Check this curious quote captures by KCUR by Kansas City's Mayor Sly James who also sits on the Police Board.

Take a peek:

@MayorSlyJames: A lot of officers don't believe community networking is real policing. Real policing (to them) is putting cuffs on people.

Mayor Sly said a lot of curious things during this interview but this has to be the most oddball comment attributed to The Mayor so far . . . It couldn't possibly be an attempt to beef up his nearly non-existent street cred in the community . . . Maybe he's just been watching too much MSNBC in recent days. That Rachel Maddow guy can be very persuasive. More in a bit . . .


  1. He's the Chocodile mayor.

  2. He's just putting down the game for his out of control kid.


  3. He has a lot of nerve.

    A ignorant comment from an affirmative action benefactor.

    Time for a competent Mayor

  4. Wow, if the police ever needed the support of their mayor, now is the time. Once again, he let them down. Sad, truly sad.

    1. Where in the interview does he say he doesn't support the police?

    2. You're right. There is a lot if missing context to this statement.


  5. It is a sad commentary from a city leader.

    He is showing his true colors.

    1. Actually, he was very supportive of the KCPD. This quote is taken out of context.

  6. Now let's list off all the officers Mayor Sly Forte, kinda sorta. So, he speaks with authority about this issue, yet he knows nobody who is out there doing any form of "policing." Hopefully this will convince those PD members who support city control.

  7. We really aren't surprised by this are we? Just disappointed in the lack of integrity he displays on a daily basis.

    It is a sad commentary from a city leader.

    He's showing his true colors.

    We know a person by the fruits of their deeds.

    Thank you Mayor James for showing us who you are.

  8. From Yahoo: Porch lights — many of them illuminating blue — are being left on in St. Louis and across the country in a show of support for the Missouri police officer who shot and killed an unarmed young man.

    Great idea for a peaceful way to show support for Officer Wilson. I’ll be buying my blue bulb today.

  9. Sly James is a sociopath that needs to be voted out of office. Any freshman psychology student can make this diagnosis based on Sly James' behavior in office.

  10. AhhhhhHahahahahahahah!!!!8/25/14, 2:19 PM

    You mean... a thug stealing fat ass nigger who strong armed a shop keeper fo sum free smokes and tried to take a cops gun???? That unarmed young man, a nigger who should have known better????? He ain't meeting Jesus Christ today....he's gonna be sucking Satans asshole for eternity jus lik he otha thug brothas!!!

  11. How not to get your ass kicked by the police

    Obey The Law
    Use Common Sense
    Stop Immediately
    Turn That Shit Off
    Be Polite
    Shut The Fuck Up
    Get A White Friend
    Don't Ride With A Mad Woman

  12. So Sly wanted to straighten out the school district and didn't get shit done. Then he wanted to bully through a trolly and the tax payers bitch slapped him. Now he wants to act like he is going to fix the police department? Oh yeah like he is ever gonna see local control of the PD under anyone other than Forte.

  13. Ok I'll play. Who out there that's really worth a shit is there to run for mayor. We need another lawyer for mayor like we need a second asshole. One's more than enough

  14. Well what about Mark Smith?

  15. I just hope his honor's one term as mayor hasn't ruined him for lawyering after next year. He was a good lawyer. But after the shellacking coming next time, it may take awhile for him to get his crown back on straight.

    Someone should tell him to watch out for the train. That light he finally thinks he sees is not the end of the tunnel.

    Please do not run again Sly.

  16. Sly has a job a lobbyist after this stint.

  17. Tony, if you're going to vaguely report on something, try actually listening to the interview.

  18. Time for this ass clown to go back to the private sector...

  19. i support the mayor. no mayor is perfect, but mayor james is genuine.

  20. I will say it again and maybe you people will understand for once.

    You people don't understand that Brother Sly is the house nigger for the white power establishment in Kansas City. They took a page from the national Democrat Party playbook. You get a well-educated, articulate and clean (to use Joe Biden’s description of Obama in 2007) and you have a bullet proof, Teflon coated front man and if anyone objects, you call them a racist. Sly is a good house nigger and when you have a good nigger, you really got something.

    Brother Sly is coming up on a tough re-election and he is not too popular in the hood so now, he is using Ferguson to get some street cred.

    I am surprised he hasn't invited Al Sharpton up to eat some barbeque and see a Royals Game.

  21. Yep he is the quintessential embodiment of President of Planet of the Apes.


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