Kansas City Prez Obama Immigration Reax???

Simple question to start the morning . . .


Even for a Democratic stronghold like Kansas City, this is a tough issue.

- Unions have always had a hard time backing amnesty given the cheap labor consequence.

- Liberals realize this is the last bit of Prez Obama's political capital at risk.

- Some denizens of the African-American community rightfully consider competition for entry level jobs with a new wave of undocumented workers.

Like it or not . . . The immigration Exec Order faces challenges even among Democrats and Liberals in Kansas City and throughout the nation.

Check the links . . .

New York Times: Obama’s Immigration Action Has Precedents, but May Set a New One

Reuters: Obama unveils U.S. immigration reform, setting up fight with Republicans

Wall Street Journal: Republicans Weigh Legality of Obama’s Immigration Move

Developing . . .


  1. He is a hypocrite. Bashes Bush for abuse of going around congress with executive orders then does it himself. Says he's not an emperor then acts like one. It's not about being "racists", it's about the law and procedures. This country has changed for the worse because of left wing liberals.

  2. The Imperial Presidency, it's catalyst a pen and phone, continues on it's criminal, treasonous path towards a Socialist Authoritarian Tyranny, fueled by this SLOW MOTION VOTER FRAUD that the left pretends is legal while laughing up their sleeves.

    This president lies like he breathes. The Liar in Chief, supported by the MSM, the Entertainment Industry, Professors and Perps everywhere, has told one truth and that was that he was going to "Fundementally Change America".

    If you like your Health Plan, Doctor, or country, you can keep your Health Plan Doctor or Country.

    What a fuckin liar. Goddamn what a liar and Goddamn those Liberal fucks who just made sure that the population would vote for Socialist, Communist legislation and candidates for the remainder of America's life.

  3. The action he is taking is not just limited to what dubya did in the past. All modern day presidents have taken executive action and even some much earlier in history. Jefferson didn't believe in a large federal role, yet he signed the Louisiana purchase. It is fine to disagree but some will have to just agree to disagree and not offer specious arguments with no relevance or basis in fact.

  4. Well said Chuck. The problem with the socialist agenda is eventually they run out of spending other peoples money. Libtards have realized that yet.

  5. 6:48

    What bullshit. Sure they took executive action to tweak legislation already passed by both houses of Congress. They did NOT pave the way for 34 million illegals in this country to sway the vote for the foreseeable future to the left to ensure the continuation of government bennies for those WHO VOTE FOR A LIVING.

    Fuck the middle class and fuck the people, Obama knows what is best and with the help of "My People" Holder will inflict the Socialist agenda on all Americans no matter what Americans want.

    This ensures Anarchotyrannists will now become the majority and we will all live, sooner than later in a third world shithole.

  6. if congress would do their job he would not have to take executive action. If people living in the shadows could come out and be more productive citizens it would be better for everyone.

  7. congress can't just do nothing and complain. They need to do their job. That doesn't mean just opposing the prez.

  8. 7:04

    They are going to come out and vote for Progressive destructive legislation and candidates that continue to bankrupt this country and destroy the Constitution.

    Dude is right, it is slow motion voter fraud. Tip the scales to a paradigm just like France where the entire country is now so ruined, like the rest of Europe, so ruined from disasterous immigration policies that the country noo longer actually exists.

    More immigrants were given access to American jobs yesterday than were created over the last 2 years. 5 million now, but 30 some million cards are already being processed to bring in the rest of the 25 million or so to vote Democratic.

    Tyranny and treason are what this president and democrats are all about.

  9. Multiculturalism and diversity = the destruction of America, plain and simple.

  10. In the early 1980s the Reagan Administration tasked the Social Security Administration, Department of Labor and the Census Bureau to estimate the number of illegals who would likely apply for amnesty. Prior to IRCA it was illegal to work in our country if you were here illegally, but it wasn’t illegal to hire illegal aliens. That double standard was erased by the Act. But, those employers who paid the illegal worker on the books and reported taxes to the IRS and SSA gave these agencies a good idea of the number of workers without a valid Social Security number. The initial official estimate was that 1.1 million illegals would apply for amnesty.

