Kansas City Media Impresario Craig Glazer Considers U.S. Intervention In The Middle East

TKC Note: This thoughtful writing from our pal Craig Glazer offers a nuanced perspective and POSSIBLE SOLUTION to the longstanding problems in the Middle-east which now confront our nation. Check it:

Has The Time Come For America To Take Over Middle East?

We are all not surprised by the continued violence against the United States and Israel. Now we have two more beheadings. Journalists, Steven Sotloff and James Foley Both had their heads chopped off on recorded on video for the world to see how much our enemies do 'not fear us.'

Our country has worked hard with allies around the world to stop the attacks, the violence, the inhuman leadership of groups like Hamas and now Isis. No matter what we do it doesn't stop. New groups with new names spring up every few years doing the same things the others did to us and our friends.

It seems to start with beheadings, then terrorist attacks, followed by US troop involvement. Then it slows down, but never ends. How do we stop them? Has the time come to just end it?

The United States has put the breaks on Israel for years now. Our number one ally in the middle east has been under constant attack from its neighbors and really for no reason other than the old hate game. It might be time to team up with Israel and in one strong effort take the region over.

I was a young man when the Arab nations decided to destroy Israel and the Jews back in the late 1960's. They called it the Six Day War. Israel turned back the Arab nations and defeated them in short order. The Israeli military was just miles from Cairo when the United States asked them to stop. We asked them to give back most of what they had taken in a week. They did.

Israel has always had a tough policy on fighting back when one of their own is murdered. Another brave act Israel completed was 'The Raid on Entebbe.' An Israeli plane was hi jacked and directed to Entebbe, Africa. Israeli commandos landed there, killed many of the hi jackers and saved most of the people who had been kidnapped. Took them home.

It seems the time has come for the United States and Israel to team up. To destroy Isis and anyone in that group. Maybe the time is now to just take over the oil fields with our Allies, divide it up and have Israel and the United States police the middle East. It would be a tough task.

We don't want our kids killed over and over again. It might be the time to give our enemies notice to evacuate the area. We are going to level it with bombs. Yes some innocent people will die over there. I'm afraid too many of them grow up to be our enemies with the brain washing they receive from birth.

We can no longer stand by and watch on video shows the murder and beheading of Americans. That used to call for us to declare war against the nation or groups responsible. If we don't do something drastic this will never end. The enemies goal is to kill all of us or as many as they can before they die. Their reason: HATE, JEALOUSY AND INSANITY. How can you reason with them?

We have tried for decades. Doesn't work. Lets try something a bit tougher. We can't let them kill our people and not pay.


  1. Craig for president?

  2. Send a gallery - mixed-up scrum of politicians, protesters, observers, journalists, observer-journalists, news tourists and assorted bystanders to "bear witness"

  3. It might be the time to give our enemies notice to evacuate the area. We are going to level it with bombs.

    Whatever General

  4. Notice they haven't been beheading any Russians? Russia would kick their ass big time immediately.

  5. Or Israelis? Just Americans.

  6. Glazer has a good point. Nothing has worked so far. lets wipe them out.

  7. Nuke Em'

    Least expensive option at this point.

  8. Maybe Glazer should open a club over there. That will clear them out.

  9. Maybe Glaze can go over their undercover. Infiltrate ISIS and rat out their positions.

  10. Your pal not "our pal".

  11. No but the time has come for this Rat Snitch fucker to shut the hell up

  12. Hey as a regular reader here, you hater have been challenged several times to name one person Glazer ever gave up. He was a cop, cops arrest people. Information given by others says he never gave up anyone. Why do you keep saying that, are you that big an asshole. I say you are.

  13. 9:01 has an excellent point. This hater or the other one repeats this shit daily. They have been asked to name someone. They can't, Glaze never was a rat. I think they were.

  14. Leave it to Glazer to TOTALLY interpret the situation INCORRECTLY!!!!

    Folks, this is what happens when you don't think for yourself, you're not widely read, and you allow yourself to be spoon-fed government propaganda by the media.

    As for your question----Has The Time Come For America To Take Over Middle East?----EXACTLY WHO do you think largely controls the Middle East now? Pull your head OUT!!!!!!

