Show-Me GOP Defending Against Mayor Sly And Kansas City Politico Gun Crackdown

Just another round-up reminding us that Mayor Sly has absolutely no GOP support on his recent PR move against guns that was quickly defeated by way of Missouri Veto Session Pushback . . . 

Huff Post: Missouri Lawmakers Pass Legislation To Allow More Guns In Schools, Towns With Open Carry Bans

Think Progress: New Missouri Gun Law Arms Schoolteachers

ABC News: Missouri Lawmakers Expand Gun Rights in Schools

Mayor Sly's Blog Laments The Republican Victory: Mayor James to continue commitment to ensuring safety of neighborhoods despite Senate Bill 656 override

Developing . . .


  1. Great picture of Governor Palin!

  2. A Well-Regulated Militia not a Armed Mob9/12/14, 5:54 AM

    Fake Governor Palin just like conservatives pass off fake interpretations of the second amendment.

  3. may need armed mobs eventually, to survive in a down spiral society of uneducated and ignorant

  4. Palins in giant Alaska drunken beat down of some cracker that be bangin Willow Palin.

    Just broke this morning homez.

  5. Fuck Mayor my gun and gonna carry it.

    Never know when a boon will need some gunpowder justice on his black ass.

  6. Just go away, Sly James. We will help you do that next election.

  7. "sly" has done nothing, absolutely nothing since he has taken office that hasnt been geared towards the failure of this city, I think he started believing the bullshit cindy, scott and the rest of them was slinging when he took office, they are like a room full of monkeys trying to fuck a football.

  8. "New Missouri Gun Law Arms Schoolteachers"

    Typical libtard slanted jeadline and story. The law that passed does not arm anyone. It simply restores a school teachers rights to be armed if he/she passes the state requirements for CCW. It costs the tax payers nothing.

    Given the number of military veterans who have entered teaching I would expect that many are more qualified to safely possess and handle a firearm than a whole bunch of police officers.

    The alternative is have another Sandy Hook and have the cops standing around trying to figure out what is going on for a half hour while children are being murdered. Libtards need to grow up and grasp that the Utopia that was once American society is long gone. Children are killing each other on the streets, they are having sex at 14, they are smoking crack, they are robbing convenience stores. If you are still waiting for the police to get their and save your life you are a fool.

  9. "Mayor James to continue commitment to ensuring safety of neighborhoods despite Senate Bill 656 override"

    Really? Exactly what is Sly's committment to ensuring safety? Is he gonna build a bullet proof trolly car? The only thing Sly is ensuring is that history will hold him out to be a bullying jackass who can't lead. Maybe he should stop blaming state law for creating a shit hole city. Perhaps he might use his influence and divert the KC Pussy Posse to working felony crime rather than watching them perform as money raisers for the city.

  10. Five old white people brutally murdered, 2 assaulted, etc. Tell me again, Sly, about your commitment to ensuring the safety of our neighborhoods. I'll take my gun rights over your "commitment" any day.

  11. sly has a right to be concerned, you never know, if his son ever finds his way back into KC he may find himself at the wrong end of the barrel of someones gun when he bitch slaps waitresses or assaults people at random, it could even happen when he holds one of his press conferences on the City Hall steps to let people know that it wasnt his dad who has kept him out of jail or should be responsible for his behavior.. what a fucking fiasco kc voted into office just for the sake of having a black man in office.
    This city deserves every fucking thing that falls over it, I hope to be out of here and not have to spend another year in this go no where shit hole of a town.

  12. Poopey Thang pretty clever Bear to come in here with a new nic and in black face.

    Bear still sucks and poopey thang too.

  13. De Tang is All Talk9/12/14, 12:28 PM

    Pootie Tang, you lying sack of shit! Where have you been and WHERE did you post the picture of Cindy Circo from "the party" that I sent you? You said if I emailed you the picture you would post it and post the link here. What happened? I did my part.

  14. Again, ensuring safe black neighbor hoods requires that no one may legally carry a firearm. (See) Blacks should not legally carry firearms because they are too impulsive and are apt to commit violent crime with them. (See) The soft bigotry of low expectations. Sly is racist. What he is saying is that he doesn't trust that black people are mature or responsible enough to legally carry firearms.

  15. Sly and other Dems are such dumb shits when it comes to gun laws. Look what strict gun laws did to Chicago. He just wants to take guns away for law abiding whitey so only thugs have guns.


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