    What the federal government apparently didn’t take into account was that many of those 1.1 million would bring friends and relatives back to America to claim five years residence in the same fraudulent manner as those who came and went on a regular basis. That is one reason why the number of applications was three times higher than the original estimate.

    When the knowledge of fraud got out, there was a literal stampede of people coming across the border illegally to apply for amnesty and the government was quickly overwhelmed. Estimates of application fraud ranged between 66% and 75%.

    Packages of counterfeit utility receipts, written receipts and anything else that would establish a 5 year residency were for sale and only required the name to be filled in. And, these were in the days prior to personal computers. Adjudicators did not to look too closely if on the surface the application appeared to be legitimate.

    On the border, whole groups of illegals were turning themselves into BP officers as soon as they crossed the border saying they wanted to apply for the amnesty.

    And then the Border Patrol was given orders not to interfere with an alien who was “en-route” to apply for amnesty.

    In implementing the IRCA in 1987-88, the I.N.S. determined that illegal aliens who received welfare assistance were ineligible for amnesty. The Courts later overruled the I.N.S. and told the agency to accept amnesty applications from unauthorized foreigners who had received welfare.

    Drenched with fraud, the amnesty raised expectations around the world and in the 28 years since IRCA there have been tens of millions of illegal entries into the United States.

  11. Get ready to spend some more money Uncle Sam..., er..., Pedro.

  12. While I think the prez should have tried to work with the new Congress, the changes recognize facts. We really can't afford to track down and deport all illegal immigrants. And 7:17, they won't become citizens, and contrary to what Krazy Kris is telling those who'll believe anything, they won't be voting--at least not anytime soon.

    We really should consider the consequences if we decide on mass deportation. Besides $10 pears and $20,000 in labor costs for roof jobs, these folks fund our Social Security and Medicare (for which they will not be eligible), and they pay taxes. It's not in anyone's interest to spend money to deport people who are subsidizing us.

  13. Last month, the President also singed an order to bring in over 100,000 Haitians to "Reunite" with their anchor families already here illegally.

    No doubt, those nice new citizens are contributing to the usual gang banger, free loader, government bennie culture that lefties just love so they can make sure they are re elected by the will of the "people".

    100,000 Haitians, what a disaster.

  14. 7:26

    "And 7:17, they won't become citizens, and contrary to what Krazy Kris is telling those who'll believe anything, they won't be voting--at least not anytime soon."

    Who the fuck, with a brain in their head really believes that stupid shit?

  15. Of course they are going to vote and vote many times.

  16. What voter fraud??


    It is everywhere and ubiquitous. Acorn and the Democrats have perfected voter fraud and the idea that these new illegal immigrants are not going to vote is stupid unless you are Sgt. fucking Schultz

  17. "if congress would do their job he would not have to take executive action. If people living in the shadows could come out and be more productive citizens it would be better for everyone."

    Dumb ass, have you ever heard of balance of powers?? The congress is divided because WE THE PEOPLE are divided.

  18. The President is such a liar. The Immigration System is NOT broken. ENFORCE THE LAWS ALREADY ON THE BOOKS!

    The laws on the books are not enforced, hence, illegals flock to a nation, that offers free money, health care and a move to the front of the line for breaking the law.

    Enforce current immigration laws, secure the border-The President lied so much when he said the legislation proposed last year would secure the border, it was all for re settling immigrants and spending money on immigrants NOT securing the border-.

  19. Today, in 2014, after an influx of perhaps 50 million in 50 years, legal and illegal, no longer from Northwest Europe, or Europe at all, but Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, of every race, color, creed, culture and language, we seem less a nation than some mammoth Mall of America. An economy, but not a country.

    Running in 2008, Obama said he intended to become a “transformational president.” With this decision, he succeeds.

    He has accelerated and ensured the remaking of America. Now when the wives and children of the illegals arrive, and their extended families apply for and receive visas, and bring their wives and children, we will become the Third World country of Obama’s dream, no more a Western nation.

    But then, the community organizer did not much like that old America


    Unwilling to control illegal immigration and the cultural disintegration it causes, the authorities instead control the LAW ABIDING.

