A sign that it's always amateur night in the suburbs . . . KCTV5: "A 17-year-old selling marijuana from a home in Lee's Summit was robbed and fatally shot by a buyer, according to court documents" . . . Matthew "Snoop" Parker was found dead Thursday morning in the front door of a residence at 900 block of NE Bristol Drive, which is near Scruggs Road, according to Lee's Summit police. Lee's Summit police say 17-year-old fatally shot


  1. ALL black people smoke weed. I don't care if they're 70 years old, they smoke. Like they need anything else to make them any lazier. And why are they so violent when they are all high?

    1. Man and all white people snort coke and do meth in their spare time. Like they need anything else to make them look like complete dumb asses And why do they go to the Internet and say the most ignorant things when they're high?

  2. Have you seen what they dip their weed in? It is no wonder they are violent after smoking.

  3. Reefer Madness10/31/14, 8:53 PM

    Yeah, whites don't smoke weed at all. WHATEVER, losers.

  4. Hey, now, be fair. Don't Mexicans smoke a lot of weed? LOL!

  5. Whites and Mexicans smoke weed. But they don't kill people at the same rate as Basketball-Americans. Low impulse control x low IQ x lack of future time orientation = Typical Negro Behavior. Human Biodiversity is real.

  6. Just for your dumb ass information 8:06 seems like you are dumber than the opportunity you have to post! Doctors, lawyers, surgeons, your mayor, your prosecuting attorney, your sheriff, his deputies, your local police, your state police, your lawyer, your grocer, your trash guy, your cable guy, your IRS guy, your butler, your drive through at taco bell guy, your ATF guy, your sons your daughters, your DEA guy, everyone LOVES Drugs its what makes them a living , its what allows them to deal with the reality no one wants to face, weed is like a vaccine to dealing with life, but if the top echelon cant make money off of it, well you are a criminal, a cheat, and a demise to society. The mob got it right, they were business organized , not reckless in their greed, it made them billions...look its not about weed, or DUIs its about MONEY! The government doesnt care if you speed and kill someone while texting, they care about the money they will make while you are in prison! Americans need to wake up and educate what is really going on around them.

    1. Yes, BUT, the guy at Quick Trip has never shot me during a beer and smokes deal gone wrong.

  7. niggers are stupid.

  8. 10:29 = METH!!!

  9. NIGGERS can't do anything right, even smoke dope! What worthless vermin, these NIGGERS be...

  10. I feel sorry for the wasted time of the post he or she made at 10:29, I am more concerned that the people that posted after are the people who vote, which I am sure they don't as long as section 8 pays their rent which are you and me who don't live there! (btw those of you property owners that seek section 8 tenants are the money hungry pieces of shit that do not help this current society!!, you might make money off a guaranteed rent payment but you are the sludge of the earth! You are the ghetto mob, you are the greed that has ruined this country, I am sure when you sit down at night with your family at dinner you don't think about the roaches that crawl across the plates of your slumlord mentality while trying to make a is an idea..its called humanity, you should Google it!

  11. 8:35 you forgot to call him a asshole! whoever you are talking about.

  12. wow, Bony Tones is really snorting the icy stuff this weekend. Little to no sense made in the comments.

    mmm more word salad please

  13. 2:40 I dont live in a basement, and for sure not with my mom! I bet you are a greedy slumlord! You greedy piece of shit! when you tuck your kids in at night, you should dream of the fat ass wife you have that stinks next to you, while you are looking at child porn (or if you are from Johnson CO the Gay porn on the internet, you fuck!


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