    "Journalists, Steven Sotloff and James Foley Both had their heads chopped off..." You are aware, hopefully, that the intelligence community believes those beheading videos were faked.

    "Our country has worked hard with allies around the world to stop the attacks, the violence, the inhuman leadership of groups like Hamas and now Isis." Now you're just being funny! Please research the history of Hamas, and learn it was created by Israel intelligence. Likewise, ISIS/al-Qaeda was created by our CIA.

    "Our number one ally in the middle east (Israel) has been under constant attack from its neighbors and really for no reason other than the old hate game." Again, you're being so blatantly IGNORANT, it'd be hilarious, except I don't think you're joking but you believe what you're writing! The government of ISRAEL, led by the Likud Party, is a WARMONGER!! They DO NOT want peace, they DO want to exterminate the Palestinian people and steal their land.

    I'll stop here, because your post is just non-stop chock full of FALSE information and propaganda. PLEASE READ MORE!!!!!!

  15. True that. I agree with this story. Seeing our guys get their heads cut off. Fuck lets nuke those punks. NOW.

  16. So now the Israelis are the bad guys? WTF. You are an idiot.

  17. The Truth and Nothing But The Truth9/3/14, 9:13 PM

    9:01 and 9:02 he was never no cop he was a rat snitch, lets see how many real cops you can get to come in here and say what a great cop this convict was?

    I rest my case because you can't prove one fucking bit of it only media shit related stories and we all know the media lies just as this fucking Glazer does. That judge in CA didn't buy Glazers cop story either.

  18. Joel Weinberg9/3/14, 9:18 PM

    Dumb shit, I was an agent with him for the attorney general's office. It was front page news like 50 times in the 70's and even in the 80's. Craig was a gold badge agent/cop. His book covers it. There are articles in the book on the back cover about it from the Kansas City Star. You are a sick dumb shithead. You need to stop writing on this blog. You know you are a liar. IT WAS FRONT PAGE NEWS AND THE FACTS FOR A BOOK.

  19. Joel most normal people who follow the local media and have a sixth grade education know Craig was a law enforcement officer. It is a well known fact. He did get in trouble during that period. Whoever this person is knows it too they are just trying to be a trouble maker nothing more.

  20. Glad someone is saying what many of us think. We need to eradicate those monsters in the middle east.

  21. here is what The Truth is talking about;

    U.S. District Judge William Keller said he found Craig Glazer to be "deeply enmeshed in drug traffic," rather than being the victim, as Glazer insisted. The sentencing followed Glazer's March 1 conviction on four counts of conspiracy to sell cocaine and using a telephone to facilitate a crime.

    Before delivering the sentence, Keller asked prosecutor Fred Friedman what prison term he recommended. When Friedman argued for at least five years, Keller responded, "I think you are short of the mark," and gave Glazer the seven-year term.
    Glazer had asked the judge for leniency, saying, "I am a good person, and I have good qualities to offer society. ( Man have we heard that bullshit line over the years)

    Glazer's self-styled vigilante career began in the early 1970s, he said, when he and a friend targeted drug dealers they believed had stolen from their friends. They robbed the drug dealers of contraband and money, usually masquerading as law enforcement officers.

    Besides the prison term, Keller also sentenced Glazer to five years' probation and suspended an additional 12-year prison term.

    Sure Glazer is a choir boy, just your everyday rat is all.

  22. From what I know of Glazer he was and is a tough egg. Never a snitch. Didn't need to be. I think most people crack when busted. He didn't. Stood trial a couple times, if you do that, you aren't cooperating. A fact. Having been around the court system, I 'd say 95 per cent do cooperate, Glazer was not one of them.

  23. Craig, two words for u: Afghanistan and Iraq. We've spent a decade and $6 trillion (source: Harvard) and we've been totally overwhelmed - nowhere close to objectives. If your response is nuc em you're an extremist nutjob no better than ISIS. This fucking warmongering is the problem, not the solution. This proposal of yours would have close to zero odds of success.

  24. Joel you are a fake as well who flaps his lips and proves nothing. Fake pictures sure I am impressed not. The courts in CA exposes the real truth.

    Funny you Google Joel Weinberg and don't see secert agent showing up any where. Just another rat backing a rat.