  21. I forgot I was supposed to be be hating people and life and everything....

    ...until I came here.

  22. so what part of the Constitution does this violate?

    also chuck if you like your seeting hatred you can keep your seething hatred. jeez

  23. Hate?

    Oh, sorry, we are all so rude as to question the great Caesar Obama as he circumvents the law, wrecks the Constitution he has sworn to protect, subverts the will of the people and with morons like you, "Fundamentally" changed America so that Socialist, Democrats can ensure sinecure through slow motion voter fraud.

    Hate is a good thing when confronted with the evil, the absolute destruction of home, hearth and country that these initiatives will force on our children. We will become a 3rd world country, a Sisyphus, burdened with an economic crucible fostered on us by a corrupt and treasonous administration.

    You may not give a shit about what we leave our kids as the very fabric of what used to make this country great is torn asunder, but I do. And if that is hate, I embrace it.

    By the way, fuck you.

  24. Even if they won't become citizens, if they come out of the shadows they can become more productive members of society. Meanwhile, if we don't have some of these folks around, we will no longer have food, since no Americans want the jobs that many of those who are currently in the shadows are doing. It doesn't take long to realize that Americans don't want to do the back breaking jobs that they do. No Americans even apply for those jobs.

  25. CHUCK DECONSTRUCT11/21/14, 9:06 AM

    "wrecks the Constitution" = again, chuck, can you specify which Act, Chapter of the Constitution he's violated? (no need to answer, I know you can't)


    "the evil, the absolute destruction of home, hearth and country" = what non-white people do

    We will become a 3rd world country" = non-white

    "corrupt and treasonous administration" = 'cause he's black

    "the very fabric of what used to make this country great" = white people

    It's easy, folks. It's just language. Chuck hates non-white people. Just read his comments.

    1. You dumb fuck libtard, I'd love to be talking to you face to face. You're ideals and values are fucked. Let me ask you this, and be honest.... What will these non tax paying new citizens do to our economy, infrastructure (ie public services) , and unemployment?

      Answer away, I'm excited to hear what you think. I'm sure its more typical Obama propaganda. God I'd like to curb stomp you right now

    2. curbstomp, eh chuck? just like in American History X, that movie about the white supremacist you obviously masturbate to?

      Yeah, case closed. 9:06 didn't even need to reply. You made their point for them.

    3. I'm not chuck. And I would actually curb stomp you.

  26. The Congress is divided because many of the working poor do not participate in elections, especially midterm elections. I could accept the fact that there is now a GOP majority in Congress if there were more of those folks actually voting. However, this is not the case. Voting appears to be something that only the wealthy and those who advocate for the wealthy participate in. Furthermore, many advocate for making it harder for those who do not have means to vote, by insisting on getting photo id, which many of the poor, elderly, handicapped and students do not have access to. Voting should not be tied to whether or not you are wealthy enough to own a car. And no, I won't call anyone a dumb ass, even though I don't have a very kind opinion of you either.

  27. I like the part where Obama is pretending that the folks pouring across our borders are all college graduates and will go straight to Silicon valley.

    Obama acted as if these illegal aliens are all engineering masters degree holders. Yup, masters in engineering the system. That’s the only “advanced skill” they hold.

    Another ICE agent says, “Our sovereignty is now gone. There is really no need for my position anymore.”

    And since we’ve lost America forever, in terms of its national character and national security, maybe there is no need for this country anymore. That seems to be the attitude of Obama and company.

    America will soon be gone anyway via this amnesty, which again, is not for just five million, but for 40 million and growing.

    And based on Obama’s speech, he no longer considers this America. Did you notice what he said at the end of his speech last night?

    While most Presidents end their speeches to Americans with, “G-d Bless America,” he didn’t last night. Instead he said, “G-d bless this country we all love.”

    Um, which country exactly was he talking about? It certainly wasn’t America.

    By the way, don’t look for the Republicans to save you. They are on board with this plan and have been for years. They just wanted to do it and get the credit. This whole Boehner/McConnell grandstanding is just that. They won’t do anything real to stop it.

