Huff Post is putting pix of Officer Wilson on blast, showing either shaving rash on his face or VERY MINOR injuries he sustained before shooting and killing teen Michael Brown.


Take a look:

To all of the pro Officer Wilson Supporters -

I would like to thank you all for standing up for me during this stressful time. Your support and dedication is amazing and it is still hard to believe that all of these people that I have never met are doing so much for me. I watched the CNN video we recorded at the rally on Saturday and it brought tears to my eyes.

All of you are simply amazing, and I don’t know how to thank you all enough. I wish I could attend meet you, hug you, and personally thank you for all of your continued support, however, due to my and my families safety I am unable to. Please don’t give this letter to any media or post it where they can see it. Relay the message of thanks to all and keep this letter private until the investigation is complete.

I want you all to know that I do get updates on the amount of support. Unfortunately, I don’t get to see all of the comments made through social media, but overall messages are relayed to me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and know that I would do the same for any of you.

Also please keep my family in blue in your hearts and prayers, they have all made a sacrifice to their own lives in order to work the excessive hours through the heat and rain to ensure that the riots and protests in Ferguson were as safe as they could be.

Thank you,

P.O. Darren Wilson



  2. anonymous has severely undermined the moral high ground the protesters have been trying to establish by Doxing Darren Wilson. This kind of behavior will RUIN Ofc. Wilson's life, make no doubt about that. Doxing someone ensures that for the REST of their life and even into death they will be incongruent with the established economy. Even worse than identity theft,the doxing of Darren Wilson is vigilantism.

  3. Not that big of a deal, he'll be fine. He's alive and he's white!

  4. 2:07 not that big of a deal? you obviously do not understand doxing, or seen the effects.

  5. Yes, I have, I've even done a bit of doxing. The impact is overstated. A bunch of Klansmen were also doxed. Nobody cares. Sorry. The biggest danger is credit card theft and so many people get caught doing that anyway, it's just as dangerous to hackers.

  6. the impact is overstated? well you just go ahead and publish your CC#'s SSN and address along with those of your immediate family on this blog, and then tell me its "overstated". this is a horrible act of vigilanitsm.

  7. Again, overstated. A skilled hacker knows how to get your SSN and credit card number with just a few keystrokes. It's only a big deal to you because you don't know how much of your information is exposed already.

  8. Let Ofc. Wilson be an example of what happens to bad cops, those who protect bad cops, and cops associated with the KKK.

    1. No, it's an example of the harm done an innocent man in the churning shark waters of a media/social networking narrative that can't take no for an answer.

  9. That's a bit of a shiner, much more than just a shaving rash TKC.

  10. From those pictures, I never knew demon Hulk Hogan punched like a girly-girl.

  11. He is a doll.
    I will fuck him.

  12. 2:23 no I already know what you are saying. I think we are on the same page. I understand what you are saying. My point was the mass distribution of this info. I.e. it sounds like you know whats up. so check out the IRC channel and tell me (assuming the dox info is real and properly attributed to the correct Darren Wilson) that the mass distribution of personal medical files, including a significant food allergy, is not a danger. I completely agree with you this info is already widely available on anyone you want to get it on with just a few keystrokes.

  13. I suppose whether he wrote this letter is up for debate, but if he did, he has more class and gratitude in his little finger than every darkey in STL put together. I support Officer Wilson!

  14. a proper risk assessment is geared for each scenario. the average joe has no reason in the proper risk matrix to expect any adverse effects beyond financial damage, but the again Ofc. Darren Wilson is not the average joe, his risk matrix if VERY different.

  15. FOX News lied about "beating."

    Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Mo., police officer whose fatal shooting of Michael Brown touched off more than a week of demonstrations, suffered severe facial injuries including a bone fracture near one eye and was nearly beaten unconscious by Brown moments before firing his gun, a source close to the department's top brass told FoxNews.com. The source told FoxNews.com on Wednesday that the officer had sustained a fractured eye socket in the incident, and repeated that assertion early Friday morning, in response to a conflicting report on the severity of the injuries


  16. Officer Wilson if I ever see you well...we'll....I'd like to buy you a beer.

  17. Well, he did kill off another fucking NIGGER, so good for him!! Great guy!

  18. Real Americans support officer Wilson.

  19. You know what? Brown fucked up also and maybe technically the cop should not have been indicted. But this ass-clown is a fucking little dopey douche-bag who was pissing down his leg because he was such a little weakling afraid he was about to be bitch-slapped; seriously, this little wimp is a freaking cop!?

  20. This man deserves a fucking medal! One for good shooting and another for ridding the planet of another fucking NIGGER!

  21. I'm fucking that fat ass nigger up his "gentle giant" ass right now and making sure it hurts! My pal Satan is waiting, he gets my sloppy seconds! Hahahahahahaha!!!

  22. Your about 6 hours late with this story Tony.

    Oh by the way idiot assault is assault so red skin is enough in the eyes of the law.

  23. Tony is a perfect example of the illiterate "media", I hate even using the word about a hack blogger like this twit. They are just using the ignorant blacks to get good stories by goading them into rioting. Even the head nigger in charge of our country has pretty much wiped his ass with the constitution blaming police for how the feral niggers act. So what Obummer is saying is it's okay to act like fucking savages because the Police are upholding the law made for everyone but the thug niggers. Now they have to look away when Leroy kills an old lady for her $20.00.

  24. Agree with 2:31, but he's taken.

  25. These fucking moronic pissers and moaners that would have Wilson a murderer and Micheal Brown the hero need to get off the crack. This is what happens when a bunch of drop out ghetto rats and their "leaders" stand around for three months blowing smoke up each others asses. After a while they actually start to believe their own bullshit.

    Now look what you have. A shitload of morons burning up their own local businesses. So now what? The dumb ass thugs have to drive to St Louis to shoplift gin and ass wipe? What a brilliant strategic move from a pack of brain dead jackasses.

  26. The ONLY CONDITIONS that led to Mike Brown's death....the CONDITIONS which have been overlooked and lost by all the protestors, out-of-town grifters, and media....are:

    1) DON'T STEAL
    2) DON'T ASSAULT Business Owners
    3) DON'T Walk in the Street
    4) DON'T Verbally Disrespect Police Officers
    5) DON'T ASSAULT Police
    6) DON'T RUN toward an officer in a threatening manner when he's holding you at gunpoint.

    WHAT do people NOT UNDERSTAND about these basic points?
    Mike Brown is dead, unfortunately, because Mike Brown voluntarily chose to disregard the law. Mike Brown, and no one else, is ultimately responsible.

  27. Right or wrong, look into the eyes of a killer.


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