  25. Extremist nutjob.....hahahahaha thats the best term I have seen for Glazer yet

  26. 9:20 most normal people know Craig for just what he is.
    A Convict
    A Drug Dealer
    A Psychopathic Liar

  27. Glazer chiming in on the Middle East,
    bwuhuhuhaha thats like shit chiming in on toilet paper

  28. Knows way around courts as well9/3/14, 9:53 PM

    Suspended an additional 12-year prison term. That means Canary Craig gave up names and places for a better deal.

  29. America needs to build a memorial to the victims of the Palestinian Holocaust.

    A "Museum of Tolerance, perhaps, showing the horrors of the atrocities by the israelis against the Palestinian and Arabs.

    Never again.

  30. This middle east mess will go on forever. I see no end in sight. Maybe we shouldn't let our people go over there.

  31. I checked out Joel. He was involved with Glazer when Glazer was an agent. It was front page news. He was the music student working with the AG's office and Glazer on a case. The one that brought Craig down. I know cause I was in the media back then and covered the story with others. Yes Glazer was an agent. It is on his books back cover article from a front page story on him. In his last case he was never asked to give up anyone according to press. We talk to the government. They thought he was deeply involved in a drug ring, busted dealers named him. To get their sentences lightened up. They failed lie box tests and latter admitted to lying after Glazer was already indicted wrongly.

    So they more or less let him go with a probation. That was also well publicized back in the early 2000's.

  32. yeah, yeah, yeah, same haters same b.s. who cares.

  33. Support Israel. With whatever they need. IDF and Mossad could teach the US military quite a few things.

  34. Who reads this blather? It should be called " I can has wrote, By Dr CG"

  35. 10:27 you're a day late and half a brain short if you was the media then you would have no issue saying who you was but another liar trying to back a lair.
    And for what ever reason you skipped plump over the shit 20 years before so go away. Many of us know in KC what was going down and went down

  36. My neighbor who is DEA tells a whole other story. So you losers who think you know are wrong. The short of it all was Glazer was a rat snitch for Crazy Vern and thats that. Glazer went to jail for what he did and thats fact. But once Glazer was busted all his so call friends was gone. You all notice how well Crazy Vern stood by him. Vern used Glazer like a cheap whore then threw him to the streets so no glory in that. Moral of the story here is who went to jail and who didn't? Glazer did and nobody else.If any KC Cop today on a police force in the area was to do what Craig did you all be screaming "Rope Tree" and that my friends is the facts.

  37. Who is this Craig guy? I like the cut of his jib!

  38. HE was a snitch that they gave a badge to so he could talk his way out of jams. Snitch asshole, nobody gives a fuck what you have to say about Israel. So back to your shithole 3rd rate club that doesnt pay people

  39. Rut Ro, sounds like the Glazer is not paying the bills again. Where have we heard that story before.

  40. Craig's never heard of The Carter Doctorine though he voted for the guy.

  41. This guy is as clueless about affairs in the Middle east as he is with most things in Kansas City. Sure blow it up will solve it all man what a dipshit. Tell you what Glazer next time you have thoughts like this just slap yourself in the head with a baseball bat. Myself while this world isn't perfect I don't want to think of living in it if your idea is followed.

  42. You are a bunch of ignorant dumb fucks!

  43. Craig should sign up and go fight in the Middle East!

    Lead the way, Craig!

  44. Craig should sign up and go fight in the Middle East!

    Lead the way, Craig!

  45. Tony I am beginning to wonder on these hater comments on Glazer. Is that YOU? I know you know the constant attacks are b.s. but they are nearly the same words over and over. Maybe you do it to be funny. Hey I always like hate mail. Lets start blaming Glazer for 911 or something more.

  46. Yeah Tony its kinda like when Glazer is on with Johnny Dare. We love the combat. Without it being on for years and years can get old. Those two rock it out with arguing and it seems real. This hate work here is kinda like that. Keeps up our interest I guess.

  47. He has Glazer on here cause he gets attention. The stories are usually good or interesting. I see most of the regular writers on this site and others have haters. It's the nature of the beast.

  48. Glazer Of Arabia

    Go get em tiger

  49. We need to send a loud answer back to these bastards. Beheading Americans. Can't happen.


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