  28. There is such a thing as a balance of powers among the 3 branches of government. There is also such a thing as executive action, which basically all presidents have used at some point. There is nothing new about the concept of executive action, even though some are now acting as if Obama invented it, he did not. He is only using it because of the GOP obstructionists in Congress. He has no choice. Many other presidents have faced problems of this nature in the past and used executive action.

  29. 9:06

    Here ya go, by the way, J Turley is a liberal who votes Democratic, I thought we should quote him so you couldn't go straight to killing the messenger like you pukes do every time Obama and Holder break the law.


  30. Ha ha! That is just great, let's now bitch about the fact that the prez didn't say God bless America, but instead said God bless this country we all love. And let's try to take exception to the wording because how dare he talk about the country we all love and not be a white Republican? And, by the way, did you know that the prez had on a tan suit a little while ago? Tsk, tsk. Keep it up Obama haters, it is you who look completely ridiculous, per usual.

  31. 9:06 won't respond, he is an Affirmative Action Bonus Baby, so reading above a 3rd grade level to cipher all those big words is out of her pay grade.

  32. 9:27 Thanks for your brilliant comment. Of course, when confronted with the categorical malfeasance of Obama, we hate him because he is black, not because of his actions.

  33. The GOP congress will make sure and redistribute more $ to the upper 2% which will be wonderful for them. Socialism for the rich, how wonderful.

  34. How can obama poison the well that boehner and Mcdonell have been pissing in all these years?

  35. 9:43

    You better hope those rich boys keep making enough money to pay your EBT/SNAP card bills at Wallmart, how wonderful.


  36. Yep, socialism for the rich is just fine.

  37. I pay taxes. Plenty of them. I am not a multimillionaire. You are either a multimillionaire or a useful idiot. I suspect the latter.

  38. Educated electorate is critical for democracy.

    No better proof than the posts on this blog.

    More often than not, truth, or the best alternative, lies between the two political eextremes. Problem is, it takes effort and the willingness to listen in a civil manner, to get to that place. Unfortunately, the prevailing culture is to name call, disrespect, and polarize.

    No better proof than this blog that flat out caters to that laziness and simpleton thinking.

    Libtard? Really?

    This Country is following the historic pattern of world economic prowess. That is, after about every 100 years, the dominance moves. There are numerous reasons why this happens, but one of the most prevalent is the characteristic to destabilize the political system through infighting and blame assignment, rather than collective assumption of responsibility.

    Don't be friggin lemmings by assuming either of the political parties have the answer. Might even consider civil consideration of someone else's point of view.

    With Tony pandering to hate and vile discourse, it won't happen here.

  39. Meanwhile, the few remaining sheeple who were still paying attention to politics, were captured and neutered by the ruling corporatocracy's use of the faux 2-party national political party charade.

    They yammered back and forth about the evil RED versus the evil BLUE, having invested their identity among the ranks of the evil.

    Why has NOTHING effective been done for decades to secure our southern border, and why is President Obama taking this current action?

    It's really quite simple. Because the corporatocracy benefits from an influx of cheap labor. In comparison to the rest of the world, Americans still have it too easy, with too many freedoms and too high a standard of living. What is currently progressing is a systematic plan to bring most Americans closer to the rest of the world (read: diminish your standard of living).

    Many of the people leading this country are NOT working on your behalf, are not striving to keep America moving forward, the world does NOT function in the manner which you been led to believe. Quite the contrary. The United States, on the national level, is run much as an organized crime syndicate is structured. President Obama is nothing more than the winner of the 2012 contest "Who Wants To Be America's Next Top Spokesmodel?"

    I understand how easy is to fall into the RIGHT versus LEFT debate, and do so myself out of habit sometimes, but I'd much rather hear you people unite against your real enemies.

  40. Claire from Missourah11/21/14, 10:29 AM

    Will the ACLU sue Barack for quoting the Bible and using it as justification for his action?

  41. chuck, stop the hypocrisy. in one breath you support the destruction of the first amendment, by supporting the arrest of journalists, and indiscriminate use of tear gas in Ferguson. Now you are crying the that the President is acting unconstitutionally? get over it.

