type of labor takes away jobs in the economy therefore putting stress on the economy. Having prisoner's pick up trash along side of the road when unemployed people could have those jobs hurts the economy as much as cheap imports. Who really benefits is the Military Industrial Complex who is breaking the economy anyway because their product is not securing the homeland but death of all living thing, in what is now a dying empire.

  5. 102 is a little tinfoil hat, but makes a good point. There's a lot of prison industries that depend on slave labor.

  6. These guys can sue anybody for free. My convict brother sued family members three times. No, it did not cost the State of Kansas any money. Yes, it cost family members money and even delayed the mortgage closing because of the pending lawsuit. They get to sue at no cost, they claim poverty.

  7. Slavery! Omfg! Was it because of a toy train streetcar boondoggle? Did sherry "eastsida4lyfe" and dan "django" Coffey have to save them with imaginary mystery buses and illegal fences?


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