  42. The earth shifts on its axis as 1010 and 1013 post consecutive insightful thoughts on Paco's wall.

  43. Who the fuck said I support the arrest of journalists?

    Jesus, where the fuck do you get this shit?

    By the way, full disclosure, the Republicans love this shit because of the cheap labor.

    It kills blacks, whites and browns who got here playing by the rules in the middle class, or what is left of the middle class.

    I gotta go to work now...

  44. Nothing from 9:06?

    Didn't think so...

  45. chuck? work? that's the funniest thing I heard all day.

    I guess once someone shoots up a workplace around here we'll find out where.

  46. Illegal immigrants will receive huge payments from American taxpayers under rules now being imposed by President Barack Obama’s unilateral amnesty.

    The illegals will get work-permits and Social Security cards, and will be required to pay taxes, according to Cecilia Munoz, the former immigration lobbyist who is now a top Obama aide.

    That means they’re part of the tax system, she said, when she was asked if the illegals would get annual payments under the Earned Income Tax Credit program.

    “They are subject to our tax law,” she said, carefully.

    Most households of illegals have very low income, and pay little in taxes. For example, in 2011, roughly 22 percent of immigrant households — both legal and illegal — were classified as living in poverty. In contrast, only 13 percent of American households were in poverty.

    However, once illegal immigrants are enrolled in the tax system, they would be entitled to EITC payments.

    The payments may be huge, and will rise each year.

    According to the Internal Revenue Service, two parents with three or more children would receive up to $6,143 in 2014 if they earn less than $46,997.

    A family with two kids, and an income of $20,000, would receive $14,590 in taxpayer funds this year alone.

    Parents who earn less than the threshold would get $3,305 if they have one child, and $5,460 if they have two children.

    The EITC program is already poorly monitored and may be subject to large amounts of fraud, according to critics.

    Another study says that 47 percent of legal and illegal immigrants and their children are classified as living in poverty or in near-poverty, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors reduced annual immigration

    1. Ding ding ding!!! 1056 am is absolutely right

  47. This is a media storm to get voters to forget about Obamacare and the Individual Mandate. That law is a POS; it was designed to make insurance companies perpetually profitable.

  48. It's fun watching stupid white people freak out over this shit, especially since the party they seem to love doesn't give a shit about them unless they are millionaires.

    And conveniently forgetting the fact that unless they are American Indians, that their forefathers were also immigrants.


  49. 11:11 am, we had to fight a war, we had to spill blood for the country. the american indians sure didnt grant us amnesty. we had to forcibly take what is now ours. so i think your analogy fails.

  50. my ancestor Colnel John Endicott had to lead and fight the Pequot War in order to earn the right to have the opportutnity to have citizenship bestowed upon his people.

  51. Payback is a bitch11/21/14, 11:55 AM

    Polling will show the majority of Americans against Barrack's moves. The Congress will straighten it out and the Republican elected in 2016 will simply end Obama's program. The only thing Obama has to figure out is how he is going to buy ass wipe at the White House for the next two years.

  52. 11:19 says, "we had to forcibly take what is now ours." That sounds like straight up strong-armed robbery to me. Oh the humanity!

  53. just a bunch of rich babies who can't get along.

  54. Jesus Christ Chuck, you'd of thought Obama just F'd your white daughter.

  55. 11:56 ya, so whats your point?

  56. 11:56 "Oh the humanity"??? Since when are people claiming America's humanity? I dont know about you but I'm from the America that slaughtered the Natives that stood in the way of Manifest Destiny, I'm from the America that purchased humans enslaved by their African rulers on the African continent, I'm from the America that dropped not one but 2 nuclear bombs on major cities not because we needed to but because it was the icing on the cake to assert our dominance. So whats your point 11:56, that you live in some dream world where America is some sort of moral demigod? If so, you'd do well to go to church instead, because that is NOT America.

  57. 12:10. Get a grip. This is 2014, not the16th, 17th, or 18th centuries. Slavery was a long fucking time ago, get over it. We have evolved into a nation of laws and processes. Well we were up until 6 years ago.

  58. 12:10 you act like you never saw the painting of Jesus holding the Constitution flanked by the founding fathers... Google it, It is a real thing. Really, I am surprised at you.

  59. There is still something called white privilege. Yes, this is 2014. There is still racism as a legacy of slavery. The KKK is still a thing, as are the American Nazis, with the GOP not far behind. Police brutality does exist. Ferguson is not the only case. In NY, a guy had his rectum sodomized with a baton by a cop. That was not ancient history. There is a pattern of racism in this country which is still very much alive.

  60. Black privilege is more like it. this country is run by blacks who violently murder, rape and kill with the permission of liberals who make excuses for every horror inflicted not only on whites (You are 250 times more likely to get assaulted by a black than a white) but on blacks.

    The never ending knock out games, the never ending black on white rape the never ending race hate crimes committed by blacks all while idiots like 12:32 want to believe that every day in America it is 1965 in Selma.

  61. Hurry! More tin foil. Tony the Moron and his corps of racists and right wingnuts are about out of hats!!

  62. 1224 work on your reading comprehension, read 1210 again and then repost your thoughts after understanding what was written

  63. Just because Tony allows some racist nuts to post comments here does not mean he agrees with them.

  64. More recently, we had a rightie who decided to "kill some Jews" at the Jewish Community Center. Even though none of the people he killed were Jews, they were his intended target. Happened just last year. Right here in Overland Park, Ks. The language of many who disagree with liberals informs us of just how strong the hatred goes against people in our community as well. Even if you are a WASP, you better not be a liberal according to many of our fellow commenters here. The hatred goes pretty deep from our conservative friends.

  65. Back when the US was founded, only rich white male property owners were allowed to vote. Many would like us to go back to that time, right now, in 2014. It is not just way back then, it is now.

  66. The comments section on this blog proves that a substantial part of the population of the KC area is drooling, foaming-at-the-mouth idiots.

  67. "What will these non tax paying new citizens do to our economy, infrastructure (ie public services) , and unemployment?"

    9:56: What makes you think they're non-taxpaying? Have you ever heard of a TIN (Tax Identification Number) that's given in lieu of a Social Security Number so they can pay taxes? That's how they're subsidizing our Social Security and Medicare.

    Why do you think the gov has been so reluctant to deport people? Just maybe it's because they support our lazy asses.

    1. Really 115 pm? That's interesting you bring up the illegal immigrants supporting our lazy asses. How much money will these people be receiving in aid in the form of welfare and free health care? That money comes straight out of your taxes. Taxes that should pay for essential services but instead are handed out to people too lazy to get a job. Need proof? Look anywhere east of troost.

  68. 7:31: "Of course they are going to vote and vote many times."

    What a crock. 67% of Americans don't vote. These folks are going to risk being deported for voter fraud? Maybe on your planet.

  69. .....and the RED's and BLUE's continue to battle on the field of ignorance, intent on proving that their opponent is a bigger fool than themselves!!!!

    The well-read realists who sit at their leisure in the stands, watching the ignorati bash each other's heads, are amused but grow quickly bored with the child's play and return to their education.

  70. I don't give a shit if a white guy eats watermelon there will be a black come along and claim it is racist in order to try and win an argument. The problem is white folks are fucking tired of the whiney ass non contributing shit bags and they just aren't going to listen to it anymore. ...excepting a few tree hugging libtards that have convinced themselves the world should feel guilty.

  71. And once again 212 elevates the dialogue.

    Other than yourself, who are you trying to persuade?

    Numb Nutz.

  72. I see the pompus big mouth cocksucker 3:08 is trying to elevate himself beyond his career as an executive pizza logistics specialist and weekend butt fucker.

  73. Fuck Obuma and a whole bunch of Mexicans !!!!!

  74. There's a reason people in Poland make Osambo jokes. Stupid darkey.

  75. 10:13 Dead on the money. The problem is Americans are the dumbest fucking people on Earth. The plan of the uber-rich is working perfectly

  76. What welfare? What free health care? Illegals don't qualify for either.

    As for east of Troost, most of those folks were born here. Get real. Most of the welfare queens in this area live in Mission Hills, Leawood, and Sunset Hills.


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